LGBTQ people are fleeing Florida in ‘mass migration’ with some fundraising via GoFundMe


The article this OP is based on says

12 gays COULD be considering moving
What percentage of people in the United States identify as trans? .5% - 1%? That's 1.6 million people out of 330 - 350 million people. Florida has a population of 22 million. So even if all 1.6 million trans people live in Florida, that only represents 7% of the population, and most of them will probably be like Hollywood actors / actresses who made bold claims about leaving the country if Trump was elected.

Yes, their "mass migration" is likely a few dozen people.
They're fleeing in terror!!

WHAT specifically did repunks do to drive them out?? STand up to them and say you are not going to groom my kid in school without my knowledge and permission? STanding up to the schoolboards telling them YOU CANNOT HAVE MY KIDS?? THAT is called Terrorism by the left...when they cannot get their way and someone stands up to them.

Look at this. they need to drive out all the left wing groomer supportin' teachers. They're still doing this in Florida too.

They're still doing it....and doing it how the left changing words and definitions.

I know when they chant we are coming for your kids. They should actually be arrested. I'm a live and let love guy, but when you chant stupid stuff like that. I have no use for you.
A post based on the alleged statement by an unidentified "PRIDE" organizer? Get freaking real.

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