Liam Neeson...still a hypocrite and a jerk....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah....he makes movies with guns galore......and then complains about law abiding people actually being able to defend themselves....

Liam Neeson Paris Attack Shows Need for US Gun Control

Lost in the tirade was the fact that the discussion began with a focus on the attacks on Charlie Hebdo–attacks which took place in France, a country rich in gun control, yet one in which gun laws were impotent to spoil the plans of dedicated and well-trained attackers.
I don't think that Liberals have the ability to use reasoning.
Liam needs to turn on his light bulb.
The terrorists in Paris did not have legal weapons, møre laws would not have
changed anything.
The terrorists in Paris did not have legal weapons, møre laws would not have
changed anything.
The Dutch authorities recently did an experiment to see how long it would take to obtain illegal assault rifles. Needless to say it wasnt long (a few hours hanging around in bars will buy you an AK with ammo for 500 dollars)(I cant cite what Im claiming - heared on BBC). Western Europe seems to have become awash with ex-Soviet or Russian made weapons for those who need such things
Neeson should stick to making movies and leave serious attempts at gun-grabbing to people who actually believe (mis-guidedly) in what they're doing.
The bad guys in this little tragedy NEVER should have guns, that might be the point. I was wondering that myself.
According to, Neeson stuck with the American rant, saying: “I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns, privately owned, in America. I think it’s a [bleeping] disgrace. Every week now we are picking up a newspaper and seeing, ‘Yet another few kids have been killed in schools.'”

Hey liam. A lot more kids are killed by cars than by guns but you libs never mention that.
The bad guys in this little tragedy NEVER should have guns, that might be the point. I was wondering that myself.

The point is that the bad guys will always get the guns no matter what.
It's the good guys that need them to protect themselves , their families and their businesses.
According to, Neeson stuck with the American rant, saying: “I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns, privately owned, in America. I think it’s a [bleeping] disgrace. Every week now we are picking up a newspaper and seeing, ‘Yet another few kids have been killed in schools.'”

Hey liam. A lot more kids are killed by cars than by guns but you libs never mention that.

That is true. What your statement doesn't address is the question of how many kids are killed intentionally by cars as opposed to with guns.
The bad guys in this little tragedy NEVER should have guns, that might be the point. I was wondering that myself.

The point is that the bad guys will always get the guns no matter what.
It's the good guys that need them to protect themselves , their families and their businesses.

I agree and one wonders what would have happened had any of those murdered men or women had had a gun??

To bad most of Europe has pulled the guns from honest citizens. Only the bad guys seem to have guns and they can get them anywhere as long as they have the money.

Those shitbag terrorists didn't last long once they came up agains the police who had guns. Big difference between shooting unarmed folks and taking on those with guns who know how to use em.

Doubt those shitbags will get their 72 virgins.
The bad guys in this little tragedy NEVER should have guns, that might be the point. I was wondering that myself.

The point is that the bad guys will always get the guns no matter what.
It's the good guys that need them to protect themselves , their families and their businesses.

I agree and one wonders what would have happened had any of those murdered men or women had had a gun??

To bad most of Europe has pulled the guns from honest citizens. Only the bad guys seem to have guns and they can get them anywhere as long as they have the money.

Those shitbag terrorists didn't last long once they came up agains the police who had guns. Big difference between shooting unarmed folks and taking on those with guns who know how to use em.

Doubt those shitbags will get their 72 virgins.

That's why they targeted France and not Sweden or Switzerland where their citizens are armed.
The Jews are afraid to live in Europe now. They also can't defend themselves like they can in Israel.
In time of war The Israeli answer to terrorism by Massad Ayoob

In the last two years especially, street terrorist attacks in Israel have repeatedly been shortstopped by armed Israeli citizens. A terrorist opens fire at a crowded bus stop; a passing Israeli motorist draws his 9mm pistol and cuts him down. A late-arriving security man with an M-16 hoses the twitching terrorist just to make sure.
Another terrorist attempts to trigger an explosive device in a public place. An Israeli housewife draws her pistol and shoots him dead before he can detonate the bomb. The would-be martyr dies alone.
A third terrorist opens fire with an automatic weapon in an Israeli school. What could have been a mass murder on the scale of Columbine or greater is limited to a very short casualty list when Israeli parents and grandparents, who have provided volunteer armed security after receiving state training, open fire and kill him with their concealed pistols.
Note that in each of these episodes, it was an armed citizen who stopped the terror. Not a soldier. Not a security guard. Not a police officer. Just as wolves do not try to seize a lamb under the nose of the sheepdog, terrorists do not strike where armed protectors are known to be present. They scout the turf and select their victims more carefully than that.

Note this one especially anti gun Americans.
Israel began the program of armed citizen guards in the schools after the Maalot massacre in the 1970s, when a large number of children were slain in a terrorist incident. The volunteer parents work in plain clothes, armed with concealed semi-automatic pistols, and are trained by Israel's home guard. It is significant that in the more than a quarter century between Maalot and the incident mentioned above when the citizen guards shot down the terrorist in the school in 2002, not a single child was murdered in an Israeli school!
The reason is that Israel wisely publicized the fact that the civilian volunteer guards, indistinguishable from the regular teaching and administrative staff, would be in place. It served as a tremendously effective deterrent
The bad guys in this little tragedy NEVER should have guns, that might be the point. I was wondering that myself.

The point is that the bad guys will always get the guns no matter what.
It's the good guys that need them to protect themselves , their families and their businesses.

I agree and one wonders what would have happened had any of those murdered men or women had had a gun??

To bad most of Europe has pulled the guns from honest citizens. Only the bad guys seem to have guns and they can get them anywhere as long as they have the money.

Those shitbag terrorists didn't last long once they came up agains the police who had guns. Big difference between shooting unarmed folks and taking on those with guns who know how to use em.

Doubt those shitbags will get their 72 virgins.

The bad guys will always have guns because, well, they are bad guys.

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