LIAR liar, pants on fire!

FOX NEWS REPORTS THAT they called for her resignation and REPORTS that they broke the story before she was asked to resign.

It remains unclear who edited and released the video. Breitbart's featured the video clip early Monday. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. - Forcing Ga. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call, Agriculture Chief Says

Are you calling FOX news, liars?

. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. was unable to obtain a copy of the full video.

So, from your very own link, the website, not the channel had an initial story Monday night. Now what we have to determine is if you think a blurb on a website influenced the White House. I kinda doubt it fool.

But I would like to see the initial story ran by I mean if we're interested in being fair here, which of course you are not.


has anyone mentioned Fox news CHANNEL? i said FOX NEWS, AND showed that FOX news. com CLAIMED they broke it BEFORE she was asked to resign?

Because when one says FoxNews others generally think of FoxNews channel not , which allows bloggers to post on their site, just as most websites do. so saying FoxNews when it in fact was posted on their website is yet another lie from you.

Do you really have NO shame? Is ANY lie beneath you? Would being honest kill you? FoxNews did NOTHING wrong here. They reported on a video, they reported all the evidence they had, their commentators said well she is saying something different and we don't have the whole video. One of the their commentators said "hey the administration acted too hastily here" and yet you STILL try to say that FoxNews spread this video and led to Sherrod's resignation. That is plainly not true.

I just don't understand what you think you are gaining by being dishonest on this board. No one believes your lies Care. Sure those on your side of the agenda are also too cowardly to admit the lie, but inside themselves, they don't believe that FoxNews did anything wrong here, neither do you. Only a complete retard couldn't put two and two together and figure out that FoxNews did not air this video as proof of racism from Mrs Sherrod and that they had nothing to do with her forced resignation. There are a few retards posting on here, but you are not one of them; you're simply a liar.

I ask again, why does ANYONE feel the need to lie on this board? We're not gonna change a damned thing no matter what, not even each others opinions, so why not have honest debate?

Honestly is admitting that FoxNews did what ANY news channel would have done with that video, they aired it and gave opinions on what information they had available to them at the time; when more information became available , they gave differing opinions (talking about the commentators here) Even Hannity, who is by far the least fair commentator on FoxNews, altered his opinion once the entire video came out.

So that puts you one step below Hannity, who I personally despise, Care at least he had the guts to say "hey I went off the information I had at the time, but upon further review I have changed my opinion.

Why do left wingers form an opinion and then seek out evidence to support that opinion?

This is why I hate Obama and Bush equally. Look at what they have done to our country. We have people who feel duty bound to lie on a message board to further a political agenda.

I say again. You ma'am should be ashamed. I'm ashamed for you. Every left winger on this board should be ashamed for not calling out these blatant lies.

The lies MUST stop if we are ever to heal.
. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. was unable to obtain a copy of the full video.

So, from your very own link, the website, not the channel had an initial story Monday night. Now what we have to determine is if you think a blurb on a website influenced the White House. I kinda doubt it fool.

But I would like to see the initial story ran by I mean if we're interested in being fair here, which of course you are not.


has anyone mentioned Fox news CHANNEL? i said FOX NEWS, AND showed that FOX news. com CLAIMED they broke it BEFORE she was asked to resign?

Because when one says FoxNews others generally think of FoxNews channel not , which allows bloggers to post on their site, just as most websites do. so saying FoxNews when it in fact was posted on their website is yet another lie from you.

Do you really have NO shame? Is ANY lie beneath you? Would being honest kill you? FoxNews did NOTHING wrong here. They reported on a video, they reported all the evidence they had, their commentators said well she is saying something different and we don't have the whole video. One of the their commentators said "hey the administration acted too hastily here" and yet you STILL try to say that FoxNews spread this video and led to Sherrod's resignation. That is plainly not true.

I just don't understand what you think you are gaining by being dishonest on this board. No one believes your lies Care. Sure those on your side of the agenda are also too cowardly to admit the lie, but inside themselves, they don't believe that FoxNews did anything wrong here, neither do you. Only a complete retard couldn't put two and two together and figure out that FoxNews did not air this video as proof of racism from Mrs Sherrod and that they had nothing to do with her forced resignation. There are a few retards posting on here, but you are not one of them; you're simply a liar.

I ask again, why does ANYONE feel the need to lie on this board? We're not gonna change a damned thing no matter what, not even each others opinions, so why not have honest debate?

Honestly is admitting that FoxNews did what ANY news channel would have done with that video, they aired it and gave opinions on what information they had available to them at the time; when more information became available , they gave differing opinions (talking about the commentators here) Even Hannity, who is by far the least fair commentator on FoxNews, altered his opinion once the entire video came out.

So that puts you one step below Hannity, who I personally despise, Care at least he had the guts to say "hey I went off the information I had at the time, but upon further review I have changed my opinion.

Why do left wingers form an opinion and then seek out evidence to support that opinion?

This is why I hate Obama and Bush equally. Look at what they have done to our country. We have people who feel duty bound to lie on a message board to further a political agenda.

I say again. You ma'am should be ashamed. I'm ashamed for you. Every left winger on this board should be ashamed for not calling out these blatant lies.

The lies MUST stop if we are ever to heal.

please BEGIN with yourself....and stop using the word nigg*r.
HAHAHAHAA, Care just sent me this

New reputation!
Hi, you have received -164 reputation points from Care4all.
Reputation was given for this post.



For THIS post

Because when one says FoxNews others generally think of FoxNews channel not , which allows bloggers to post on their site, just as most websites do. so saying FoxNews when it in fact was posted on their website is yet another lie from you.

Do you really have NO shame? Is ANY lie beneath you? Would being honest kill you? FoxNews did NOTHING wrong here. They reported on a video, they reported all the evidence they had, their commentators said well she is saying something different and we don't have the whole video. One of the their commentators said "hey the administration acted too hastily here" and yet you STILL try to say that FoxNews spread this video and led to Sherrod's resignation. That is plainly not true.

I just don't understand what you think you are gaining by being dishonest on this board. No one believes your lies Care. Sure those on your side of the agenda are also too cowardly to admit the lie, but inside themselves, they don't believe that FoxNews did anything wrong here, neither do you. Only a complete retard couldn't put two and two together and figure out that FoxNews did not air this video as proof of racism from Mrs Sherrod and that they had nothing to do with her forced resignation. There are a few retards posting on here, but you are not one of them; you're simply a liar.

I ask again, why does ANYONE feel the need to lie on this board? We're not gonna change a damned thing no matter what, not even each others opinions, so why not have honest debate?

Honestly is admitting that FoxNews did what ANY news channel would have done with that video, they aired it and gave opinions on what information they had available to them at the time; when more information became available , they gave differing opinions (talking about the commentators here) Even Hannity, who is by far the least fair commentator on FoxNews, altered his opinion once the entire video came out.

So that puts you one step below Hannity, who I personally despise, Care at least he had the guts to say "hey I went off the information I had at the time, but upon further review I have changed my opinion.

Why do left wingers form an opinion and then seek out evidence to support that opinion?

This is why I hate Obama and Bush equally. Look at what they have done to our country. We have people who feel duty bound to lie on a message board to further a political agenda.

I say again. You ma'am should be ashamed. I'm ashamed for you. Every left winger on this board should be ashamed for not calling out these blatant lies.

The lies MUST stop if we are ever to heal.

Care you could neg rep me a million points for calling you a liar when you lie, and it will change NOTHING. You are a fucking liar, and I will call you out for it EVERY time you lie.

has anyone mentioned Fox news CHANNEL? i said FOX NEWS, AND showed that FOX news. com CLAIMED they broke it BEFORE she was asked to resign?

Because when one says FoxNews others generally think of FoxNews channel not , which allows bloggers to post on their site, just as most websites do. so saying FoxNews when it in fact was posted on their website is yet another lie from you.

Do you really have NO shame? Is ANY lie beneath you? Would being honest kill you? FoxNews did NOTHING wrong here. They reported on a video, they reported all the evidence they had, their commentators said well she is saying something different and we don't have the whole video. One of the their commentators said "hey the administration acted too hastily here" and yet you STILL try to say that FoxNews spread this video and led to Sherrod's resignation. That is plainly not true.

I just don't understand what you think you are gaining by being dishonest on this board. No one believes your lies Care. Sure those on your side of the agenda are also too cowardly to admit the lie, but inside themselves, they don't believe that FoxNews did anything wrong here, neither do you. Only a complete retard couldn't put two and two together and figure out that FoxNews did not air this video as proof of racism from Mrs Sherrod and that they had nothing to do with her forced resignation. There are a few retards posting on here, but you are not one of them; you're simply a liar.

I ask again, why does ANYONE feel the need to lie on this board? We're not gonna change a damned thing no matter what, not even each others opinions, so why not have honest debate?

Honestly is admitting that FoxNews did what ANY news channel would have done with that video, they aired it and gave opinions on what information they had available to them at the time; when more information became available , they gave differing opinions (talking about the commentators here) Even Hannity, who is by far the least fair commentator on FoxNews, altered his opinion once the entire video came out.

So that puts you one step below Hannity, who I personally despise, Care at least he had the guts to say "hey I went off the information I had at the time, but upon further review I have changed my opinion.

Why do left wingers form an opinion and then seek out evidence to support that opinion?

This is why I hate Obama and Bush equally. Look at what they have done to our country. We have people who feel duty bound to lie on a message board to further a political agenda.

I say again. You ma'am should be ashamed. I'm ashamed for you. Every left winger on this board should be ashamed for not calling out these blatant lies.

The lies MUST stop if we are ever to heal.

please BEGIN with yourself....and stop using the word nigg*r.

A) I don't lie, when I post something I have facts to back it up.

B) Nice trying to obliquely throw the racist card at me to deflect from your lies, but it won't work, you're a liar.

Care is a liar
FOX NEWS REPORTS THAT they called for her resignation and REPORTS that they broke the story before she was asked to resign.

It remains unclear who edited and released the video. Breitbart's featured the video clip early Monday. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. - Forcing Ga. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call, Agriculture Chief Says

Are you calling FOX news, liars?

Do you really not see the difference between "shortly before" her resignation was announced and you saying "before she was asked to resign?" Those are two different things.

So Immie will you defend Care or just let these assholes call her a liar too?

Care does not need to be defended. Care's reputation proceeds her, as does your own for that matter.

I'm still trying to figure out who is correct here. I do not believe that Ms. Sherrod should have resigned or been asked to resign. I do think that what she claims to have done 24 years ago was racist, but from what I understand, she used it as a learning experience. I can only commend her for that.

As for Breitbart, Fox, the NAACP and the Obama Administration, I'm simply not up to speed on the timing of the reports. My gut feeling is that everyone jumped to conclusions and dropped the ball in this case and the reason for that is that racial politics played a part in their decisions. It is a shame that Ms. Sherrod ends up being in the middle of their games.

So it is fine with you they are calling her a liar when she is clearly not, OK just checking
FOX NEWS REPORTS THAT they called for her resignation and REPORTS that they broke the story before she was asked to resign.

It remains unclear who edited and released the video. Breitbart's featured the video clip early Monday. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. - Forcing Ga. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call, Agriculture Chief Says

Are you calling FOX news, liars?

. Vilsack announced Sherrod's resignation shortly after's initial story Monday evening, for which Sherrod could not be reached for comment. was unable to obtain a copy of the full video.

So, from your very own link, the website, not the channel had an initial story Monday night. Now what we have to determine is if you think a blurb on a website influenced the White House. I kinda doubt it fool.

But I would like to see the initial story ran by I mean if we're interested in being fair here, which of course you are not.


has anyone mentioned Fox news CHANNEL? i said FOX NEWS, AND showed that FOX news. com CLAIMED they broke it BEFORE she was asked to resign?

NO THEY DO NOT CLAIM THAT!!!!!!! They said that they released the story "shortly before" the ANNOUNCEMENT of her resignation. The two are not the same thing.

So Immie will you defend Care or just let these assholes call her a liar too?

Care does not need to be defended. Care's reputation proceeds her, as does your own for that matter.

I'm still trying to figure out who is correct here. I do not believe that Ms. Sherrod should have resigned or been asked to resign. I do think that what she claims to have done 24 years ago was racist, but from what I understand, she used it as a learning experience. I can only commend her for that.

As for Breitbart, Fox, the NAACP and the Obama Administration, I'm simply not up to speed on the timing of the reports. My gut feeling is that everyone jumped to conclusions and dropped the ball in this case and the reason for that is that racial politics played a part in their decisions. It is a shame that Ms. Sherrod ends up being in the middle of their games.


I guess Immie is fine with all these people calling Care4all a liar?

Stupid liar.

Why don't you wait a few minutes to give people a chance to catch up with all the posts.

You are a liar and stupid to boot. You really should try to pass first grade. It might help your posting abilities.

Immie , you have made yourself perfectly clear as to how you view the truth.

No one who presents facts you dont like deserves any respect.
So Immie will you defend Care or just let these assholes call her a liar too?

Care does not need to be defended. Care's reputation proceeds her, as does your own for that matter.

I'm still trying to figure out who is correct here. I do not believe that Ms. Sherrod should have resigned or been asked to resign. I do think that what she claims to have done 24 years ago was racist, but from what I understand, she used it as a learning experience. I can only commend her for that.

As for Breitbart, Fox, the NAACP and the Obama Administration, I'm simply not up to speed on the timing of the reports. My gut feeling is that everyone jumped to conclusions and dropped the ball in this case and the reason for that is that racial politics played a part in their decisions. It is a shame that Ms. Sherrod ends up being in the middle of their games.


I guess Immie is fine with all these people calling Care4all a liar?

Stupid liar.

Why don't you wait a few minutes to give people a chance to catch up with all the posts.

You are a liar and stupid to boot. You really should try to pass first grade. It might help your posting abilities.


Ignore her, I don't even read her posts, it's much simpler that way. :lol:
Immie , you have made yourself perfectly clear as to how you view the truth.

No one who presents facts you dont like deserves any respect.

You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

How's your father? Is he warm enough in his lair?

Care does not need to be defended. Care's reputation proceeds her, as does your own for that matter.

I'm still trying to figure out who is correct here. I do not believe that Ms. Sherrod should have resigned or been asked to resign. I do think that what she claims to have done 24 years ago was racist, but from what I understand, she used it as a learning experience. I can only commend her for that.

As for Breitbart, Fox, the NAACP and the Obama Administration, I'm simply not up to speed on the timing of the reports. My gut feeling is that everyone jumped to conclusions and dropped the ball in this case and the reason for that is that racial politics played a part in their decisions. It is a shame that Ms. Sherrod ends up being in the middle of their games.


I guess Immie is fine with all these people calling Care4all a liar?

Stupid liar.

Why don't you wait a few minutes to give people a chance to catch up with all the posts.

You are a liar and stupid to boot. You really should try to pass first grade. It might help your posting abilities.


Ignore her, I don't even read her posts, it's much simpler that way. :lol:

its what you people do all day long, you ignore any facts you dont like
So it is fine with you they are calling her a liar when she is clearly not, OK just checking

Actually I at first thought that Care was just misreading her own link/quote, but now that it's been pointed out to her that her quote doesn't say what she's been saying it says, I guess I have to amend my original statement and say that Care is now lying.

Her quote says that Fox News released a story on this shortly before it was announced that she had resigned. Care twists that to say that Fox News released a story before she resigned and originally said that they released it before she was asked to resign.

Care's link/quote says NO SUCH THING. It clearly says that they released the story shortly before the announcement was made.

So, if Care keeps pushing what she's claiming, then I guess she is lying.

LMAO.......It was funny as hell to see the leftwing media spin this morning especially CNN trying to portray the woman as a victim of the vast right wing conspiracy and Fox News..
she was a victim of her own big fucking mouth...she got what she deserved for saying what she said.
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