Lib calls for making all bathrooms gender neutral


Hey, wait, here's a theory:

Maybe they're tired of long lines at women's bathrooms, and they want to even them out.

Is that why gender neutrality is so important?


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I haven't followed the thread, but I'm still curious. What is so important about gender neutrality? What, precisely, is wrong with the genders being different? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? .
Idiotic Liberal reasoning.
Hey, I'll take anything at this point.

Is it really that tough a question?
IT is not tough using reason, but becomes the Gordian knot when submitted to ideological insanity.
Women and urinal-envy.

They can't use urinals, so the next best thing is to get rid of them altogether.
Question for those who are wanting this to happen: How can something be fixed when it isn't even broken to begin with? It isn't like your next breath depends on males and females getting to share a public bathroom anyways.

Having something that works well in society is a thorn in some people's side. They want a broken down society so they fit in better.

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