Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

Pretty lame.

So Colorado and Nevada are "poor rural states?"

You really need help, honestly.

Both states have one major population center. The rest if both states are rural and rugged. If you don't believe they are poor rural states tell it to the people that wrote the article.

You are what is called a 'right figher' Chris. You need to be right at all costs. Right up to the point where your denials and rebuttals make you look so amazingly stupid and juvenile that everyone but yourself can see how wrong you are.

A quick summary of your most recent rebuttals presented with no evidence to refute either:

Stricter gun laws correlate to lower sucides, but only U.S, statistics count.

A bunch mental health explain the rate of suicides differently than you, not because they are trained professionals, but because they want to glorify their line of work.

Are you starting to see what a void of intellectual honesty, laughing stock you have become?
You are smart enough to understand that when you put something in quotes it's supposed to be what I actually said, right?

If you believe Colorado and Nevada are as rich and populated as Mass, NY and CT your the one who need help.

You do realize that the end of your post says "poorer rural states." If you don't read it again.

As I said Colorado and Nevada are neither poor nor rural. In fact two thirds of the people in Colorado live in the Denver area.

Once again, very lame.
The association between the purchase of a handgun and homicide or suicide.

P Cummings, T D Koepsell, D C Grossman, J Savarino and R S Thompson

Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, Seattle, WA 98104-2499, USA.

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether purchase of a handgun from a licensed dealer is associated with the risk of homicide or suicide and whether any association varies in relation to time since purchase. METHODS: A case-control study was done among the members of a large health maintenance organization. Case subjects were the 353 suicide victims and 117 homicide victims among the members from 1980 through 1992. Five control subjects were matched to each case subject on age, sex, and zip code of residence. Handgun purchase information was obtained from the Department of Licensing. RESULTS: The adjusted relative risk of suicide was 1.9 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5) for persons with a history of family handgun purchase from a registered dealer. The adjusted relative risk for homicide, given a history of family handgun purchase, was 2.2 (95% CI = 1.3, 3.7). For both suicide and homicide, the elevated relative risks persisted for more than 5 years after the purchase. CONCLUSIONS: Legal purchase of a handgun appears to be associated with a long-lasting increased risk of violent death.

The association between the purchase of a handgun and homicide or suicide. -- Cummings et al. 87 (6): 974 -- American Journal of Public Health
Both states have one major population center. The rest if both states are rural and rugged. If you don't believe they are poor rural states tell it to the people that wrote the article.

You are what is called a 'right figher' Chris. You need to be right at all costs. Right up to the point where your denials and rebuttals make you look so amazingly stupid and juvenile that everyone but yourself can see how wrong you are.

A quick summary of your most recent rebuttals presented with no evidence to refute either:

Stricter gun laws correlate to lower sucides, but only U.S, statistics count.

A bunch mental health explain the rate of suicides differently than you, not because they are trained professionals, but because they want to glorify their line of work.

Are you starting to see what a void of intellectual honesty, laughing stock you have become?

You are the one who is a laughingstock. Two thirds of the population of Colorado live in the Denver area.
Suicidal individuals who have access to guns are at the greatest risk of impulsive, unpredictable suicide. The effect of gun control was forcibly brought to me recently when a nonphysician colleague asked me to provide psychopharmacologic consultation for a young man whose engagement to be married had been abruptly terminated. He had thought of killing himself the previous week and had gone to a sporting goods store to buy a gun. I asked whether he had purchased one. He looked at me disappointedly and said, "No—in New York State it takes six months to get a license... a lot of good that does!" That man is alive today, getting treatment, and doing better because some members of the community cared enough to legislate to limit access to firearms.

Suicide and Gun Control -- Slaby 52 (8): 999 -- Psychiatr Serv
Suicidal individuals who have access to guns are at the greatest risk of impulsive, unpredictable suicide. The effect of gun control was forcibly brought to me recently when a nonphysician colleague asked me to provide psychopharmacologic consultation for a young man whose engagement to be married had been abruptly terminated. He had thought of killing himself the previous week and had gone to a sporting goods store to buy a gun. I asked whether he had purchased one. He looked at me disappointedly and said, "No—in New York State it takes six months to get a license... a lot of good that does!" That man is alive today, getting treatment, and doing better because some members of the community cared enough to legislate to limit access to firearms.

Suicidal individuals who have access to guns are at the greatest risk of impulsive, unpredictable suicide. The effect of gun control was forcibly brought to me recently when a nonphysician colleague asked me to provide psychopharmacologic consultation for a young man whose engagement to be married had been abruptly terminated. He had thought of killing himself the previous week and had gone to a sporting goods store to buy a gun. I asked whether he had purchased one. He looked at me disappointedly and said, "No—in New York State it takes six months to get a license... a lot of good that does!" That man is alive today, getting treatment, and doing better because some members of the community cared enough to legislate to limit access to firearms.

Suicidal individuals who have access to guns are at the greatest risk of impulsive, unpredictable suicide. The effect of gun control was forcibly brought to me recently when a nonphysician colleague asked me to provide psychopharmacologic consultation for a young man whose engagement to be married had been abruptly terminated. He had thought of killing himself the previous week and had gone to a sporting goods store to buy a gun. I asked whether he had purchased one. He looked at me disappointedly and said, "No—in New York State it takes six months to get a license... a lot of good that does!" That man is alive today, getting treatment, and doing better because some members of the community cared enough to legislate to limit access to firearms.

Suicide and Gun Control -- Slaby 52 (8): 999 -- Psychiatr Serv

make that 15/16...and counting
Load of shit. If he wanted to kill himself, he would have.

Gun, or no gun. Simple as that.
You are the one who is a laughingstock. Two thirds of the population of Colorado live in the Denver area.

You do understand that rural does NOT mean where everyone lives right?

How the fuck did you get to be psychopharmacologist being this stupid?

It is yet again noted that you have provided NOTHING to refute any of the assertions I have made. Instead of coming up with actual semi-intellectual coherent thought out response, you did what most infantile right figthers do. Take the easiest snipet of the argument you could find to pick apart (and you even failed at that seeing as you don't understand what 'rural' means).

For a psychopharmacologist one would think you would be slightly less infantile with your responses.

Answer the following if you have the balls chicken shit:

If strict gun control is DIRECTLY correlated to greater suicide rates as YOU have asserted, how can it be that said correlation only appears to hold true in the U.S.?
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rather then get involved in an endless argument,let me just say if someone is going to kill themselves because their girl or guy is leaving them,or,i got layed off,the dumb ass reasons people kill themselves,hey i will give them the fucking gun.....we dont need people who want to commit suicide every time something goes wrong in their pathetic little lives.....FUCK EM.....have a place were they can go and blow their fucking brains out....then Chris will have no argument to perpetuate......
You do understand that rural does NOT mean where everyone lives right?

How the fuck did you get to be psychopharmacologist being this stupid?

It is yet again noted that you have provided NOTHING to refute any of the assertions I have made. Instead of coming up with actual semi-intellectual coherent thought out response, you did what most infantile right figthers do. Take the easiest snipet of the argument you could find to pick apart (and you even failed at that seeing as you don't understand what 'rural' means).

For a psychopharmacologist one would think you would be slightly less infantile with your responses.

Answer the following if you have the balls chicken shit:

If strict gun control is DIRECTLY correlated to greater suicide rates as YOU have asserted, how can it be that said correlation only appears to hold true in the U.S.?

Because access to guns is not the only factor.

rather then get involved in an endless argument,let me just say if someone is going to kill themselves because their girl or guy is leaving them,or,i got layed off,the dumb ass reasons people kill themselves,hey i will give them the fucking gun.....we dont need people who want to commit suicide every time something goes wrong in their pathetic little lives.....FUCK EM.....have a place were they can go and blow their fucking brains out....then Chris will have no argument to perpetuate......

Who says conservatives have no empathy?
Because access to guns is not the only factor.


Ya think? Now working backwards, you were advocating that guns must be more regulated to reduce suicide rates. There are two pieces of evidence that contradict that.

1) It doesn't appear to hold true for the rest of the world.

2) A lack of correlation between gun restriction and sucided rates. Again what you have are two thing happening simultaneously. Unfortunately it takes a little more than that to reach causality. because essentialy what you would like us all to believe is that bacause these two things happen to occur simultaneously that suicde rates are lower BECAUSE of stricter gun control. THAT has to be verifiabley shown.

In a nutshell what that means is that it can not be accurately stated that increased gun regulation will cause suicide rates to go down. So you need to come up with another excuse to more heavily restrict firearms, because this particlaur argument has been proven quite faulty.
Ya think? Now working backwards, you were advocating that guns must be more regulated to reduce suicide rates. There are two pieces of evidence that contradict that.

1) It doesn't appear to hold true for the rest of the world.

2) A lack of correlation between gun restriction and sucided rates. Again what you have are two thing happening simultaneously. Unfortunately it takes a little more than that to reach causality. because essentialy what you would like us all to believe is that bacause these two things happen to occur simultaneously that suicde rates are lower BECAUSE of stricter gun control. THAT has to be verifiabley shown.

In a nutshell what that means is that it can not be accurately stated that increased gun regulation will cause suicide rates to go down. So you need to come up with another excuse to more heavily restrict firearms, because this particlaur argument has been proven quite faulty.

Your conclusions are faulty because easy access to guns HAS been shown to be a factor in increasing murders, suicides, and violent crime in the United States. It is not the only factor, but it is an important factor.

I showed a house today, and there were flowers on the street where someone had been shot to death on Tuesday. It kind of brought home this point in a personal way.
Your conclusions are faulty because easy access to guns HAS been shown to be a factor in increasing murders, suicides, and violent crime in the United States. It is not the only factor, but it is an important factor.

I showed a house today, and there were flowers on the street where someone had been shot to death on Tuesday. It kind of brought home this point in a personal way.

could you be any more full of shit?
Lest anyone actually believe Chris when he says guns are not useful when protecting ones self. We have this bit of timely news from my county.

Woman defends self during home invasion

Three guys break into the wrong house. Woman shoots one in the chest. The police catch the guy that was shot and one other. The shot guy is in the hospital with life threatening injuries.

See, that's the problem with a 9mm, you have to double-tap the target. If she had a .45 cal. he'd have been toast. But, seriously, what would the story have been if she was unarmed?

"A woman was found dead in her house today. There were signs of forced entry. Police continue to search for clues."
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Your conclusions are faulty because easy access to guns HAS been shown to be a factor in increasing murders, suicides, and violent crime in the United States. It is not the only factor, but it is an important factor.

I don't deny the statistics. It's teh causal link that is the problem. But it clearly does not hold true for other countries. Given that one has to question the extent it really is a factor here and thus if any real good will come of infringing the rights of many in a misguided attempt to save a few

I showed a house today, and there were flowers on the street where someone had been shot to death on Tuesday. It kind of brought home this point in a personal way.[/QUOTE]

So you're a real estate agent as well as a psychopharmacologist? Get your lies straight buddy. If you really did see what you say you did and that and your first reaction was that something needs to be done about gun control, then your priorities are truly fucked up. The point hat should have been driven home is that there is something wrong with PEOPLE (not guns) that they feel the need to kill each other over, in the grand scheme, trivial things. Not the overly emotional, non-rationale reaction 'it's the damn guns'. Being the typical lib you are your solution totally misses the mark in actually addressing the problem.

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