LIAR liar, pants on fire!

So you claim I have never presented a fact on here huh?

Prove your claim

How stupid! You are asking him to prove a negative. Can't be done. You have 17500 posts on this site. Do you expect him to quote each and everyone on of them?

I can't recall a single fact coming off your fingertips.


I just proved him wrong silly.

You just lied because you know full well I have posted fact while on here.

You have posted facts too Immie and I would never make such a dishonest claim.
No, you didn't.

You posted a link that you can't even explain.

So you now claim there are no facts posted in that thread?

Let me reiterate my policy once again.

I will not click on links when the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor courtesy to include commentary regarding the relevance of such links to the discussion.

If you have facts to support your claims, explain them in your own words.

That was not what he said now was it.

I prooved him a liar and you refuse to admitt it.
I had no idea what this was about until I clicked into this thread. Did Fox recant?

People who knowingly did this are lying deceiving scum who don't give a shit about truth or decency. They are enemies of democracy and civil society. They have disdain for the public and think you are stupid.

Those who actively reported this without knowing the blatant manipulation should be embarrassed and should apologize.

Anyone on here still defending this is a moron. It is a great testament to this nation that you are allowed to vote and have a say in government.

The Obama administration doesn't even remotely have a spine, if indeed she was forced out. That's a disgrace.

Again, FoxNews did nothing wrong, They reported a story, they said we don't have all the info, the said the Administration acted too hastily.

Indeed. Fox actually included this statement in the story on the website (which apparently none of the hysterics have bothered to read):

The point of the story wasn't entirely clear; only an excerpt of the speech is included in the video clip.
So you now claim there are no facts posted in that thread?

Let me reiterate my policy once again.

I will not click on links when the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor courtesy to include commentary regarding the relevance of such links to the discussion.

If you have facts to support your claims, explain them in your own words.

That was not what he said now was it.

I prooved him a liar and you refuse to admitt it.

We prove you're an idiot all the time: When are you gonna admit we're right?
Forgive me if I've missed it somewhere in this long thread. But as of yet, I haven't seen it answered.

What time did Fox News break this story?

The only clips I've seen is from Hannity and OReilly, who went on the air long after she resigned.

We know the administration demanded her resignation before 5 O'clock.

What show did it break? Or if it broke on the website, what time did it break?

You guys keep claiming that Fox was hammering all day and forced her to resign. The evidence doesn't add up.
So you now claim there are no facts posted in that thread?

Let me reiterate my policy once again.

I will not click on links when the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor courtesy to include commentary regarding the relevance of such links to the discussion.

If you have facts to support your claims, explain them in your own words.

That was not what he said now was it.

I prooved him a liar and you refuse to admitt it.

You didn't prove anything, because your entire case in that thread was built on a LIE, because you are a LIAR. you would lie when the truth would better serve you.

I didn't have to read the entire thread , only the first few posts in which you clearly intimated that recessions are all caused by Republican President's policies, even though you damned well know, or should know, that in many instances those Presidents had Democratic Congresses to work with and that the policies were at best a mixture of the two. You can't build a house out of shit and then claim that their are some parts of the house that are not shit.
So you claim I have never presented a fact on here huh?

Prove your claim

How stupid! You are asking him to prove a negative. Can't be done. You have 17500 posts on this site. Do you expect him to quote each and everyone on of them?

I can't recall a single fact coming off your fingertips.


I just proved him wrong silly.

You just lied because you know full well I have posted fact while on here.

You have posted facts too Immie and I would never make such a dishonest claim.

You did not prove anything moron. You don't even know what the word means.

And yes, you constantly make dishonest claims. You always have.

You are a liar of the worst kind.

By the way, moron, prove what I know. How stupid can you be to claim to know what I know? You are an idiot. That is what I know. Be my guest, prove that I know you have posted fact on this site. I seem to recall that you post a hell of a lot of biased OPINION and a hell of a lot of lies, but I don't recall you having posted fact, definitely not recently.

The more interesting news is that Jesse Jackson is now demanding that the White House apologize to Sherrod.

This is getting betterer and betterer.
Here you go folks , some con makes a claim that I had never posted a fact and I show him wrong within seconds and what happens?

A slew of cons pretend it didnt happen.

You people are sooo filled with hate of your fellow Americans you refuse truth.
So you now claim there are no facts posted in that thread?

Let me reiterate my policy once again.

I will not click on links when the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor courtesy to include commentary regarding the relevance of such links to the discussion.

If you have facts to support your claims, explain them in your own words.

That was not what he said now was it.

I prooved him a liar and you refuse to admitt it.

No. All you are doing is to continue to prove via your disingenuous and idiotic posts that you are one of the most thorough morons ever to infest the internets.
How stupid! You are asking him to prove a negative. Can't be done. You have 17500 posts on this site. Do you expect him to quote each and everyone on of them?

I can't recall a single fact coming off your fingertips.


I just proved him wrong silly.

You just lied because you know full well I have posted fact while on here.

You have posted facts too Immie and I would never make such a dishonest claim.

You did not prove anything moron. You don't even know what the word means.

And yes, you constantly make dishonest claims. You always have.

You are a liar of the worst kind.

By the way, moron, prove what I know. How stupid can you be to claim to know what I know? You are an idiot. That is what I know. Be my guest, prove that I know you have posted fact on this site. I seem to recall that you post a hell of a lot of biased OPINION and a hell of a lot of lies, but I don't recall you having posted fact, definitely not recently.


You have lost your mind Immie.

he said I never posted a fact on this site.

I provided facts I have posted.

Now you claim what?
I so hope Reverend Wright weighs in. We all need the audacity of his wise counsel.
I just proved him wrong silly.

You just lied because you know full well I have posted fact while on here.

You have posted facts too Immie and I would never make such a dishonest claim.

You did not prove anything moron. You don't even know what the word means.

And yes, you constantly make dishonest claims. You always have.

You are a liar of the worst kind.

By the way, moron, prove what I know. How stupid can you be to claim to know what I know? You are an idiot. That is what I know. Be my guest, prove that I know you have posted fact on this site. I seem to recall that you post a hell of a lot of biased OPINION and a hell of a lot of lies, but I don't recall you having posted fact, definitely not recently.


You have lost your mind Immie.

he said I never posted a fact on this site.

I provided facts I have posted.

Now you claim what?

Do you ever hush long enough to draw a breath?
I just proved him wrong silly.

You just lied because you know full well I have posted fact while on here.

You have posted facts too Immie and I would never make such a dishonest claim.

You did not prove anything moron. You don't even know what the word means.

And yes, you constantly make dishonest claims. You always have.

You are a liar of the worst kind.

By the way, moron, prove what I know. How stupid can you be to claim to know what I know? You are an idiot. That is what I know. Be my guest, prove that I know you have posted fact on this site. I seem to recall that you post a hell of a lot of biased OPINION and a hell of a lot of lies, but I don't recall you having posted fact, definitely not recently.


You have lost your mind Immie.

he said I never posted a fact on this site.

I provided facts I have posted.

Now you claim what?

What "facts" have you posted?

Your earlier link was to a stupid OPED piece. When are you going to get it through that very thick skull of yours that OPED does not equal fact?

And if you could read above the kindergarten level, you would understand that I said, I do not recall you having posted any fact and that you are stupid for asking him to prove a negative. You have proven that you are stupid and a liar. Now would you like to move on?

Division within the ranks.

Black leaders piled on Wednesday in criticizing Sherrod's ouster. The Rev. Jesse Jackson called on the administration to apologize and give Sherrod her job back, if she wants it. The Congressional Black Caucus, an influential bloc that represents 42 members of Congress, called for Sherrod to be reinstated immediately, saying Vilsack overreacted.

Soon after, the Rev. Al Sharpton said black leaders should refrain from calling for an apology from the Obama administration, saying that creates the impression that black leadership is fractured. "We are only greasing the rails for the right wing to run a train through our ambitions and goals for having civil and human rights in this country," Sharpton said.

Racial Firestorm Surrounds USDA Employee's Ouster - CBS News

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