lib details how she'll abuse her child for political reasons

She's only several decades behind the times.

There's nothing wrong with teaching boys how to clean a house, how to cook, how to sew, how to do laundry, and there's nothing wrong with girls learning how to work on cars and appliances and how to do basic carpentry.
There's only female or male. Of course, one can choose gender but there's never none.
Oh, novasteve , It's pretty stupid of you to call making a child self-sufficient "abuse," and it's stupid to say it's for political reasons.

I'm curious, why don't you want people to be more self-reliant?

Why do you hate women?
There's only female or male. Of course, one can choose gender but there's never none.

She wasn't talking about the child's gender, she was talking about gender roles.

You might want to look up the definition.
My Mom had me learn to do all those duties and I still do them...No one else is here to do it..
and liberals will gush and swoon over this person admitting their desire to abuse their child and cause a life time of psychological problems.

because progress!

I'm Raising My Daughter Without The Gender Binary, & Here's Why
She's a fucking asshole. Impressing her experience on her daughter.

Why not just start the child as it's birth gender, treat both sexes equally (not the feminist way, but actually) and let the child go it;s own direction from there?
and liberals will gush and swoon over this person admitting their desire to abuse their child and cause a life time of psychological problems.

because progress!

I'm Raising My Daughter Without The Gender Binary, & Here's Why
She's a fucking asshole. Impressing her experience on her daughter.

Why not just start the child as it's birth gender, treat both sexes equally (not the feminist way, but actually) and let the child go it;s own direction from there?
You didn't read the article either...
this is some limp wristed feel good moment liberals preparing to ruin her child's life for political reason. sacrificing kid on the altar of diversity.
Oh, novasteve , It's pretty stupid of you to call making a child self-sufficient "abuse," and it's stupid to say it's for political reasons.

I'm curious, why don't you want people to be more self-reliant?

Why do you hate women?
They think that treating their boys harsher than ever before and by making their girls as bored as possible, that they will get a return to traditionalism. /maybe they are right.
this is some limp wristed feel good moment liberals preparing to ruin her child's life for political reason. sacrificing kid on the altar of diversity.
Oh my, allowing a child to make choices is so bad..
Liberals shouldn't have children. They're barely able to take care of themselves, and some of them can't even do that.
If she plans to raise the kid without gender binary, she has already messed up just by referring to the child as her daughter. No gender binary means she doesn't have a daughter or a son, but a child only.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. So how much longer will kids be referred to as children before another name is given to them?
In some way I understand. I wore my Cousin Tony's hand me downs. I kept my hair short because it got in the way. I threw dolls in the corner and played with trucks, toy guns, lincoln logs and legions of green army men. And I fought with anyone who was unlucky enough to get close enough to hit.

In those days there was no such thing as binary. Gender was how you were born. I was a girl who didn't play with girl toys and that was the end of it. This woman is still intending to force her child into a pre defined role. Just a different role.

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