LGBT Pride Flag Raised After Orlando Shooting Unbearable For Christian Employee

BTW, what's QueefCon3 - Downward Facing Dog?

Don't let Vagisil catch you doing that.....
Ah the parade of hypocrites, suddenly one is the small number it always has been except when they dont want it to be. SO hard for libs to tolerate what they do to others...I say make em choke on it......very Alinsky thing to do

Is "Alinsky" the new Hitler?

As in "Reductio ad....."?
SO all that bushitler ....and now Trump hitler...........
Ah the parade of hypocrites, suddenly one is the small number it always has been except when they dont want it to be. SO hard for libs to tolerate what they do to others...I say make em choke on it......very Alinsky thing to do

Is "Alinsky" the new Hitler?

As in "Reductio ad....."?
SO all that bushitler ....and now Trump hitler...........

With Scrubby you had that war crime thing, and Trump sure sounds the part....

So what, in particular, concerns you about Alinsky?

Or are you just gunning for a Rush Limbaugh Viagra Steamer Trunk?
Ah the parade of hypocrites, suddenly one is the small number it always has been except when they dont want it to be. SO hard for libs to tolerate what they do to others...I say make em choke on it......very Alinsky thing to do

Is "Alinsky" the new Hitler?

As in "Reductio ad....."?
SO all that bushitler ....and now Trump hitler...........

With Scrubby you had that war crime thing, and Trump sure sounds the part....

So what, in particular, concerns you about Alinsky?

Or are you just gunning for a Rush Limbaugh Viagra Steamer Trunk?
Too funny........against it before he was for it
Ah the parade of hypocrites, suddenly one is the small number it always has been except when they dont want it to be. SO hard for libs to tolerate what they do to others...I say make em choke on it......very Alinsky thing to do

Is "Alinsky" the new Hitler?

As in "Reductio ad....."?
SO all that bushitler ....and now Trump hitler...........

With Scrubby you had that war crime thing, and Trump sure sounds the part....

So what, in particular, concerns you about Alinsky?

Or are you just gunning for a Rush Limbaugh Viagra Steamer Trunk?
Too funny........against it before he was for it
Words, Slogans, Meaning!
Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

I don't hate the gays either, I just wish they'd STFU about the LGBT Agenda, stop wanting to be treated like "special" people and allow people to have their own opinions.

We have a right to say we think their lifestyle is degenerate, I mean WTF they call us Breeders and we don't have a fit.

You're throwing one right now...
Nazi lover.
Thank you for showing how stupid you are.
Jesus never condemn the gheys....He loved all...of Gods' creations...

I don't hate the gays either, I just wish they'd STFU about the LGBT Agenda, stop wanting to be treated like "special" people and allow people to have their own opinions.

We have a right to say we think their lifestyle is degenerate, I mean WTF they call us Breeders and we don't have a fit.

You're throwing one right now...
Nazi lover.

That's just dumb, Ravi!!!

. Happening all the time now, because the belief is not contained within the confines of a man made wall, and so when a gay goes into a Christians space, and demands that the Christian bow to his or her demands to violate ones religion or belief, then Houston we have a serious problem going on now in this nation now.
Sorry, but a workplace is not a place of worship..
Your personal space and belief whether it be in the workplace or at home is to be respected, and therefore it is not to be violated by the request of another for you to go against your belief when there are other avenues for that person to take in which allows the freedoms of all to be upheld and protected no matter where you are in this nation. The couple could have easily went to another bakery to get what they wanted, but their goal was to teach the Christian a lesson that they are now superior to the Christian, and they will use the government to prove it so.

Where do you get the "superior" part?
. When they wouldn't go to a Baker that would gladly had served their needs, and instead wanted the Christian crushed for his personal beliefs in which allowed him to sell a cake out of the case, but not allow him to customize the cake in which would put him directly in conflict with his beliefs. Would a Christian doctor perform an abortion by request of a woman in an ER, and if not should the doctor be fired for not doing so if his skills would have allowed for him to do so ? Where does the bull crap end now ?

Is there a single one of your crackheads who can reason linearly and actually construct an argument?

That doesn't establish that the customer in question considered him/herself "superior", it merely demonstrates that said customer wanted to be treated the SAME as any other customer....

Does the Christian baker refuse to serve adulterers?
. If the adulterer was to purchase a cake already decorated out of the cake sale case, then who the heck cares who he is or what he does, but if the adulterer wants the Christian Baker to take the cake and customize the cake by placing two women on it with him, and writing I love being an adulterer, does it go beyond what that Baker should be forced to do ? The same with someone wanting an anti-Christian cake decorated in a statement that shouts that message out in some kind of art form for some ridiculous reason. There has to be boundaries for everything, and the majority in this nation should be the ones deciding the boundaries, and not a radicalized minority who has an agenda to abuse the majority at every turn now.
Sorry, but a workplace is not a place of worship..
Your personal space and belief whether it be in the workplace or at home is to be respected, and therefore it is not to be violated by the request of another for you to go against your belief when there are other avenues for that person to take in which allows the freedoms of all to be upheld and protected no matter where you are in this nation. The couple could have easily went to another bakery to get what they wanted, but their goal was to teach the Christian a lesson that they are now superior to the Christian, and they will use the government to prove it so.

Where do you get the "superior" part?
. When they wouldn't go to a Baker that would gladly had served their needs, and instead wanted the Christian crushed for his personal beliefs in which allowed him to sell a cake out of the case, but not allow him to customize the cake in which would put him directly in conflict with his beliefs. Would a Christian doctor perform an abortion by request of a woman in an ER, and if not should the doctor be fired for not doing so if his skills would have allowed for him to do so ? Where does the bull crap end now ?

Is there a single one of your crackheads who can reason linearly and actually construct an argument?

That doesn't establish that the customer in question considered him/herself "superior", it merely demonstrates that said customer wanted to be treated the SAME as any other customer....

Does the Christian baker refuse to serve adulterers?
. If the adulterer was to purchase a cake already decorated out of the cake sale case, then who the heck cares who he is or what he does, but if the adulterer wants the Christian Baker to take the cake and customize the cake by placing two women on it with him, and writing I love being an adulterer, does it go beyond what that Baker should be forced to do ? The same with someone wanting an anti-Christian cake decorated in a statement that shouts that message out in some kind of art form for some ridiculous reason. There has to be boundaries for everything, and the majority in this nation should be the ones deciding the boundaries, and not a radicalized minority who has an agenda to abuse the majority at every turn now.

How does that demonstrate a demand for SUPERIORity?

There has to be boundaries for everything, and the majority in this nation should be the ones deciding the boundaries, and not a radicalized minority who has an agenda to abuse the majority at every turn now.

Nearly 70 percent of Americans favor laws that protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination in workplaces, housing and public accommodations, a number that includes nearly a quarter of Americans who oppose same-sex marriage, according to a new poll the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) released Wednesday.

The PRRI said 75 percent of Americans incorrectly believe workplace nondiscrimination laws are already on the books.

The poll found 47 percent of Americans favor both same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination laws. Further, 8 percent of Americans are in favor only of same-sex marriage but not nondiscrimination laws, and 23 percent of Americans support nondiscrimination laws but oppose gay marriage.

Poll: Seven in 10 support LGBT nondiscrimination laws

Now that we've settled that...
Next time you void your bowels, please bring back my boot...

Much obliged....
Very eloquent and polite exchange thank you for being so civil. Now, get the fuck back where you pitched your tent up, the sewer. Greg, gtopa1 take slimpecker back to the sewer please....

lol. Why should I have all the fun???


Because the Captain is "monogamous" in principle....

And you're a buttsock fapi!!


The poll found 47 percent of Americans favor both same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination laws.

Now that we've settled that...

Not quite bucko.

A poll taken here shows that 90% of Americans favor children having both a mother and father in marriage. How do you suppose that squares up with your poll results? Kind of hard to have both a mother and father in a gay marriage, wouldn't you say? Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Which one is the mom below?


The poll found 47 percent of Americans favor both same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination laws.

Now that we've settled that...

Not quite bucko.

A poll taken here shows that 90% of Americans favor children having both a mother and father in marriage. How do you suppose that squares up with your poll results? Kind of hard to have both a mother and father in a gay marriage, wouldn't you say? Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Which one is the mom below?

Utterly sick.

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