LGBT allies face backlash not just from conservatives


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Is this liberal finally realizing how hateful liberals are? He's advocating for these people, and still they dismiss him, call him privileged, and just show off how hateful and intolerant they are.

How This Straight Cisgender Man Deals With Aggression Against His LGBT Advocacy

One of the prog comments:

Alex Hoag · Top Commenter · Reference Assistant at Dewey Graduate Library
Aww, poor baby. Life is tough, isn't it? If you think that backlash is bad, try actually living life without straight, white, cis male privilege. THEN you can complain about things. Even allies have places where they don't belong in the movement. Maybe he's been facing hostility because he's tried to force his way into them? Regardless of how he's been an ally the ultimate point is that being an ally isn't easy. Being an ally shouldn't be easy. Because being queer isn't easy. So yeah, allies are going to catch a hard time, because they're privileged, and trying to find a place in a community that has been oppressed by people with the same privilege. Let me make this VERY clear. If a few hostile queers make you reconsider being an ally to the community, if a little hardship on any level makes you rethink being an ally, then you never were an ally and you should leave. We don't want you and we don't need you, if you aren't willing to stick with it when things get tough.
OK, you got me.

WTF is "cisgender".

I clicked on the article, like a fuckin' idiot, and now I am getting ads asking if I want to "meat" local men.
OK, you got me.

WTF is "cisgender".

I clicked on the article, like a fuckin' idiot, and now I am getting ads asking if I want to "meat" local men.
My sentiments exactly! :lmao: This cult just invents shit out of thin air to try to keep up with their own snowballing flawed logic and blindness to their mental illnesses gone wild.

I just looked it up on Wiki and it says ...god...I can't even write I'm laughing so hard... "someone who feels like the gender they were assigned at birth".

Assigned at birth???? How about "born as". You know, as in REALITY. I guess I was assigned a human body at birth but I've really felt more like a bird. I should sue my parents for taking those cardboard wings off my arms when I was trying to jump off the roof as a little kid. Those haters!

Jesus..."Cisgender". We are all cisgender. Some of us have been "tampered with" or "indulged with delusions".
"Cisgender" is liberal for "not transgender" since saying "normal" is offensive to liberals.
"Cisgender" is liberal for "not transgender" since saying "normal" is offensive to liberals.
Thank you guys for the information.

If I ever get any queer friends, I'll direct them to the ads clicking on the link caused to pop up on my screen.

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