Lib calls police on 9 year old for commenting about brownies

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Doesn't matter, who needs evidence?

All they have to do is point to their stomach and claim thats where the evidence is...Gut feeling. Just so happens their gut feeling always find everyone to be a liberal
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.
The REST of the story? How about the beginning of the story? The middle of the story? I fear for all of us when people not only jump to such unfounded conclusions but then have the balls to defend themselves as if it made sense.
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.

They say the same things about you and your own dichotomous reactionary behavior. You all sound alike to me.

I honestly don't give a fuck what you think.

Yeah, I know, you don't care about anyone bit yourself.
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.

Given all the stupid stories we've seen and that have been CONFIRMED that are very similar to this one, there is nothing stupid about saying "oh here we go again" when in all fucking likelyhood this was ANOTHER example of a school reacting stupidly

You want to talk about stupid, here's stupid.

A teenage Muslim boy brings what appears to be a fucking bomb to school it starts making all kinds of beeping noises and the school calls the police and you ignorant liberals jump on your high horse about "oh the school over reacted" but when a white 3rd grader is talking to his friends about a fucking dessert item and the cops are called you morons are all "oh I want to hear the rest of the story"

You liberals are fucking stupid, there really is no other explanation.

They say the same things about you and your own dichotomous reactionary behavior. You all sound alike to me.

I honestly don't give a fuck what you think.

Yeah, I know, you don't care about anyone bit yourself.

what a dumb fuck

not caring what you think about me =/= caring about other people.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.
The kid got called racist because the meaning of the word has been lost. Racist can mean anything.

The article says that the police have answered similar complaints from this school up to five times a day. That says more about this school than a brownie complaint.
The kid got called racist because the meaning of the word has been lost. Racist can mean anything.

The article says that the police have answered similar complaints from this school up to five times a day. That says more about this school than a brownie complaint.

it also tells me the police are a bunch of dipshits. If I was a police officer and I got repeated 911 calls from a school over racist comments, I'd arrest the principal of said school for wrongful use of 911 equipment
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.

Again ---- where do you see "the left" in the story? Or any political element at all?

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Ah, there it is. The old Argumentum ad PulledItOuttaMyAssium fallacy. You must have taken a coarse.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.

Again ---- where do you see "the left" in the story? Or any political element at all?

I see left in the story in the fact that it is always a dumb fuck liberal teacher making a big deal of a kid talking about a dessert, or biting his sandwich into a shape that sort of resembles a gun, or pulls a girl's hair, or whatever and calls the fucking police for what should at most be a school matter.

I see left in regards to this board because it is ONLY liberals who are at best silent on this kind of story and at worst defend the teacher's stupid actions.

Plenty of conservative idiots in this world, so don't get your crusty panties in a bunch, but when it comes to THIS type of stupid bullshit, it is ALWAYS a liberal at the center of the shit storm and other liberals rush to rescue.

The mere fact that you can't just say "what a stupid fucking teacher" or something to that effect proves my point.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.
My problem is, I don't know what happened. Cops came and talked to a kid. Dad and CPS got called in. Sure I'll buy that; no problem. But the why? It's not there. This was NOT about brownies, folks. Seriously. Of all the bash education threads I've seen here, this is truly the least evidence of an argument presented. Congrats.
The question is, what could a little boy SAY about brownies to warrant such a response? I don't think he said, "I laced those brownies with C4".
Last edited:
Folks, this PC stupidity has to stop. I don't care your politics, we can't continue down this path.
No, the stupidity of people who can read such a vacuous article and spring into action against education, p.c., law enforcement and liberals all at once is what actually has to stop.
Apparently many angry parents who are demanding this stop are just jumping the gun?
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.
Right. It couldn't be that our school system is so batshit crazy they think the cops should be called to arrest a 9 year old racist. There HAS to be another explanation. Maybe he said the N word. That definitely requires police intervention, right?
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.

Again ---- where do you see "the left" in the story? Or any political element at all?

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Ah, there it is. The old Argumentum ad PulledItOuttaMyAssium fallacy. You must have taken a coarse.
Calling the cops because of an alleged racially charged comment sounds pretty damn Leftist to me.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?


"A New Jersey elementary school called the police after a third-grade student made a comment about the brownies being served in class and another student called the remark “racist.”

A police officer from the Collingswood Police Department showed up at William P. Tatem Elementary School to question the boy, who is 9.

The boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, said the school’s response was a complete overreaction.

“He said they were talking about brownies. … Who exactly did he offend?” she"

From the article that you either couldn't or didn't read
Yes, Frank, I read that. It fails to say what the child said, doesn't it? I'm still holding out for that. Would like to know what the reaction was about and how Dad and CPS got called in--sounds like quite a story, as I said before. But without knowing what the kid said, or why it would be construed as racist, or why COPS got called, I can't make any kind of reasonable conclusion let alone form an opinion. There is a whole lot more to this than is being reported. It is so clear to me. Don't know why you are having such a hard time with it.

What could a third grader POSSIBLY said in regards to a fucking dessert that a reasonable person could have construed as a racist comment?

And further, since when is calling the fucking police a reasonable response to hearing a child utter something racist, even if the little kid shouted out "Hey Billy these brownies are darker than you are niggah?" or something else that actually IS racist.

No matter WHAT the child SAID, calling the fucking police is a dipshit over reaction, and indicative of the left's desire to outlaw free speech.

Again ---- where do you see "the left" in the story? Or any political element at all?

Where's it say "lib"? Where does it mention any kind of politics at all?

I'll wait.

Apply Conservative rule number 1. If someone does or says something you dont like they are now a liberal.

What do you think the chances are that that teacher was anything but a card carrying Democrat? Lol

Ah, there it is. The old Argumentum ad PulledItOuttaMyAssium fallacy. You must have taken a coarse.
Calling the cops because of an alleged racially charged comment sounds pretty damn Leftist to me.

Ah yes. "Sounds to me like.... ", the corollary to PulledItOuttaMyAssium. Actually that's where it comes from.
There is absolutely NO information in this stupid article. I have no idea what the kid said or why CPS and the Dad got involved. While it sounds like an interesting story, your article has NOTHING in it. Why do you swallow stuff like this?

You KNOW that it almost a certainty that this story happened as exactly as told. the PC crowd has went completely bonkers with this bullshit.

The "PC" schtick wore way thin long ago outside your bubble.
The libtard mental disorder is wearing thin.

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