Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.

Again ---- where do you see "the left" in the story? Or any political element at all?

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Ah, there it is. The old Argumentum ad PulledItOuttaMyAssium fallacy. You must have taken a coarse.
Calling the cops because of an alleged racially charged comment sounds pretty damn Leftist to me.

Ah yes. "Sounds to me like.... ", the corollary to PulledItOuttaMyAssium. Actually that's where it comes from.
Yep, libtards are assholes.
Assuming the article hasn't left something out that would change what we know about the incident, I would say the teacher dropped the ball, and that caused it to escalate to the absurdity that ensued.

Basically IMO the teacher let a teaching moment slip right through his/her hands. One student commented about the brownies being served. We all know what brownies are, the teacher had to know, and the student who made the comment obviously knew too. But the story reported another student called the brownie remark racist. Hey, in a class on nine-year-olds it's quite possible maybe the kid who complained had never seen or heard of brownies, or perhaps knew all about them but was just being a little prick about the use of the word. Regardless, it would have been quite simple for the teacher to explain that chewy chocolate cake-like goodies are called brownies and there's absolutely nothing racist about the use of the word in that context. Then the teacher could have followed up with an example of how brownie could be used in a racial manner in a context referring to a person of black or Hispanic heritage. The lesson being some words carry various connotations depending on how they're used.

Instead, this class got a lesson in Making Mountains Out of Molehills 101.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.
Instead, this class got a lesson in Making Mountains Out of Molehills 101.

And the Daily Caller or who ever thought this was news pushed it even further.

Then the OP helped.

And everyone is all a flutter lol....Soft asses
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.

The "PC" schtick wore way thin long ago outside your bubble.
The libtard mental disorder is wearing thin.

That's last decade's Ann Coulter talking point, turn over your material more often. ~27% of our citizens say this shit and wonder why they can't get to a majority.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.

All that's happened is that the majority of your fellow citizens have learned to ignore you and your foul tempered ilk.
The story doesn't say much at what's the hubbub, bud?
The story says the police were called because of a racist comment. You Leftwats now argue that unless we know what the racist comment was, it didn't happen. No wonder Hips is doing so well in the polls with so many Democrats who ignore the truth.

All that's happened is that the majority of your fellow citizens have learned to ignore you and your foul tempered ilk.
Really? Or is it just you? Last I heard, most Americans reject the racialism coming from the Left.

Doesn't say it was a liberal who did this.... why did you make that up?
Yes. I'm sure it was a Tea Party conservative that called the cops because Billy said brownies go well with fried chicken.

Oh, so you decided it must be a liberal, so therefore it is a liberal? Well done.

Doesn't say it was a liberal who did this.... why did you make that up?
Yes. I'm sure it was a Tea Party conservative that called the cops because Billy said brownies go well with fried chicken.

Oh, so you decided it must be a liberal, so therefore it is a liberal? Well done.
It doesn't matter. Nobody here read the story from other sources. The policy of calling the cops to settle even trivial behavior problems came from the District. The teacher had little choice but to follow an asinine directive from on high.
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There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.

The "PC" schtick wore way thin long ago outside your bubble.
The libtard mental disorder is wearing thin.

That's last decade's Ann Coulter talking point, turn over your material more often. ~27% of our citizens say this shit and wonder why they can't get to a majority.
True though.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.
Okay, what could a third grader POSSIBLY say, period, that would require the intervention of the police? (Except something overtly sexual in nature--now that will bring out the entire panoply every time). I'll bet the kid's statement had nothing whatever to do with brownies, and his mom is saying that to defend her little sweetie. Cops don't come to our school for stuff like that. The kid gets a Come to Jesus Talking To, with parents present, and then apologizes to offended other. That's how it goes.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.
Right. It couldn't be that our school system is so batshit crazy they think the cops should be called to arrest a 9 year old racist. There HAS to be another explanation. Maybe he said the N word. That definitely requires police intervention, right?
You entirely misunderstand me. Read on.

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