Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

The "PC" shyte is nothing at all, never was much. It's like saying "MSM". Folks don't even know what they're bitching about.

Here are some honest liberals who know precisely what it is, who see it as a real problem; they provide examples, and they explain why it matters:

Like everything else in american politics, once it gets politicized, it's too toxic for meaningful discussion. Everything is always about balance, and I just don't see this the way you do, sorry.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
You need to click the 'more' arrow.
I did! Pretty sure it worked.
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.

The "PC" schtick wore way thin long ago outside your bubble.
Your right it had worn thin people have had enough of it,but sadly has expanded

The "PC" shyte is nothing at all, never was much. It's like saying "MSM". Folks don't even know what they're bitching about.
Sounds PC to me. Everyone is protected from the slightest perceived slur, except Christians of course. Everyone gets a trophy, everyone is coddled until death do they part. But make sure you have that LGBT pride day and squash all mentions of Christmas songs. And disrupt the psyche of young kids to make way for transgender freaks using girls' locker rooms. And teach it too, it's all good to want to be a gir.

Same kind of school board that suspended a child for pretending to have a gun with his index finger extended. Or the kindergartener suspended for having a plastic gun toy that made bubbles and the one who made a somewhat looking gun out of his pop tart. Progress, yeah this sure is progress.

Yes of course, christians are under seige. This is exactly what I’m talking about; how it all just gets turned into another pissing match. If everyone becomes equal then some are under attack.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?
Nice deflection
DEFLECTION????!! How is it a deflection to ask what the kid said and why such big guns were called in on a third grader? Whatever this response is, it certainly is not a deflection.
Love to see the data you have on the schools.

There are a lot of articles out there on the subject

If America Spends More Than Most Countries Per Student, Then Why Are Its Schools So Bad?

Thank you. I get that articles abound, I meant real data, studies, and look, I'm not challenging your assertion, I just need more to get to my own comclusion. When I hear something like "The entire public education system in America is in shambles. We spend the most money per student and have some of the lowest results of all industrialized nations.", to me that's just someone else's ultimate conclusion statement. It doesn't help me get to my own conclusion. And there are plenty of efforts to defund public education, so an article doesn't mean much to me either.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

Because "Tranny News Today" had a slow news day.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.
My problem is, I don't know what happened. Cops came and talked to a kid. Dad and CPS got called in. Sure I'll buy that; no problem. But the why? It's not there. This was NOT about brownies, folks. Seriously. Of all the bash education threads I've seen here, this is truly the least evidence of an argument presented. Congrats.

But it sells more papers if it's "brownies". Gullible's Travels.
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.

They say the same things about you and your own dichotomous reactionary behavior. You all sound alike to me.

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Doesn't matter, who needs evidence?
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.

They say the same things about you and your own dichotomous reactionary behavior. You all sound alike to me.

I honestly don't give a fuck what you think.
This is not a way to treat 9 year old kids, even if they say something racist:

...“He was intimidated, obviously. There was a police officer with a gun in the holster talking to my son, saying, ‘Tell me what you said.’ He didn’t have anybody on his side...
This is not a way to treat 9 year old kids, even if they say something racist:

...“He was intimidated, obviously. There was a police officer with a gun in the holster talking to my son, saying, ‘Tell me what you said.’ He didn’t have anybody on his side...

which brings up another question. Was this kid questions without his parent being present? That's a huge no no.

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