Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

and your link has got what to do with guns?.....violent crime Chris could be someone shoving a used condom down someones throat....

Jesus H. Charitse Harry! Stop getting the dope all excited. Now Chris is gonna have to go out and buy a new keyboard. And his getting out to do so is an act of courage. Maybe you've seen the World's Biggest Loser on tv?
and your link has got what to do with guns?.....violent crime Chris could be someone shoving a used condom down someones throat....

Have you even read the posts on this thread?

I guess not.

States with more restrictive gun laws have less violent crime than states with looser gun laws.

The stats prove it.
The Ten States With the Highest Rates of Firearm Violence

Total Number of Firearm Deaths 2004
Crude Firearm Death Rate 2004

1 Louisiana

2 Alaska

3 Nevada



New Mexico




West Virginia

The Ten States With the Lowest Rates of Firearm Violence

Total Number of Firearm Deaths 2004
Firearm Deaths Crude Rate 2004


Rhode Island

New York

New Jersey

New Hampshire




National Firearm Injury and Death Statistics | Washington Ceasefire
With more guns sold and registered per capita than anywhere in the U.S., Nevada is a gun state - always has been.

It also is the gun-death state. According to the Center for Disease Control, since 2000, Nevada has led the nation with an average of 26 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people.

War-torn Iraq averaged 32 gun deaths per 100,000 people last year, according to the same study.

Nevada leads in gun deaths, ownership |
Have you even read the posts on this thread?

I guess not.

States with more restrictive gun laws have less violent crime than states with looser gun laws.

The stats prove it.

that link said nothing about guns,it was about violent crime,DO YOU read your own links?.....i guess not....
And the things we keep telling you is that particular stat by itself is essentially meaningless. Nevada for example has been the Domain of arganized crime for decades. 2/3rd of the homicides there are likely comittited by people who, being convicted felons, can't legitimately own fire arms anyway.

In fact the majority of homicides nation wide are committed by people already barred from owning firearms because of their criminal past or mental illness.
or the gang bangers who are responsible for much of the gun violence in this country....but Chris thinks those fellas buy their ordnance at the local gun shop,because they are all stupid.....
that link said nothing about guns,it was about violent crime,DO YOU read your own links?.....i guess not....


The links show that states with the loosest gun laws have the most violent crime.

I know it requires a little thought, so I assume you are just playing dumb to be difficult. It's a nice technique.
And the things we keep telling you is that particular stat by itself is essentially meaningless. Nevada for example has been the Domain of arganized crime for decades. 2/3rd of the homicides there are likely comittited by people who, being convicted felons, can't legitimately own fire arms anyway.

In fact the majority of homicides nation wide are committed by people already barred from owning firearms because of their criminal past or mental illness.


The links show that states with the loosest gun laws have the most violent crime.

I know it requires a little thought, so I assume you are just playing dumb to be difficult. It's a nice technique.

where the fuck does it say that in the link Chris? are at the bottom of the barrel ......this is the 570th post....NOTHING has changed,you are still posting the same shit....soon you will have to go back to your first one and start reposting everything.....i can hardly wait....
where the fuck does it say that in the link Chris? are at the bottom of the barrel ......this is the 570th post....NOTHING has changed,you are still posting the same shit....soon you will have to go back to your first one and start reposting everything.....i can hardly wait....

It requires a little thought. The southern and western states have the loosest gun laws, and the southern and the western states(Nevada, Alaska, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, etc.) have the most violent crime. Likewise the states with the strictest gun laws(New York, Conn.,Rhode Island, Hawaii etc.) have the strictest gun laws and the least amount of violent crime.

National Firearm Injury and Death Statistics | Washington Ceasefire

State Rankings--Statistical Abstract of the United States--Violent Crime Per 100,000 Population - 2004
No they don't they have slightly more gun violence but much more of everything else of everything else.

Your second listing is estimates of this tied to estimates of that. Very scientific. It is also interesting to note that DC with the toughest anti gun ordinances in the country has nearly twice as much violent crime as any state in the union and it is but one city.

The other problem with your study is that you are going state wide when in fact only a county by county survey is truly useful in derterming whats at play
No they don't they have slightly more gun violence but much more of everything else of everything else.

Your second listing is estimates of this tied to estimates of that. Very scientific. It is also interesting to note that DC with the toughest anti gun ordinances in the country has nearly twice as much violent crime as any state in the union and it is but one city.

The other problem with your study is that you are going state wide when in fact only a county by county survey is truly useful in derterming whats at play


We are only concerned the laws of this country, not Belarus.

And DC's murder rate has fallen by more than HALF in the last 15 years.
And it is still double every state in the union and violent crime has fallen even more drasticall in Concealed carry state and your Chart for florida is before they had shall issue concealed carry law. And in spite of the fear mongering of the left crime rates have fallen.

By the way statistics pulled from one year are fairly useless in any case on something like this without knowing what the circumstances are that may in fact may impact crime rates that have nothing to do with the firearms possission..
And it is still double every state in the union and violent crime has fallen even more drasticall in Concealed carry state and your Chart for florida is before they had shall issue concealed carry law. And in spite of the fear mongering of the left crime rates have fallen.

By the way statistics pulled from one year are fairly useless in any case on something like this without knowing what the circumstances are that may in fact may impact crime rates that have nothing to do with the firearms possission..

Keep trying...

I know it's hard when the facts are against you.

Violent crime is usually higher in settings of urban poverty. It is hard to have a gang fight in a rural setting where you have to drive 20 miles to meet up with anyone.

National Firearm Injury and Death Statistics | Washington Ceasefire
Again such statistics taken by themselves are completely meaningless. What is the overall rate of crime and criminal activity in the area. Crime in DC has dropped since it gun ban was overturned by scotus...
And DC's murder rate has fallen by more than HALF in the last 15 years.

Since I'm sitting in DC right now and you aren't, do you think that one cause of the drop in murders might be the systematic destruction of the "hood" in DC?

Specifically, DC has literally plowed under the area south and east of Capital Hill and put a Baseball stadium, office buildings and high rent condos there instead.

Also, in North East, a new government corridor is being erected and all the previous housing projects etc. were knocked down. The new government office buildings are being interspersed with Loft Apartment buildings. Again high dollar.

The "bad part of town" is being systematically squeezed into a more and more remote area mostly across the Anacostia river from the rest of DC.

Where have all those people gone? Mostly to Prince Georges County. Why don't you do some research on how fast the murder rate has grown in PG County in the last 15 years?

Now, just accept that your statistics are a meaningless post hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy!
Since I'm sitting in DC right now and you aren't, do you think that one cause of the drop in murders might be the systematic destruction of the "hood" in DC?

Specifically, DC has literally plowed under the area south and east of Capital Hill and put a Baseball stadium, office buildings and high rent condos there instead.

Also, in North East, a new government corridor is being erected and all the previous housing projects etc. were knocked down. The new government office buildings are being interspersed with Loft Apartment buildings. Again high dollar.

The "bad part of town" is being systematically squeezed into a more and more remote area mostly across the Anacostia river from the rest of DC.

Where have all those people gone? Mostly to Prince Georges County. Why don't you do some research on how fast the murder rate has grown in PG County in the last 15 years?

Now, just accept that your statistics are a meaningless post hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy!

The state statistics show that local background checks decrease murders, suicides, and violent crime. You can state your opinion all you want, but it doesn't change reality.
Here's some reality...the Founding Fathers of this great nation made "right to bear arms" amendment not for protection against criminals, but to defend us from our own government. They knew one day it would be possible for our own government to turn to a new direction without the support of its people. When you have gun control your playing right into their hands. They know just who does have the guns...and how many guns. I have several guns, and none of them are registered. I haven't used one of them in a crime and don't intend to. So don't worry about me. Worry about your own government who have made several type of guns illegal. Ask yourself, why? The reason is that those type of guns and rifles rival their own weaponry. An AK47 in my hands would threaten nothing. Wake up to the possiblilties. They are trying to chip away at our rights a little at a time. Don't give them the opportunity.
Here's some reality...the Founding Fathers of this great nation made "right to bear arms" amendment not for protection against criminals, but to defend us from our own government. They knew one day it would be possible for our own government to turn to a new direction without the support of its people. When you have gun control your playing right into their hands. They know just who does have the guns...and how many guns. I have several guns, and none of them are registered. I haven't used one of them in a crime and don't intend to. So don't worry about me. Worry about your own government who have made several type of guns illegal. Ask yourself, why? The reason is that those type of guns and rifles rival their own weaponry. An AK47 in my hands would threaten nothing. Wake up to the possiblilties. They are trying to chip away at our rights a little at a time. Don't give them the opportunity.

I'm sure you are well armed. Probably own a few illegal weapons as well.

Local background checks do not prevent honest people from having guns.

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