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Lib NY Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Sit-In Protest In Nancy Pelosi's Office!


'A group of young environmental activists occupied House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office with a list of demands, including one that Democrats support what they’re calling a “Green New Deal.”

Activists began their “sit in” at Pelosi’s Capitol Hill office on Tuesday morning, wearing matching t-shirts and holding yellow signs with slogans such as, “We have twelve years. What’s your plan?”

The sit in is part of the Sunrise Movement’s plan to create an “army of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs”

Activists were joined by New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who backed a “Green New Deal” during her campaign. Ocasio-Cortez called for a “Green New Deal” to create a “100% renewable energy system and a fully modernized electrical grid by 2035.”

“How is
@NancyPelosi going to respond to the young people occupying her office for a #GreenNewDeal right now?”

A better question is how is Pelosi going to react to the new Liberal Socialist Darling showing up in her office wearing a matching T-Shirt with a bunch of young college-age protestors and staging a sit-in.


I guess Ocasio-Cortez has not learned yet that she can get more accomplished as a newly elected NY Congresswoman working within the system, perhaps authoring that bill and pushing it through Congress, than as a member of a youth protest group laying siege to Pelosi's office...


Ocasio-Cortez Joins Protest At Nancy Pelosi’s Office To Demand A ‘Green New Deal’

Alexandria has too much time on her hands-----she should get a
job so that she can afford to pay her rent
Every voter today above the age of 22, who has a job and does not live with their parents, who voted for her.....

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