Lew Rockwell: Russia Invaded to Save Civilians in Donbas Getting Shelled Since Feb. 17

In a sane nation Biden calling someone a war criminal, would result in all laughing at him.

More proof we live in a failed state.


Refreshing historical perspective.

"In 2014 and 2015, when a civil war had pitted Kiev against Donestk and Lugansk, the material and human damage was only a matter of Ukraine’s internal affairs. However, in the course of time, almost the entire Ukrainian population of Donbass considered emigrating and acquired dual Russian citizenship. Therefore, Kiev’s attack on the population of Donbass on February 17 was an attack on Ukrainian-Russian citizens. Moscow came to their rescue, in an emergency, from February 24.

The chronology is indisputable. It was not Moscow that wanted this war, but Kiev, despite the predictable price it would have to pay. President Zelensky deliberately put his people in danger and bears sole responsibility for what they are enduring today....

The propagandists in London and their almost 150 communication agencies around the world assure us that, pushed back by the glorious Ukrainian Resistance, the defeated Russian army has given up its initial goal of taking Kiev. However, never, absolutely never, did President Putin say that Russia would take Kiev, overthrow the elected President Zelensky and occupy his country. On the contrary, he has always said that his war aims were to denazify Ukraine and eliminate foreign (NATO) weapons stockpiles. This is exactly what he is doing."

Of course their captured battle plans retrieved from dead and surrendered Generals shows otherwise.

There are no facts supporting your claims, they show the opposite to be true.
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I like the Mises Institute and the Austrian Economics school of thought. I’ve read some of Rothbard and have been duly impressed. So I get it when people feel inclined to support Lew Rockwell. Nonetheless, I don’t — or at least I haven’t. I had a recollection of something’s about him that I didn’t care for. But I frankly just went back to see if I could remember the specifics.

Part of it was that he supposedly had a role in writing some pretty lousy newsletters for Ron Paul, which included racist crap and anti-Semitic screeds. In fairness, Rockwell has denied being the author.

So, I guess I should back-pedal a bit on my comments about Lew Rockwell. If he’s the author, he’s an asshole. If not, maybe I should give him some more consideration. I’m not a libertarian. But in many ways, in general, I view libertarian political theory in a good light.
I like the Mises Institute and the Austrian Economics school of thought. I’ve read some of Rothbard and have been duly impressed. So I get it when people feel inclined to support Lew Rockwell. Nonetheless, I don’t — or at least I haven’t. I had a recollection of something’s about him that I didn’t care for. But I frankly just went back to see if I could remember the specifics.

Part of it was that he supposedly had a role in writing some pretty lousy newsletters for Ron Paul, which included racist crap and anti-Semitic screeds. In fairness, Rockwell has denied being the author.

So, I guess I should back-pedal a bit on my comments about Lew Rockwell. If he’s the author, he’s an asshole. If not, maybe I should give him some more consideration. I’m not a libertarian. But in many ways, in general, I view libertarian political theory in a good light.
Your remembrances are accurate. He's a Jew hating conspiracy nut and racist.
Refreshing historical perspective.

"In 2014 and 2015, when a civil war had pitted Kiev against Donestk and Lugansk, the material and human damage was only a matter of Ukraine’s internal affairs. However, in the course of time, almost the entire Ukrainian population of Donbass considered emigrating and acquired dual Russian citizenship. Therefore, Kiev’s attack on the population of Donbass on February 17 was an attack on Ukrainian-Russian citizens. Moscow came to their rescue, in an emergency, from February 24.

The chronology is indisputable. It was not Moscow that wanted this war, but Kiev, despite the predictable price it would have to pay. President Zelensky deliberately put his people in danger and bears sole responsibility for what they are enduring today....

The propagandists in London and their almost 150 communication agencies around the world assure us that, pushed back by the glorious Ukrainian Resistance, the defeated Russian army has given up its initial goal of taking Kiev. However, never, absolutely never, did President Putin say that Russia would take Kiev, overthrow the elected President Zelensky and occupy his country. On the contrary, he has always said that his war aims were to denazify Ukraine and eliminate foreign (NATO) weapons stockpiles. This is exactly what he is doing."

You did know that the resources under the Donbas is what the POSOTUS and his POS son want, right? It's certain that at least one of these c.u.n.t.s. is a catholic-CIA puppet, the latter agency linking To Maidan 2014.
Rothbard's Conceived in Liberty shows that it was communism practed on the Mayflower. Ironically, the current Ukraine war is a gas war and the current Kharkiv line connects to the Yuzivka gas field under the Donbas. Russian forces will meet Ukrainian neo-nazis over the gas field that America wants.
Uh huh. Lee Rockwell. So, no credible sources. You Putin salad tossers are somewhere a few miles below the bottom of the barrel.

Lou is a very credible source and that is right. Look at it this way, Russia wants to be just like America was.
Biden the ass hole put weapons and missiles on Putin’s borders Putin didn’t want that bs on his borders he told them get the bs off. They didn’t listen. .

Also Putin does not want the NWO neither did the US and look who they are trying to take down both European nations etc.

As I mention dozens of times research the WEF build back better and the great reset it will make more sense then this is what engineers the collapse of society.
War criminal Putin is not half the tactician the propaganda makes him out to be. He tried to own the whole place and that didn't work so now he's after the consolation prize. Nothing more complicated than that.

He was never after all Ukraine.
Russia invaded and took Crimea. They've been aiding an insurgency in Ukraine's east since then. Russia also had staged 100+ thousand troops months before this current invasion. His story has lots of holes.
Someone tell nutbag Lew that far from saving civilians...the invasion is killing tens of thousands...including children
Yeah because we all know Oswald killed JFK.

How many times does it have to be proven that it happened just as detailed out by the FBI and State Police to satisfy you?

Even someone marginally competent with a rifle could have easily made each of those shots with the same rifle.

Yep. Agreed.

It is predictable, however, that war party propagandists and trustees in a welfare-warfare state would attack Lew personally rather than debate the actual terms of controversy.

Funny how that happens so often around here, isn't it? Just another day in the neighborhood...
Use credible sources if you don't want them shredded.
Lou is a very credible source and that is right. Look at it this way, Russia wants to be just like America was.
Biden the ass hole put weapons and missiles on Putin’s borders Putin didn’t want that bs on his borders he told them get the bs off. They didn’t listen. .

Also Putin does not want the NWO neither did the US and look who they are trying to take down both European nations etc.

As I mention dozens of times research the WEF build back better and the great reset it will make more sense then this is what engineers the collapse of society.
There were no weapons put into Ukraine that threatened Russia. Please. Give it a rest.
Lou is a very credible source and that is right. Look at it this way, Russia wants to be just like America was.
Biden the ass hole put weapons and missiles on Putin’s borders Putin didn’t want that bs on his borders he told them get the bs off. They didn’t listen. .

Also Putin does not want the NWO neither did the US and look who they are trying to take down both European nations etc.

As I mention dozens of times research the WEF build back better and the great reset it will make more sense then this is what engineers the collapse of society.
Biden the ass hole put weapons and missiles on Putin’s borders
What missiles would those be exactly and where are they deployed?

Are you of the impression that Russia doesn't have missiles up and down all of it's borders?

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