Liar in Chief..... you gonna bend over for this bullshit or call him on it?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

/----/ If Congress refuses to do their job, and you wet your panties if we have a shutdown, the President's hands are tied. But you already knew that.

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

The man just got spanked by Nancy Pelosi

Stop picking on him

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

I haven't heard yet whether the bill has been signed....Even so, you're saying exactly what I have...This budget is the biggest sellout since, well, the last big sellout.....All the noise over the border spending was a big, fat distraction.

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

/----/ If Congress refuses to do their job, and you wet your panties if we have a shutdown, the President's hands are tied. But you already knew that.

They did their job

They looked at the threat of border security and gave Trump $1.3 billion

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

The man just got spanked by Nancy Pelosi

Stop picking on him

A bunch of swamp republicans threw in with this shit, including the Senate....It's a bipartisan parking lot job, and all you can do is sit there and cheer for your fucking team.


Forcing All Immigrants to produce VALID ID, and Proof of who you are is Not Only THE LAW in THE US, it is INTERNATIONAL LAW, and EVEN THE UN Backs that UP. We as a Nation have a right to Orderly Immigration Processes, and have a RIGHT to ENFORCE THE RULE OF LAW, even according to THE UN Global Compact on Immigration, which BTW, I DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF IT.

The US has a right under our own laws and INTERNATIONAL LAW to IDENTIFY, Verify Identity and Know who we are letting in to this country, and deny entry to others we do not want in this country!

Forcing all immigrants to go to ports of entry to register, is not only The Law in The US but is in accordance with International Law even.

We really should leave THE UN, but even UN GLOBAL IMMIGRATION COMPACT calls LEFTY A LIAR.

The President is doing nothing wrong. In fact, I'd say he is even abiding by The UN Immigration Compact, which in reality since it is NON BINDING, he does not even have to do.

You know, I hate HATE the United Nations. But did you know what President Trump is doing is in accordance with The United Nations "Compact for Immigration"?

No one ever accused Democrats of ever knowing WTF they were talking about.


Section 15; Paragraph 4

National Sovereignty: The Global Compact reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction, in conformity with international law. Within their sovereign jurisdiction, States may distinguish between regular and irregular migration status, including as they determine their legislative and policy measures for the implementation of the Global Compact, taking into account different national realities, policies, priorities and requirements for entry, residence and work, in accordance with international law.

Paragraph 5

Rule of law and due process: The Global Compact recognizes that respect for the rule of law, due process and access to justice are fundamental to all aspects of migration governance. This means that the State, public and private institutions and entities, as well as persons themselves are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international law.

Section 18 G

g) Account for migrants in national emergency preparedness and response, including by taking into consideration relevant recommendations from State-led consultative processes, such as the Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disaster (MICIC Guidelines)

OBJECTIVE 4: Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation

20. We commit to fulfil the right of all individuals to a legal identity by providing all our nationals with proof of nationality and relevant documentation, allowing national and local authorities to ascertain a migrant’s legal identity upon entry, during stay, and for return, as well as to ensure effective migration procedures, efficient service provision, and improved public safety. We further commit to ensure, through appropriate measures, that migrants are issued adequate documentation and civil registry documents, such as birth, marriage and death certificates, at all stages of migration, as a means to empower migrants to effectively exercise their human rights.

To realize this commitment, we will draw from the following actions: a) Improve civil registry systems, with a particular focus on reaching unregistered persons and our nationals residing in other countries, including by providing relevant identity and civil registry documents, strengthening capacities, and investing in information and communication technology solutions, while upholding the right to privacy and protecting personal data 11 b) Harmonize travel documents in line with the specifications of the International Civil Aviation Organization to facilitate interoperable and universal recognition of travel documents, as well as to combat identity fraud and document forgery, including by investing in digitalization, and strengthening mechanisms for biometric data-sharing, while upholding the right to privacy and protecting personal data c) Ensure adequate, timely, reliable and accessible consular documentation to our nationals residing in other countries, including identity and travel documents, making use of information and communications technology, as well as community outreach, particularly in remote areas d) Facilitate access to personal documentation, such as passports and visas, and ensure that relevant regulations and criteria to obtain such documentation are non-discriminatory, by undertaking a gender-responsive and age-sensitive review in order to prevent increased risk of vulnerabilities throughout the migration cycle

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

/----/ If Congress refuses to do their job, and you wet your panties if we have a shutdown, the President's hands are tied. But you already knew that.

I didn't complain about the shutdown tard. Tell your master your talking points (aka excuses) are ineffective.
the shut down was one of the more stupid things i have lived to see....and the only reason trump wont do another shut down...key positions now realize they can shut it down in one day...air traffic control and such....what has been gained with this shut down? he may have ruined the economy with the loses (said to be as high as 11 billion) wonder when they will be felt about trickling down..that is what is going to trickle down

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

Gramps is woke.
Even The UN states that THE US has a right to enforce Immigration Law.
We have a right to an orderly and controllable immigration process.
We have a right

To Force Immigrants to Ports of Entry
To Force Immigrants to identify themselves
To Deport Undesirable Immigrants.
To Force Immigrants to apply for VISAs
To detain, arrest, prosecute and imprison immigrants who violate immigration law or violate US Code and Statutes.

After hearing just SOME of what is in this latest budget bill it is apparent that the GOP who signed it and the President, who said he would never do it again, signed it that NO ONE is looking out for average AMERICANS on this issue.

The man just got spanked by Nancy Pelosi

Stop picking on him

A bunch of swamp republicans threw in with this shit, including the Senate....It's a bipartisan parking lot job, and all you can do is sit there and cheer for your fucking team.


A bunch of elected representatives did not want to pay five billion for a wall
Even The UN states that THE US has a right to enforce Immigration Law.
We have a right to an orderly and controllable immigration process.
We have a right

To Force Immigrants to Ports of Entry
To Force Immigrants to identify themselves
To Deport Undesirable Immigrants.
To Force Immigrants to apply for VISAs
To detain, arrest, prosecute and imprison immigrants who violate immigration law or violate US Code and Statutes.
The US does have that right

It’s elected officials do not want to pay five billion for a wall
GOP fked the middle class again. Put the pres in another no win situation

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