Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

My problem is, I don't know what happened. Cops came and talked to a kid. Dad and CPS got called in. Sure I'll buy that; no problem. But the why? It's not there. This was NOT about brownies, folks. Seriously. Of all the bash education threads I've seen here, this is truly the least evidence of an argument presented. Congrats.
I don't care if he called him a n*gger, did a Nazi salute and swore allegiance to the KKK, the cops shouldn't have been called. Get a grip you old hag.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and to gain access to your children.
Koshergirl can't see me, but everyone else: She is wrong. No state wants more kids in foster care. It's a huge problem and no one thinks it's the best outcome. I am not saying this as a liberal. I am saying this as a former CPS worker. It is not at all the way some people portray it.

Ugh, that figures.

That's right, because people like you portray a different reality..also known as a lie.

The truth is they are hiring hiring hiring cps workers, and they are engaging snap workers and schools to help them invade and control families via their children.
I don't care if he called him a n*gger, did a Nazi salute and swore allegiance to the KKK, the cops shouldn't have been called. Get a grip you old hag.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and your kids.

To be fair, I do believe a large majority of children should be removed from their homes. I just don't think our government can be trusted to raise a goldfish, let alone a child. think they should be removed by whom? Placed with whom? And why?

I don't think anyone should do so, because obviously only the government has that sort of power and I don't trust them. If children are going to be fucked up either way, I'd just as soon their own parents fuck them up.

But yeah, if we had a government that I could actually trust to take kids away from shitty parents and place them in loving , protective homes. I'd be all for that. There are a LOT of shitty parents out there who are ruining kids.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

What speech do you think the police should be called on? What if he called another child the dreaded "n" word? How long of a prison sentence would you suggest.
And I still want to know, what this THIRD GRADER questioned by police without a parent being present?

If this were my child, I'd be the one being questioned by police b/c I'd have shoved my fist down that teacher's gullet .

I don't believe any jury around here would have found me guilty of anything either.
And I still want to know, what this THIRD GRADER questioned by police without a parent being present?

If this were my child, I'd be the one being questioned by police b/c I'd have shoved my fist down that teacher's gullet .

I don't believe any jury around here would have found me guilty of anything either.
Or just yank them out. My kids don't go to public screwl.
Yes, I know Koshergirl doesn't like you for the same reason I don't. We both agree that parents are perfectly justified in gunning down CPS henchmen to prevent them from getting their clutches on innocent children. I do remember that exchange very well and I don't blame Koshergirl for not liking you.

CPS should be treated like any other kidnapper is treated.
There. Finally some clarity. Clementine has just opened a new thread on the same thing with links to a fox news article, as well.
So it makes some more sense than it did when everyone started pissing all over teachers.
Facts make a difference. My work here is done.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.
NO!! What we said is, without knowing what in hell the kid said, how is anyone supposed to make an informed comment about the kerfluffle? I hear ya, It SEEMS a big overreaction and mostly I wonder what kind of police department responds to calls like that? But see? We know SO LITTLE about what was really going on, either in that classroom or behind the scenes, that spouting off about it would be a silly waste of time. Like we do a lot here, with insufficient information.
Any police department that would respond to a 3rd grader's comment either has a liaison in place designated for that purpose, OR the police chief is dating the superintendent of school's sister, or SOMETHING. It's all very funky sounding to me. Like someone else here said, if a principal tried that in my district, he'd get chewed out for using 911 wrong.
But we don't have insufficient information. We know that the school district has given directions to call the police for any behavioral problem, even small ones that can be handled by teachers. We know that the kid made a comment that was deemed "racist" and that the cops were called, as well as CPS. Yes, that's enough information for informed commentary. I don't need to know if Billy said, "These brownies would taste great with watermelon and fried chicken" or "Did n*gg*rs make these brownies, because I don't like n*gg*rs". IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HE SAID BECAUSE NOTHING DESERVES THAT KIND OF RESPONSE!
Yes, but it wasn't the school's fault, or even the school board's. Keep reading! Boy, I'm glad I don't live in Jersey.

So you are a retired kidnapper? :eek:
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and your kids.

To be fair, I do believe a large majority of children should be removed from their homes. I just don't think our government can be trusted to raise a goldfish, let alone a child. think they should be removed by whom? Placed with whom? And why?

I don't think anyone should do so, because obviously only the government has that sort of power and I don't trust them. If children are going to be fucked up either way, I'd just as soon their own parents fuck them up.

But yeah, if we had a government that I could actually trust to take kids away from shitty parents and place them in loving , protective homes. I'd be all for that. There are a LOT of shitty parents out there who are ruining kids.

But very, very, very few of them are shittier than the homes the state places kids in...(foster parents are handpicked by douchebags like Old Lady, so you can imagine the quality and sociopathy of people they draw into the mess).

And the truth of the matter matter how shitty a kid's home is, almost universally they turn out better if they stay in it, as opposed to being removed. It's a weird thing that nobody can figure out, but it frustrates the fuck out of child welfare totalitarian types.

the best way to protect children is to protect families. That has always been the best way to protect them. And to allow their families and their local communities to intervene as they see fit.
There. Finally some clarity. Clementine has just opened a new thread on the same thing with links to a fox news article, as well.
So it makes some more sense than it did when everyone started pissing all over teachers.
Facts make a difference. My work here is done.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.
NO!! What we said is, without knowing what in hell the kid said, how is anyone supposed to make an informed comment about the kerfluffle? I hear ya, It SEEMS a big overreaction and mostly I wonder what kind of police department responds to calls like that? But see? We know SO LITTLE about what was really going on, either in that classroom or behind the scenes, that spouting off about it would be a silly waste of time. Like we do a lot here, with insufficient information.
Any police department that would respond to a 3rd grader's comment either has a liaison in place designated for that purpose, OR the police chief is dating the superintendent of school's sister, or SOMETHING. It's all very funky sounding to me. Like someone else here said, if a principal tried that in my district, he'd get chewed out for using 911 wrong.
But we don't have insufficient information. We know that the school district has given directions to call the police for any behavioral problem, even small ones that can be handled by teachers. We know that the kid made a comment that was deemed "racist" and that the cops were called, as well as CPS. Yes, that's enough information for informed commentary. I don't need to know if Billy said, "These brownies would taste great with watermelon and fried chicken" or "Did n*gg*rs make these brownies, because I don't like n*gg*rs". IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HE SAID BECAUSE NOTHING DESERVES THAT KIND OF RESPONSE!
Yes, but it wasn't the school's fault, or even the school board's. Keep reading! Boy, I'm glad I don't live in Jersey.

So you are a retired kidnapper? :eek:

Most likely a fired kidnapper.
Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and your kids.

To be fair, I do believe a large majority of children should be removed from their homes. I just don't think our government can be trusted to raise a goldfish, let alone a child. think they should be removed by whom? Placed with whom? And why?

I don't think anyone should do so, because obviously only the government has that sort of power and I don't trust them. If children are going to be fucked up either way, I'd just as soon their own parents fuck them up.

But yeah, if we had a government that I could actually trust to take kids away from shitty parents and place them in loving , protective homes. I'd be all for that. There are a LOT of shitty parents out there who are ruining kids.

But very, very, very few of them are shittier than the homes the state places kids in...(foster parents are handpicked by douchebags like Old Lady, so you can imagine the quality and sociopathy of people they draw into the mess).

And the truth of the matter matter how shitty a kid's home is, almost universally they turn out better if they stay in it, as opposed to being removed. It's a weird thing that nobody can figure out, but it frustrates the fuck out of child welfare totalitarian types.

the best way to protect children is to protect families. That has always been the best way to protect them. And to allow their families and their local communities to intervene as they see fit.

I agree, that is why I said the bottom line is I don't support taking kids from families.
And I still want to know, what this THIRD GRADER questioned by police without a parent being present?

If this were my child, I'd be the one being questioned by police b/c I'd have shoved my fist down that teacher's gullet .

I don't believe any jury around here would have found me guilty of anything either.
Or just yank them out. My kids don't go to public screwl.

Mine do, but I live in a pretty small rural area with a conservative population overall.

Doesn't say it was a liberal who did this.... why did you make that up?
Yes. I'm sure it was a Tea Party conservative that called the cops because Billy said brownies go well with fried chicken.

Oh, so you decided it must be a liberal, so therefore it is a liberal? Well done.
It doesn't matter. Nobody here read the story from other sources. The policy of calling the cops to settle even trivial behavior problems came from the District. The teacher had little choice but to follow an asinine directive from on high.

Which shows that the US is going massively wrong, and there are millions of examples. This forum is often a perfect example.
I don't care if he called him a n*gger, did a Nazi salute and swore allegiance to the KKK, the cops shouldn't have been called. Get a grip you old hag.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and to gain access to your children.
Koshergirl can't see me, but everyone else: She is wrong. No state wants more kids in foster care. It's a huge problem and no one thinks it's the best outcome. I am not saying this as a liberal. I am saying this as a former CPS worker. It is not at all the way some people portray it.
Yes, I know Koshergirl doesn't like you for the same reason I don't. We both agree that parents are perfectly justified in gunning down CPS henchmen to prevent them from getting their clutches on innocent children. I do remember that exchange very well and I don't blame Koshergirl for not liking you.
I'm crushed. BTW, Koshergirl gave up on me after I disagreed with her on the bake-a-cake issue.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and to gain access to your children.
Koshergirl can't see me, but everyone else: She is wrong. No state wants more kids in foster care. It's a huge problem and no one thinks it's the best outcome. I am not saying this as a liberal. I am saying this as a former CPS worker. It is not at all the way some people portray it.
Yes, I know Koshergirl doesn't like you for the same reason I don't. We both agree that parents are perfectly justified in gunning down CPS henchmen to prevent them from getting their clutches on innocent children. I do remember that exchange very well and I don't blame Koshergirl for not liking you.
I'm crushed. BTW, Koshergirl gave up on me after I disagreed with her on the bake-a-cake issue.
Right. I'm sure Koshergirl ignored you over cake, not you bragging how many children you kidnapped at gunpoint.
Muslim kid makes a simulated bomb, brings it to school, gets congratulations from the WH.

American kid says "brownies" in school, gets interrogated for racial extremism.
I don't care if he called him a n*gger, did a Nazi salute and swore allegiance to the KKK, the cops shouldn't have been called. Get a grip you old hag.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and to gain access to your children.
Koshergirl can't see me, but everyone else: She is wrong. No state wants more kids in foster care. It's a huge problem and no one thinks it's the best outcome. I am not saying this as a liberal. I am saying this as a former CPS worker. It is not at all the way some people portray it.

Ugh, that figures.

That's right, because people like you portray a different reality..also known as a lie.

The truth is they are hiring hiring hiring cps workers, and they are engaging snap workers and schools to help them invade and control families via their children.
The feds or someone must have slapped Oregon for their CPS numbers. Or there was an incident like we had in Maine about 15 years ago where a foster mother killed a kid in her care. Huge response and revamping of the system to save DHHS' ass, funding, and concurrently, foster kids. We had the feds crawling up our ass for years after that. But now Maine will go to most any lengths in order to avoid a foster placement with strangers. Family is better, if family can be found that won't allow the kids to be harmed. Keeping kids home with close supervision of the parents is even better, if it can be safe.
I've seen abuse you would not want to see visited on any child. That is what CPS is for. No state wishes for foster kids. It is an unending nightmare and vastly services intensive and costly enterprise. No state looks for MORE. Oregon MIGHT be trying to lower the incidence of abuse, however. No one wants your friends' kids, KG, unless they're being neglected or abused, in which case they want it to stop.
Okay. Just leave your spew about liberal teachers ruining the education system OUT OF IT, since you haven't got a clue what's going on.

Can you at least agree that a school shouldn't be calling the police over a 3rd grader, or any student for that matter, using suspected racist terms, even if they actually ARE racist terms?

For example, let's suppose a white kid walked by a group of black kids and yelled "hey n*gger" are you really suggesting that the police should be involved? Good grief I hope not.

It's about seizing control of children. That's all this is about.

You should see the HUGE hiring swell for child welfare in Oregon. They are hiring HUNDREDS of new workers and putting them in every podunk town. They are also facilitating child welfare involvement in foodstamp cases...

Which is why I tell everybody...get the fuck out of any entitlement program you currently are dependent on, because the feds are using those programs to infiltrate your bank accounts, and to gain access to your children.
Koshergirl can't see me, but everyone else: She is wrong. No state wants more kids in foster care. It's a huge problem and no one thinks it's the best outcome. I am not saying this as a liberal. I am saying this as a former CPS worker. It is not at all the way some people portray it.

Ugh, that figures.

That's right, because people like you portray a different reality..also known as a lie.

The truth is they are hiring hiring hiring cps workers, and they are engaging snap workers and schools to help them invade and control families via their children.
The feds or someone must have slapped Oregon for their CPS numbers. Or there was an incident like we had in Maine about 15 years ago where a foster mother killed a kid in her care. Huge response and revamping of the system to save DHHS' ass, funding, and concurrently, foster kids. We had the feds crawling up our ass for years after that. But now Maine will go to most any lengths in order to avoid a foster placement with strangers. Family is better, if family can be found that won't allow the kids to be harmed. Keeping kids home with close supervision of the parents is even better, if it can be safe.
I've seen abuse you would not want to see visited on any child. That is what CPS is for. No state wishes for foster kids. It is an unending nightmare and vastly services intensive and costly enterprise. No state looks for MORE. Oregon MIGHT be trying to lower the incidence of abuse, however. No one wants your friends' kids, KG, unless they're being neglected or abused, in which case they want it to stop.

But you DO have to acknowledge that there are a lot of over zealous people out there individually who will abuse the system to take kids from families for unwarranted reasons. It happens, we both know it happens. But yeah, there is no government plan in place to make it happen. It's just individually bad government workers.

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