LIAR liar, pants on fire!

Stupid liar.

Why don't you wait a few minutes to give people a chance to catch up with all the posts.

You are a liar and stupid to boot. You really should try to pass first grade. It might help your posting abilities.


Ignore her, I don't even read her posts, it's much simpler that way. :lol:

its what you people do all day long, you ignore any facts you dont like

The next fact that you present on this board will be the first one.
ZOMG!!! You'll never watch FNC again, will you???1!!!1


What is your opinion about Fox News' and Breitbart's role in this story, House?

I haven't read the details... Nor do I give a shit...

I did think it was funny that a liberal was complaining about FNC, though... We NEVER get any of THAT around here...:lol:

Sorry, I pick and choose what to waste my time on this planet with, and whether FNC claimed they were first in reporting the issue just 'ain't one of them...

Yea, you're a dipship all right. You don't even know what you are saying.

Watch the video in Post #5 and then say, "I haven't read the details... Nor do I give a shit..."

That's why the right is a bunch of fucking lemmings.
its what you people do all day long, you ignore any facts you dont like

The next fact that you present on this board will be the first one.

And honestly that is sad. I am starting to feel sorry for TM. :(

It is sad, for her personally, and for all of collectively that TIM is not alone. There are so m any that feel telling lies is justified in order to get your opinion some traction. Why would you even want to base your opinion on a lie? I mean why? Wouldn't you rather have facts to talk about? Guess not for most of them.
This is the most evidence someone has actually provided. The only evidence prior was OReilly and Hannity, who both aired after the resignation.

Could you tell me which of the shows broke the story?

I don't know, I just know that Fox CLAIMS they told the story about it BEFORE she resigned....

No. That's not what Fox claimed. They have claimed they didn't cover the story on their cable programs, but that it was posted on the website. The TV coverage didn't start until yesterday.

And if you actually bothered to read the Fox posting, it includes the following statement:

The point of the story wasn't entirely clear; only an excerpt of the speech is included in the video clip.
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The next fact that you present on this board will be the first one.

And honestly that is sad. I am starting to feel sorry for TM. :(

It is sad, for her personally, and for all of collectively that TIM is not alone. There are so m any that feel telling lies is justified in order to get your opinion some traction. Why would you even want to base your opinion on a lie? I mean why? Wouldn't you rather have facts to talk about? Guess not for most of them.

I can't answer that, but I wonder the same. ''Say a lie enough and you believe it''
So you claim I have never presented a fact on here huh?

Prove your claim

TM , there is no need for me to prove my claim, anyone who has read more than 20 of your posts would draw the same conclusion.

well I just prooved you wrong now didnt I

Actually , you did not. Because you blamed recessions on Republican Presidents totally ignoring the instances of when Republican Presidents were coupled with Democratic Congresses and so it was not fully their agenda that caused said recession. You , once again, fudged facts to fit YOUR agenda.

Nice try though
I had no idea what this was about until I clicked into this thread. Did Fox recant?

People who knowingly did this are lying deceiving scum who don't give a shit about truth or decency. They are enemies of democracy and civil society. They have disdain for the public and think you are stupid.

Those who actively reported this without knowing the blatant manipulation should be embarrassed and should apologize.

Anyone on here still defending this is a moron. It is a great testament to this nation that you are allowed to vote and have a say in government.

The Obama administration doesn't even remotely have a spine, if indeed she was forced out. That's a disgrace.
it seems that even the normally sane libs on here want to jump the shark on this

its getting fucking PATHETIC
So you claim I have never presented a fact on here huh?

Prove your claim

How stupid! You are asking him to prove a negative. Can't be done. You have 17500 posts on this site. Do you expect him to quote each and everyone on of them?

I can't recall a single fact coming off your fingertips.

I had no idea what this was about until I clicked into this thread. Did Fox recant?

People who knowingly did this are lying deceiving scum who don't give a shit about truth or decency. They are enemies of democracy and civil society. They have disdain for the public and think you are stupid.

Those who actively reported this without knowing the blatant manipulation should be embarrassed and should apologize.

Anyone on here still defending this is a moron. It is a great testament to this nation that you are allowed to vote and have a say in government.

The Obama administration doesn't even remotely have a spine, if indeed she was forced out. That's a disgrace.

You might want to get some facts instead of Care's speculation. Fox News didn't release anything on this story until after she resigned.

They released a story on their web site "shortly before" the announcement of her resignation was made. Care would like you to believe that means that they reported this BEFORE she was even asked to resign. That would be untrue.

Truthdoesn'tmatter also now thinks that Care's speculation is fact, and is running off at the mouth that Fox News lied. They did no such thing.

The facts don't line up with Care or Truthdoesn'tmatter, but that isn't stopping either of them from posting their lies and speculations.


No, you didn't.

You posted a link that you can't even explain.

So you now claim there are no facts posted in that thread?

Let me reiterate my policy once again.

I will not click on links when the poster has neither the intellectual honesty nor courtesy to include commentary regarding the relevance of such links to the discussion.

If you have facts to support your claims, explain them in your own words.
I had no idea what this was about until I clicked into this thread. Did Fox recant?

People who knowingly did this are lying deceiving scum who don't give a shit about truth or decency. They are enemies of democracy and civil society. They have disdain for the public and think you are stupid.

Those who actively reported this without knowing the blatant manipulation should be embarrassed and should apologize.

Anyone on here still defending this is a moron. It is a great testament to this nation that you are allowed to vote and have a say in government.

The Obama administration doesn't even remotely have a spine, if indeed she was forced out. That's a disgrace.

Again, FoxNews did nothing wrong, They reported a story, they said we don't have all the info, the said the Administration acted too hastily.

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