Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

Chris in fact the evidence shows the exact opposite. Australian Gun control laws resulted in slightly fewer gun homicides but a huge increase in rape, assault, and home invasion type robberies.

Please link to these stats. That aside, what you don't realise is that when Howard passed the law on certain types of weapons, there suddenly wasn't a huge period of a myriad of firearms being handed into the police. Australia hardly had any firearms to begin with (at a personal level - I mean the police and armed services had them).
Chris in fact the evidence shows the exact opposite. Australian Gun control laws resulted in slightly fewer gun homicides but a huge increase in rape, assault, and home invasion type robberies.

Most attempts to show that gun control equals crime control founder upon any of several diffrent statistical anomalies.

It has not been proven by the statistics you have provided that local back ground checks prevented bad guys from getting guns as the difference between the fed checks and local checks lays well within the margin of error as another poster has already told you.

What you don't know about statistical analysis would and likely has filled several books.

Australian gun control laws are NOT the issue. That's a totally different animal from local background checks in the U.S. Local background checks in the U.S. help keep guns out of the hands of criminals, while allowing law abiding people to own guns.

Denying the facts will not change them.
The study showed a difference with in the margin of error chris. Do you know what within the margin of error means?

Chris im sorry but anything written by the Washington post(who are anti-gun)is just about as credible as something from the Brady people.....why dont you try neutral sources or as neutral as possible.....and since you did not refute what i said about gang bangers buying guns legally,i am assuming that you believe they do....matter of fact i am going to assume,that you believe 8 out of 10 guys with criminal records go down to the gun smith first.....
Chris in fact the evidence shows the exact opposite. Australian Gun control laws resulted in slightly fewer gun homicides but a huge increase in rape, assault, and home invasion type robberies.

Most attempts to show that gun control equals crime control founder upon any of several diffrent statistical anomalies.

It has not been proven by the statistics you have provided that local back ground checks prevented bad guys from getting guns as the difference between the fed checks and local checks lays well within the margin of error as another poster has already told you.

What you don't know about statistical analysis would and likely has filled several books.

No they didn't gary. There was and is no correlation between firearms control laws in Australia and the rate of reported crime. The conditions that produce crime are not related to the ownership of firearms. I know what's being tried here, our guns were "taken away" (they weren't, only certain types of firearm were prohibited and further regulated) and crime rose because we couldn't defend ourselves. Not so.

One of the reasons is that firearms ownership here is very low among the general population so as a variable it's not significant.

The situation regrarding firearms control and crime generally here is so different from the US as to make comparison risible.

Australia has one of the lowest rates of gun ownership in the world, according to the annual Small Arms Survey, released in Europe overnight.

The independent research project, based at the Graduate School of International Studies in Geneva, catalogues weapons production, stockpiles and illicit arms transfers.

In recent decades the Government has tried to reduce civilian gun ownership, notably through a weapons buyback scheme after the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996.

It has worked, with figures estimating there are only about 15 guns per 100 Australians.

In comparison, the United States has an estimated 90 guns for every 100 civilians - the highest rate of gun ownership in the world.
The study showed a difference with in the margin of error chris. Do you know what within the margin of error means?

The LOCAL background check figures were NOT within the "margin of error."

Go back and read it again.
Chris im sorry but anything written by the Washington post(who are anti-gun)is just about as credible as something from the Brady people.....why dont you try neutral sources or as neutral as possible.....and since you did not refute what i said about gang bangers buying guns legally,i am assuming that you believe they do....matter of fact i am going to assume,that you believe 8 out of 10 guys with criminal records go down to the gun smith first.....

Ignoring evidence that doesn't fit your worldview is a good way to stay ignorant.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Releases Groundbreaking Report Showing a Strong Connection Between Weak Gun Laws and Interstate Trafficking of Ilegal Guns
Di.....if i lived in Oz and i wanted to have a gun at the house,just in case,would i be able to own one?......

Yes Harry, provided you complied with the storage requirements. It depends on what state or territory you were in but most of the laws are fairly similar. Any responsible gun owner wouldn't be offended by the storage requirements, they're in place to secure private weapons in the home against criminals who might do a break and try and get at them.
Yes Harry, provided you complied with the storage requirements. It depends on what state or territory you were in but most of the laws are fairly similar. Any responsible gun owner wouldn't be offended by the storage requirements, they're in place to secure private weapons in the home against criminals who might do a break and try and get at them.

the reason i asked Di is this from Wikipedia....the last sentence tells me you cant own one for "just in case"

Current Australian firearm laws

Before a person can buy a firearm, they must obtain a Permit To Acquire. The first permit has a mandatory 28 day delay before it is first issued. In some states (e.g. Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales), this is waived for second and subsequent firearms of the same class. For each firearm a "Genuine Reason" must be given, relating to pest control, hunting, target shooting, or collecting........

"Self-defence is not accepted as a reason for issuing a licence."

Like trying to run Patrick down with your crappy van?

Oh kirk....:lol:

you are too too funny. you're going to give everything away if you're not careful.

now kirk (chrisy), remember what the counselor at the fat farm told you about resentments and your emotional well being...

and who is this Patrick you speak so highly of? Another loser with dementia?

The facts from the various studies are what I base my opinion on. I had no idea what worked until I started reading the studies and the statistics.

Chris every fucking thing you post is from an anti gun group or an organization that leans towards that way....your last post was from Michael "i dont want guns in my city" Bloomberg and a bunch of like minded Mayors.....what the fuck do you think most are going to say about what you post....are you so one sided you cant see what you post?....granted there has been some posts in here from pro-gun sites,BUT a hell of a lot of these post from your opposition here have been from some fairly neutral sites,DEBUNKING what you say,yet you go right back to the same shit from the Brady people the Wash.Post,and other anti-gunners.....and yet i will bet you are going to come back at this post with yet another rerun.....take off your dam blinders,you are beginning to sound like you are really old man Brady himself posting here....
Chris every fucking thing you post is from an anti gun group or an organization that leans towards that way....your last post was from Michael "i dont want guns in my city" Bloomberg and a bunch of like minded Mayors.....what the fuck do you think most are going to say about what you post....are you so one sided you cant see what you post?....granted there has been some posts in here from pro-gun sites,BUT a hell of a lot of these post from your opposition here have been from some fairly neutral sites,DEBUNKING what you say,yet you go right back to the same shit from the Brady people the Wash.Post,and other anti-gunners.....and yet i will bet you are going to come back at this post with yet another rerun.....take off your dam blinders,you are beginning to sound like you are really old man Brady himself posting here....

That is your opinion.

I posted facts and statistics.

Take off your own blinders....

State Rankings--Statistical Abstract of the United States--Violent Crime Per 100,000 Population - 2004

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