Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

I don't deny the statistics. It's teh causal link that is the problem. But it clearly does not hold true for other countries. Given that one has to question the extent it really is a factor here and thus if any real good will come of infringing the rights of many in a misguided attempt to save a few

I showed a house today, and there were flowers on the street where someone had been shot to death on Tuesday. It kind of brought home this point in a personal way.

So you're a real estate agent as well as a psychopharmacologist? Get your lies straight buddy. If you really did see what you say you did and that and your first reaction was that something needs to be done about gun control, then your priorities are truly fucked up. The point hat should have been driven home is that there is something wrong with PEOPLE (not guns) that they feel the need to kill each other over, in the grand scheme, trivial things. Not the overly emotional, non-rationale reaction 'it's the damn guns'. Being the typical lib you are your solution totally misses the mark in actually addressing the problem.

Click the link below to view a good overview of the problem...

Death by the Barrel | Harvard Magazine
Ya think? Now working backwards, you were advocating that guns must be more regulated to reduce suicide rates. There are two pieces of evidence that contradict that.

1) It doesn't appear to hold true for the rest of the world.

2) A lack of correlation between gun restriction and sucided rates. Again what you have are two thing happening simultaneously. Unfortunately it takes a little more than that to reach causality. because essentialy what you would like us all to believe is that bacause these two things happen to occur simultaneously that suicde rates are lower BECAUSE of stricter gun control. THAT has to be verifiabley shown.

In a nutshell what that means is that it can not be accurately stated that increased gun regulation will cause suicide rates to go down. So you need to come up with another excuse to more heavily restrict firearms, because this particlaur argument has been proven quite faulty.

that'd be chris' specialty. beyond that, you're wasting your time.
Lest anyone actually believe Chris when he says guns are not useful when protecting ones self. We have this bit of timely news from my county.

Woman defends self during home invasion

Three guys break into the wrong house. Woman shoots one in the chest. The police catch the guy that was shot and one other. The shot guy is in the hospital with life threatening injuries.

See, that's the problem with a 9mm, you have to double-tap the target. If she had a .45 cal. he'd have been toast. But, seriously, what would the story have been if she was unarmed?

"A woman was found dead in her house today. There were signs of forced entry. Police continue to search for clues."

Who said guns are not useful if someone breaks in your house?

But guns should be regulated to keep bad guys from getting them.

Why do you want criminals to have guns?
Don't worry, there's more where that came from.

no, there's the same where that came from.

i saw a story about you on line today. when did you move to florida? do you commute back to the shithole you usually inhabit?

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - Wildlife officials said a rhesus monkey known to throw feces when mad is on the loose....

Feces-throwing monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay
no, there's the same where that came from.

i saw a story about you on line today. when did you move to florida? do you commute back to the shithole you usually inhabit?

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - Wildlife officials said a rhesus monkey known to throw feces when mad is on the loose....

Feces-throwing monkey on the loose in Tampa Bay

Your posts are nothing but personal insults.

Apparently you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
Who said guns are not useful if someone breaks in your house?

the issue is not the utility of guns dumbass, that is incontrovertible... The issue is your chronic attempt to usurp the right of free men and women...

But guns should be regulated to keep bad guys from getting them.

Why do you want criminals to have guns?

Criminals aren't concerned with your regulations DUMBASS! If criminals were concerned with the LAW, there would be NO FELONS COMMTING GUN CRIMES... BECAUSE THEY'RE ALREADY REGULATED FROM POSSESSING ONE.

Your argument is CHRONICALLY, THOROUGHLY AND WHOLLY SPURIOUS... it is overt sophistry, a LIE and subversive to human rights; YOU asswipe are the enemy of freedom and your attempt to ban firearms and prevent the ownership and use of firearms is a violation of the civil rights of every American and even those of leftists.
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Click the link below to view a good overview of the problem...

Death by the Barrel | Harvard Magazine

Honestly I find his argumetn less than compelling. The problem with him his credentials juxtposed with is perception. "i'm glad my son grew up in MA where he is so much safer.
or "I find guns dirty and loud" (not sure what he means by dirty, dirty guns don't perform that well). or 'if you're in a bar fight in America you get shot" Such an occurance happens so rarely that hardly qualified as statisitcally releveant.

As much as he wanted to convince the reader that he's coming from a scientific, objective' point of view, one doesn't have to read very close to see there is obviously an emotional taint to his 'study'.

Whether he outright admits what his goal is or not, it is unattainable one that harkens to a fundemental concept of this country. With freedom comes risk. And as cliche as you may think it is those who will to give up a little freedom for a little security deserve neither.

Then he argues that all people should have to be licensed to own a firearm but never tackles the obvious impedement. If that's what he wants than he first has to get teh second amendment changed. Because one can not ask permission to exercise a right, otherwise it is not a right.
Chris there is no evidence at all that regulating handguns keeps them out of the hands of criminals.
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... Because one can not ask permission to exercise a right, otherwise it is not a right.


What's more is that changing the Constitution would not change the fact that owning and using a firearm is a right... the second ammendment does not 'give' us a right... no right is 'given' in the B.O.Rs... the Bill merely notes the existance of rights which are inalienable to humanity... rights which long pre-existed the US Constitution.

The notion that the US Constitution 'gives' human rights is a misnomer which is fostered by the subversive left... it stands wholly antithetical to the very concept of America.
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Your conclusions are faulty because easy access to guns HAS been shown to be a factor in increasing murders, suicides, and violent crime in the United States. It is not the only factor, but it is an important factor.

I showed a house today, and there were flowers on the street where someone had been shot to death on Tuesday. It kind of brought home this point in a personal way.

must have been the shitty part of town.....nice selling point though....i bet who ever moves in will definitely want a gun.....
Who said guns are not useful if someone breaks in your house?

But guns should be regulated to keep bad guys from getting them.

Why do you want criminals to have guns?

Chris please answer me the hell is regulating guns,going to stop the bad guys from getting them?.....when you regulate guns,the only ones whose guns are being regulated, are the people you dont have to worry about....thats not going to stop any bad guy from getting whatever in the hell he wants.....
Chris please answer me the hell is regulating guns,going to stop the bad guys from getting them?.....when you regulate guns,the only ones whose guns are being regulated, are the people you dont have to worry about....thats not going to stop any bad guy from getting whatever in the hell he wants.....

Local background checks help prevent criminals from getting guns. It's a fact. Criminals are lazy and stupid.

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