Levin: ‘We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants, We Are a Nation of Citizens’

this was a post from someone on another site that posted this article on Levin:

I got the following email yesterday, transcript of a Mark Levin show...scary stuff!

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up. You can listen to the show here. Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:
Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration - Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine - Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”. In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark. I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call. And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC - err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’. And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’, the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’. Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China.
[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’. There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them. One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’. And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s - he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking almost - though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING. Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes. Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’. And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing. And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is. Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible. I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three calls, and Mark also - they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows. I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.
Like I said this is no Republic. I don’t know what the hell this is. Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland. He is the guy who…

ML: I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information. They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

A Lot more of it at the site posted above


It says right here that the task force was created in 2006 by George W Bush.

Fact Sheet: Task Force on New Americans
Created in June 2006 by President George W. Bush, the Task Force on New Americans is an interagency initiative to help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and fully become American.

Fact Sheet Task Force on New Americans USCIS

You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.

claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?
this was a post from someone on another site that posted this article on Levin:

I got the following email yesterday, transcript of a Mark Levin show...scary stuff!

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up. You can listen to the show here. Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:
Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration - Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine - Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”. In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark. I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call. And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC - err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’. And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’, the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’. Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China.
[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’. There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them. One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’. And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s - he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking almost - though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING. Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes. Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’. And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing. And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is. Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible. I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three calls, and Mark also - they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows. I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.
Like I said this is no Republic. I don’t know what the hell this is. Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland. He is the guy who…

ML: I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information. They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

A Lot more of it at the site posted above


It says right here that the task force was created in 2006 by George W Bush.

Fact Sheet: Task Force on New Americans
Created in June 2006 by President George W. Bush, the Task Force on New Americans is an interagency initiative to help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and fully become American.

Fact Sheet Task Force on New Americans USCIS

You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.


He could pronounce his name they way he wants. At least he's not a sell-out to leftist, Anti- Israel, Jew haters like yourself. Many people pronounce my last name in English with one syllable, although two syllables is they way i like it... Like the Hebrew:thup:
this was a post from someone on another site that posted this article on Levin:

I got the following email yesterday, transcript of a Mark Levin show...scary stuff!

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up. You can listen to the show here. Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:
Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration - Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine - Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”. In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark. I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call. And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC - err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’. And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’, the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’. Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China.
[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’. There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them. One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’. And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s - he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking almost - though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING. Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes. Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’. And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing. And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is. Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible. I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three calls, and Mark also - they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows. I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.
Like I said this is no Republic. I don’t know what the hell this is. Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland. He is the guy who…

ML: I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information. They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

A Lot more of it at the site posted above


It says right here that the task force was created in 2006 by George W Bush.

Fact Sheet: Task Force on New Americans
Created in June 2006 by President George W. Bush, the Task Force on New Americans is an interagency initiative to help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and fully become American.

Fact Sheet Task Force on New Americans USCIS

You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.

claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
The reason we have illegal immigrants; Republican employers that like cheap labor. Jail time for the employer and seizure of the business that employees illegals would be a great start.
The reason we have illegal immigrants; Republican employers that like cheap labor. Jail time for the employer and seizure of the business that employees illegals would be a great start.
Yep the establish loves the Cheap labor Dems like the voters:thup:
"We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

Wow. Mark Levin must carry around so much pain in his butt. It must be blue and purple all over. That statement can only appeal to the dumbest, most ignorant nutjobs in the GOP. But then again, I guess that makes it perfect for CPAC.
Coming from a clown. How about you watch the video then comment:thup:
I've listened to Levin a million times. He says the exact same thing every night. "The statists are doing x, so and so is a socialist, everyone's a Rino, the LSM is whine whine whine," and of course "there I said it!!!" I don't need to watch him with the only difference being a crowd of live rubes in front of him.
this was a post from someone on another site that posted this article on Levin:

I got the following email yesterday, transcript of a Mark Levin show...scary stuff!

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up. You can listen to the show here. Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:
Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration - Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine - Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”. In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark. I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call. And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC - err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’. And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’, the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’. Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China.
[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’. There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them. One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’. And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s - he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking almost - though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING. Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes. Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’. And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing. And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is. Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible. I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three calls, and Mark also - they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows. I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.
Like I said this is no Republic. I don’t know what the hell this is. Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland. He is the guy who…

ML: I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information. They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

A Lot more of it at the site posted above


It says right here that the task force was created in 2006 by George W Bush.

Fact Sheet: Task Force on New Americans
Created in June 2006 by President George W. Bush, the Task Force on New Americans is an interagency initiative to help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and fully become American.

Fact Sheet Task Force on New Americans USCIS

You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.

claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
At least his loyalty is with America first.

It says right here that the task force was created in 2006 by George W Bush.

Fact Sheet: Task Force on New Americans
Created in June 2006 by President George W. Bush, the Task Force on New Americans is an interagency initiative to help immigrants learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture, and fully become American.

Fact Sheet Task Force on New Americans USCIS

You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.

claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
At least his loyalty is with America first.

He's a fraud and you're an idiot. Two peas in a pod
this was a post from someone on another site that posted this article on Levin:

I got the following email yesterday, transcript of a Mark Levin show...scary stuff!

Here is the transcript of her call to the Mark Levin show which I typed up. You can listen to the show here. Click on Thursday 2-26-15.

Begin Transcript:
Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration - Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine - Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”. In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark. I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call. And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC - err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’. And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’, the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’. Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China.
[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows. They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’. There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them. One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’. And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s - he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking almost - though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING. Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes. Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’. And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need. And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing. And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is. Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible. I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three calls, and Mark also - they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows. I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.
Like I said this is no Republic. I don’t know what the hell this is. Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland. He is the guy who…

ML: I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information. They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

A Lot more of it at the site posted above
I have a friend who worked all of his life hard, but when he got disabled by an accident on the job, him and his wife have caught it like nobodies business down the road about getting any kind of help on the many programs out there, but it's all about heath care mainly with them. They both had medicaid for a while (around a year), but the state cancelled them until a later date. Meanwhile his wife had a heart attack, and she couldn't even finish her recovery therapy because they cut her off until they can set up some kind of financial security for the bills they will incur. He needed post opt inspection surgery on his back/neck, but he was cut off also. They are in contact with the senator of the state, but the process has been grueling and slow. Meanwhile they are stuck while watching TV on all the touting of what the illegals are entitled to, and how they are going to possibly get a refund, and also how they are going to get amnesty, drivers licenses, welfare and food stamps, free schooling, free Obama phones probably, but they (my friend and his wife) can't hardly get anything as former American hard working citizens, who just ended up in the unfortunate situations that they have ended up in, as well as all at the wrong time in life.
You know steffie is allergic to fact-based reality.

And mark levin (whose name should really be pronounced with the emphasis on the 1st syllable probably come from eastern European grandparents.

claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
At least his loyalty is with America first.

He's a fraud and you're an idiot. Two peas in a pod

he is a fraud. as for me being an idiot... you wish. but then again, braindead neocon wackjobs don't really have a sense of reality. now go back to you basement.
claws in little kitty. you have nothing to offer anymore.

how sad

A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
At least his loyalty is with America first.

He's a fraud and you're an idiot. Two peas in a pod

he is a fraud. as for me being an idiot... you wish. but then again, braindead neocon wackjobs don't really have a sense of reality. now go back to you basement.

that post wasn't addressing you sweetie unless you're Guno or oldschool? :dunno:
A trailer dweller on the government dole whining about immigrants?

A hate American first, racist, bigoted, atheist, leftist, pretending to be a Jew to make Jews look bad:cuckoo:
At least his loyalty is with America first.

He's a fraud and you're an idiot. Two peas in a pod

he is a fraud. as for me being an idiot... you wish. but then again, braindead neocon wackjobs don't really have a sense of reality. now go back to you basement.

that post wasn't addressing you sweetie unless you're Guno or oldschool? :dunno:

lol. gotta watch jilly. she's become MORE of a bully for some reason
All of it and a Video at the site:

by Pam Key28 Feb 2015302

Saturday at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, nationally syndicated conservative talk show host Mark Levin gave an rousing speech hitting on the topics of Obama’s executive overreach, immigration and the threat of ISIS.

Levin opened by quoting the early American patriot, Thomas Paine saying, “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

Speaking directly to the president, Levin said, “Let me say this to you Mr Obama, you may have a pen and you may have a phone, no doubt an Obama phone, but we have the constitution of the United States. And we, not you, we own that constitution, we own this country, and you Mr Obama do not have any legitimate authority to fundamentally transform what does not belong to you.”

On immigration, he added, “We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens. A nation immigrants who have become citizens. We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

ALL of it here:
Levin We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants We Are a Nation of Citizens - Breitbart

"We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth."

So, Native Nations are what 3rd class?
All of it and a Video at the site:

by Pam Key28 Feb 2015302

Saturday at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, nationally syndicated conservative talk show host Mark Levin gave an rousing speech hitting on the topics of Obama’s executive overreach, immigration and the threat of ISIS.

Levin opened by quoting the early American patriot, Thomas Paine saying, “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

Speaking directly to the president, Levin said, “Let me say this to you Mr Obama, you may have a pen and you may have a phone, no doubt an Obama phone, but we have the constitution of the United States. And we, not you, we own that constitution, we own this country, and you Mr Obama do not have any legitimate authority to fundamentally transform what does not belong to you.”

On immigration, he added, “We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens. A nation immigrants who have become citizens. We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

ALL of it here:
Levin We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants We Are a Nation of Citizens - Breitbart

"We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth."

So, Native Nations are what 3rd class?

I'm sorry if you didn't get what he meant.
“We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens. A nation immigrants who have become citizens.We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Some experts say that whining tends to peak in a child's development when she's feeling out of control and overwhelmed—emotions that pretty much sum up toddlerhood. She lacks the vocabulary to articulate her frustrations, and that whimpering is the natural default noise.

No More Whining Parenting

Now the good news is we will not be deported! Well, unless you are a felon. Are you a felon, Stephanie?


Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 220 Million Undocumented Whites - The Daily Currant

The only documentation whites on this continent need is the obvious and undeniable fact of victory and superiority over those who happen to be immigrants of somewhat earlier times.

The sooner it is realized that there is no such thing as a "Native American" as it is defined in our sad and politically correct dictionary today, the better off we all will be.

Conquest has always been a fact of life. Some people are better than other people. Another fact of life. Those who are better conquer those who are not. Another fact in life. Those who have been conquered and have brains make the best of it. Like the Germans. Like the Japanese. Another fact of life.

Those with nothing, whine and cry and bitch and moan and rely on affirmative action and government largesse and no matter how much unearned crap they syphon off the producing citizens, it is never enough.
“We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens. A nation immigrants who have become citizens.We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Some experts say that whining tends to peak in a child's development when she's feeling out of control and overwhelmed—emotions that pretty much sum up toddlerhood. She lacks the vocabulary to articulate her frustrations, and that whimpering is the natural default noise.

No More Whining Parenting

Now the good news is we will not be deported! Well, unless you are a felon. Are you a felon, Stephanie?


Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 220 Million Undocumented Whites - The Daily Currant

Which part of Manifest Destiny does he not understand?
“We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens. A nation immigrants who have become citizens.We are a nation of citizens and I’m sick and tired of the American citizen being demeaned and treated as a second class citizens while anyone who crosses the border is treated as the most virtuous human being on the face of the earth.”

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Some experts say that whining tends to peak in a child's development when she's feeling out of control and overwhelmed—emotions that pretty much sum up toddlerhood. She lacks the vocabulary to articulate her frustrations, and that whimpering is the natural default noise.

No More Whining Parenting

Now the good news is we will not be deported! Well, unless you are a felon. Are you a felon, Stephanie?


Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 220 Million Undocumented Whites - The Daily Currant

Which part of Manifest Destiny does he not understand?

Which part of history you living in, the past or now ? You see history yes has a way of repeating itself, but it is also being made a new everyday. Now people are looking at what this new and current history means to them, and how it effects them as it is being made. Now which side of history one decides to end up on, is determined by the actions one takes now in order to create the history that will become tomorrow for them along with their family or depending on the size of the group, for the nation on whole. This going back and playing with the past is something that wordy word people love to do, but it has no effect on today's direction or outcomes of the future for most people, because they live in the now, and not in the past.
Mark Levin is the greatest voice for Liberty and Freedom in the World.

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