Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

Prosecutors can lay out recommendations, but they cannot force schools to call the police. The problem is schools are now terrified of children. A lot has changed since I went to school in the 80's and my parents signed permission for the principal to paddle me if necessary. In those days parents and teachers were allies in instilling discipline and respect for authority in children. If I ever got in trouble in school, I got it even worse at home. Now when kids are bad, parents don't scream at them, they show up at school to scream at the principal and threaten a lawsuit. It goes back to the Biblical proverb that those who spare the rod hate their children, and there are a lot of parents who hate their children these days.
You bounce around, but in the end, I think you are agreeing with Koshergrrl and myself; it's the lawyers.

It's fear of litigation that drives this.

No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established. I mean that retard old lady sure as shit isn't an attorney, she's just a peon who worked for a while sitting in on visitations and shuttling kids all over the place at the behest of her commie masters. I bet she's on benefits right now. It's THOSE people who have landed us here, who are lazy and greedy and take the bribes and then vote for more restrictions, more oversight, more control by dumbass officialdom because that's how they avoid any sort of accountability for their own laziness and stupidity.
Prosecutors can lay out recommendations, but they cannot force schools to call the police. The problem is schools are now terrified of children. A lot has changed since I went to school in the 80's and my parents signed permission for the principal to paddle me if necessary. In those days parents and teachers were allies in instilling discipline and respect for authority in children. If I ever got in trouble in school, I got it even worse at home. Now when kids are bad, parents don't scream at them, they show up at school to scream at the principal and threaten a lawsuit. It goes back to the Biblical proverb that those who spare the rod hate their children, and there are a lot of parents who hate their children these days.
You bounce around, but in the end, I think you are agreeing with Koshergrrl and myself; it's the lawyers.

It's fear of litigation that drives this.
Of course I agree. I'm just specifying that listening to the Prosecutor's office is optional. And while teachers groan about calling the fuzz for every behavior issue, they do so gleefully for a "racist" who they think should be locked up for hate speech.
No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established.
There are certainly totalitarian assholes who want to dictate how others live, what they think and what to believe, but we also have a society where too many parents and individuals believe they are more special than everyone else and will use a lawyer when offended.
Of course I agree. I'm just specifying that listening to the Prosecutor's office is optional. And while teachers groan about calling the fuzz for every behavior issue, they do so gleefully for a "racist" who they think should be locked up for hate speech.
Optional, yes, but if the school didn't accept a prosecutor's legal recommendation and something bad happens, the school would be creamed in court. Ergo, the school's lawyers will tell the school to CYA and follow all recommendations.
Prosecutors can lay out recommendations, but they cannot force schools to call the police. The problem is schools are now terrified of children. A lot has changed since I went to school in the 80's and my parents signed permission for the principal to paddle me if necessary. In those days parents and teachers were allies in instilling discipline and respect for authority in children. If I ever got in trouble in school, I got it even worse at home. Now when kids are bad, parents don't scream at them, they show up at school to scream at the principal and threaten a lawsuit. It goes back to the Biblical proverb that those who spare the rod hate their children, and there are a lot of parents who hate their children these days.
You bounce around, but in the end, I think you are agreeing with Koshergrrl and myself; it's the lawyers.

It's fear of litigation that drives this.

No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established. I mean that retard old lady sure as shit isn't an attorney, she's just a peon who worked for a while sitting in on visitations and shuttling kids all over the place at the behest of her commie masters. I bet she's on benefits right now. It's THOSE people who have landed us here, who are lazy and greedy and take the bribes and then vote for more restrictions, more oversight, more control by dumbass officialdom because that's how they avoid any sort of accountability for their own laziness and stupidity.
Honestly, I liked it better when you had me on ignore, you spiteful, delusional bitch.
No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established.
There are certainly totalitarian assholes who want to dictate how others live, what they think and what to believe, but we also have a society where too many parents and individuals believe they are more special than everyone else and will use a lawyer when offended.

It's an entitlement mentality. They expect other people to do for them, to cater to them, and they think that if those people don't, they should be put in jail.
That would be interesting. I know it happened in our office, though not to me personally. Workers in other parts of the state with judges who were hostile to DHHS? It happened a lot.
Good. Any judge that protects children from the kidnapping mafia is tops in my book.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.

All that's happened is that the majority of your fellow citizens have learned to ignore you and your foul tempered ilk.
Really? Or is it just you? Last I heard, most Americans reject the racialism coming from the Left.

What more and more of us are rejecting is your stupid "left" versus "right" food fight, you all sound alike.
Good. Any judge that protects children from the kidnapping mafia is tops in my book.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.

Yes, you can order a child's abusers to stay away from them. Child welfare does it all the time. And you can order an abuser to stay away from his kids based on the fact that he abused their mother.

No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established.
There are certainly totalitarian assholes who want to dictate how others live, what they think and what to believe, but we also have a society where too many parents and individuals believe they are more special than everyone else and will use a lawyer when offended.

It's an entitlement mentality. They expect other people to do for them, to cater to them, and they think that if those people don't, they should be put in jail.

The american exceptionalism mentality is an entitlement mentality.
No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established.
There are certainly totalitarian assholes who want to dictate how others live, what they think and what to believe, but we also have a society where too many parents and individuals believe they are more special than everyone else and will use a lawyer when offended.

It's an entitlement mentality. They expect other people to do for them, to cater to them, and they think that if those people don't, they should be put in jail.

The american exceptionalism mentality is an entitlement mentality.

Shut the fuck up, commie.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.

Yes, you can order a child's abusers to stay away from them. Child welfare does it all the time. And you can order an abuser to stay away from his kids based on the fact that he abused their mother.


Isn't that under state statutes and perhaps variable state to state?
Honestly, I liked it better when you had me on ignore, you spiteful, delusional bitch.
Girl fiiiiight!!!


No, it's a desire to hijack society that drives it. Totalitarians who can't wait to get a job where they can fucking step all over people, violate their basic civil and human rights, and take their children from them. It isn't a profession, it's an ideology that has seeped into our society via entitlement programs that we should NEVER have established.
There are certainly totalitarian assholes who want to dictate how others live, what they think and what to believe, but we also have a society where too many parents and individuals believe they are more special than everyone else and will use a lawyer when offended.

It's an entitlement mentality. They expect other people to do for them, to cater to them, and they think that if those people don't, they should be put in jail.

The american exceptionalism mentality is an entitlement mentality.

Shut the fuck up, commie.

Poor thing, name calling, reminds me of kindergarten.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.

The "PC" schtick wore way thin long ago outside your bubble.
The libtard mental disorder is wearing thin.

That's last decade's Ann Coulter talking point, turn over your material more often. ~27% of our citizens say this shit and wonder why they can't get to a majority.
True though.

I know, it always hovers ~27% of you throw backs.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.

Yes, you can order a child's abusers to stay away from them. Child welfare does it all the time. And you can order an abuser to stay away from his kids based on the fact that he abused their mother.


Wrong. Child services can NOT order married parents to live apart if oneparent is abusing the children, and in moist cases it is in fact suspected that at a minimum the non abusing parent was aware of the abuse and did NOTHING to stop it.

Protecting children is and always will be my PRIMARY concern in any discussion. Sometimes removing children from the home IS the right choice.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.

Yes, you can order a child's abusers to stay away from them. Child welfare does it all the time. And you can order an abuser to stay away from his kids based on the fact that he abused their mother.


Isn't that under state statutes and perhaps variable state to state?

There are no states that have no authority to prevent abusive parents from accessing there children, ding dong. So rethink your strategy of smacking your wife around while telling her that she can't do anything or keep you from seeing your kids.
Good. Any judge that protects children from the kidnapping mafia is tops in my book.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.
Taking criminals off the street is not the same thing as taking children away from their parents, you poor, dumb son of a bitch.
We -- at least I -- always welcomed the judge and GAL's decisions; sharing the responsibility for such a big decision is a huge relief. Of course, I had a supervisor and the case was always thoroughly reviewed and such prior to asking for custody, but supervisors have to go by your perceptions and observations in the field. It is a heavy weight to carry, sometimes wondering if this is going to make things better or worse, and my heart always breaking for the kids and the parents. Contrary to what you think of CPS workers, it's about the kids, not you.
Yes, it is about the kids. Which is why kidnapping them should be illegal and CPS should be subject to the same lethal force justified against all kidnappers. Why would I care that a supervisor signed off on your kidnapping?

Leave the kids alone!

By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.
Taking criminals off the street is not the same thing as taking children away from their parents, you poor, dumb son of a bitch.

You fucking moron. Removing children from abusive homes is to kidnapping as arresting criminals is.

Meaning, neither are.
By your "logic" police who make arrests should be treated as kidnappers too. So I guess you agree with Black Lives Matter. Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon and all that..

I swear some people have no thinking skills whatsoever.

By my logic? There's no comparison whatsoever and you just proved what want of thinking skills looks like.

of course there is a comparison you dumb fuck.

In BOTH cases we have empowered the government to remove certain rights when people are suspected of or actually DO violate the law. You're just apparently too stupid to understand that , for instance , in the case of domestic abuse the court can make an abusive partner move out of the house and order no contact with the abusee, but when it comes to children, we can't just order their abusers to stay away from them, they must have SOME sort of legal guardian and in comes foster care.

But both are the same fucking thing.

Yes, you can order a child's abusers to stay away from them. Child welfare does it all the time. And you can order an abuser to stay away from his kids based on the fact that he abused their mother.


Isn't that under state statutes and perhaps variable state to state?

There are no states that have no authority to prevent abusive parents from accessing there children, ding dong. So rethink your strategy of smacking your wife around while telling her that she can't do anything or keep you from seeing your kids.

Perhaps you should make better partner choices.

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