LGBT Pride Flag Raised After Orlando Shooting Unbearable For Christian Employee

People in Noel, Mo are not happy with the Christians which preach with their cross(7 foot tall) at the local night club on the river...Telling people what sinners they are and how they is gonna die in the lake of sulfur...

Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

Recent poll results indicate that Americans are only exposed 48 times a day to the Christian message that God loves them, but if they don’t love Him back, He is going to burn them in Hell forever. "48 times a day is not nearly enough exposure," Christian Conversion Specialist, Judy O'Christian argues. "We need to hit these libruls with the message of Jesus' Love, and tell them He'll send them to hell if they don't convert, at least once every ten minutes! If you don't do it constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, they'll start believing silly stories about "science," and so-called, "logic." God wants us to convict these sinners 24/7!"
People in Noel, Mo are not happy with the Christians which preach with their cross(7 foot tall) at the local night club on the river...Telling people what sinners they are and how they is gonna die in the lake of sulfur...

Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

Recent poll results indicate that Americans are only exposed 48 times a day to the Christian message that God loves them, but if they don’t love Him back, He is going to burn them in Hell forever. "48 times a day is not nearly enough exposure," Christian Conversion Specialist, Judy O'Christian argues. "We need to hit these libruls with the message of Jesus' Love, and tell them He'll send them to hell if they don't convert, at least once every ten minutes! If you don't do it constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, they'll start believing silly stories about "science," and so-called, "logic." God wants us to convict these sinners 24/7!"
You'd love OKC, there are street preachers doing the same at stop lights...
Hardly.....what's "fracturing" the nation is the inability of a certain set of the population to accept a non-caucasian POTUS....
Stupid assumption. Without Caucasian vote he would have never been in the WH. Trolling there, aren't you?
The gay flag is the tribal banner. It's insulting to those not of that tribe.

Have you thought this out at all?
It's part of the fracturing of the nation.

Hardly.....what's "fracturing" the nation is the inability of a certain set of the population to accept a non-caucasian POTUS....
the best part about your vile hatred for christians is that jesus still loves you anyways.
The gay flag is the tribal banner. It's insulting to those not of that tribe.

Have you thought this out at all?
It's part of the fracturing of the nation.

Hardly.....what's "fracturing" the nation is the inability of a certain set of the population to accept a non-caucasian POTUS....
the best part about your vile hatred for christians is that jesus still loves you anyways.
Sounds ghey, no wonder he never had a wife as a Rabbi..
I doubt Jesus would have a problem with it..

Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

Jesus didn't tolerate sin.
I doubt Jesus would have a problem with it..

Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

Jesus didn't tolerate sin.
He must have, he never killed anyone over it..

Is your claim that when people don't tolerate something they kill over it?
Not all, but history has shown that is is true..
Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

Jesus didn't tolerate sin.
He must have, he never killed anyone over it..

Is your claim that when people don't tolerate something they kill over it?
Not all, but history has shown that is is true..

Then your claim is false.
I doubt Jesus would have a problem with it..

Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...
God's creations ? Did he create the gay's and/or their lifestyle ? I thought he created humans, and then he gave us law's, morals and ethics to live by. Now is it fair to say that God's Creation's included a rebellious lifestyle choice that rebukes him, and therefore contradicts what God had said in his words after his creative works were completed ? Now you are suggesting that he in the context of creating the gay's in your mind, did this along with the rest of his creative activities in which he had embarked upon in the beginning (or) is it that he has been given that account by men like you within the instances of time, in which by your thinking has a way of distorting everything because of your rebellion against the father for whom had created also the governance in which we were all given by him to live by through out time ?

God will bring about the truth again, but until that time we are to be patient therefore as a farmer waits for the latter rains to come and to rain upon his fields, we are to be that patient for his second coming. Peace, love and brotherhood is the order of the day, and to be helpful to those who suffer is to be the norm, and not to accept that which is anti-God to become the norm in our lives. Violence is not the answer, but to seperate from evil through non-violence is always the best solution. That is why the nation has a constitution, and a governing based process that creates order and solutional based thinking when it finds that some things are found to be stressful or even hostile to the society at large.
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Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

Jesus didn't tolerate sin.
He must have, he never killed anyone over it..

Is your claim that when people don't tolerate something they kill over it?
Not all, but history has shown that is is true..

Then your claim is false.
Good for you, and no sincerity for those that lost their lives over a belief..
Jesus didn't tolerate sin.
He must have, he never killed anyone over it..

Is your claim that when people don't tolerate something they kill over it?
Not all, but history has shown that is is true..

Then your claim is false.
Good for you, and no sincerity for those that lost their lives over a belief..

Don't really care about the LGBT cause. Don't support freaks and queers.
I doubt Jesus would have a problem with it..

Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...
God's creations ? Did he create the gay's or their lifestyle ? I thought he created humans, and then he gave us law's, morals and ethics to live by. Now is it fair to say that God's Creation's included a rebellious lifestyle choice that rebukes him, and therefore contradicts what God had said in his words after his creative works were completed ? Now you are suggesting that he in the context of creating the gay's in your mind, did this along with the rest of his creative activities in which he had embarked upon in the beginning (or) is it that he has been given that account by men like you within the instances of time, in which by your thinking has a way of distorting everything because of your rebellion against the father for whom had created also the governance in which we were all given by him to live by through out time ?

God will bring about the truth again, but until that time we are to be patient therefore as a farmer waits for the latter rains to come and to rain upon his fields, we are to be that patient for his second coming. Peace, love and brotherhood is the order of the day, and to be helpful to those who suffer is to be the norm, and not to accept that which is anti-God to become the norm in our lives. Violence is not the answer, but to seperate from evil through non-violence is always the best solution. That is why the nation has a constitution, and a governing based process that creates order and solutional based thinking when it finds that some things are found to be stressful or even hostile to the society at large.
Depends on your beliefs. The old timers I was around growing up claimed it was God's will in all events..
I doubt Jesus would have a problem with it..
Was a Christian cross flag flown with the American flag at half mast after the shootings by that gay male of 9 Christians at the Church in North Carolina last year? No? Why not? Would it have offended some non-Christians?
People in Noel, Mo are not happy with the Christians which preach with their cross(7 foot tall) at the local night club on the river...Telling people what sinners they are and how they is gonna die in the lake of sulfur...
. Well as long as they aren't trying to put them into the lake of fire or sulfer themselves, and they aren't violating anyone's privacy, personal space and etc. then it's all good. Now let's see if the other can stay out of the Christians face, personal space and/or business.

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