Liberal arguments for supporting gun ownership rights

No illegal guns here, Chris....but I did notice you just blew over the meat of what I was trying to get accross. I guess all I can say is your hopeless. Keep the blinders on, dude
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No illegal guns here, Chris....but I did notice you just blew over the meat of what I was trying to get accross. I guess all I can say is your hopeless. Keep the blinders on, dude

Meister.....welcome to the world of Chris.....biased stats by anti-gun leaning sources VS stats from neutral sources......Chris who claims he is pro-gun,is so anti the 2nd amendment,that he is getting to be a Brady spokesman.....i wonder if he got his membership document yet?....
Meister.....welcome to the world of Chris.....biased stats by anti-gun leaning sources VS stats from neutral sources......Chris who claims he is pro-gun,is so anti the 2nd amendment,that he is getting to be a Brady spokesman.....i wonder if he got his membership document yet?....

I never claimed to be pro gun. I am pro what works, and local background checks work without interferring with people's legitimate right to buy a gun.
The state statistics show that local background checks decrease murders, suicides, and violent crime. You can state your opinion all you want, but it doesn't change reality.

It is so fun to watch someone continue pretend they are winning an argument when they have so clearly lost it, as you have done here. First, NO, your statsitics do not show that gun restriction is what caused crime to fall. Get that part through your skull first. Maybe in the kiddie world you can get away with making the unsubstatiated leap from two things happening at the same time to causation, bur not here. Secondly and related as has been pointed out it should be quite evident that they main factors in DCs crime rate falling has little do with gun control and much more to do with other variables.

I have told you for what will be the third time now what you need to do to win this argument. All you have to do is find it. Show me the data of people that failed a background check which prevented them from committing a violent crime with a gun. STILL waiting.
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It is so fun to watch someone continue pretend they are winning an argument when they have so clearly lost it, as you have done here. First, NO, your statsitics do not show that gun restriction is what caused crime to fall. Get that part through your skull first. Maybe in the kiddie world you can get away with making the unsubstatiated leap from two things happening at the same time to causation, bur not here. Secondly and related as has been pointed out it should be quite evident that they main factors in DCs crime rate falling has little do with gun control and much more to do with other variables.

I have told you for what will be the third time now what you need to do to win this argument. All you have to do is find it. Show me the data of people that failed a background check which prevented them from committing a violent crime with a gun. STILL waiting.

Does this mean that the idea that crime rates are not connected either way to the issue of firearms control legislation is finally taking hold?
It is so fun to watch someone continue pretend they are winning an argument when they have so clearly lost it, as you have done here. First, NO, your statsitics do not show that gun restriction is what caused crime to fall. Get that part through your skull first. Maybe in the kiddie world you can get away with making the unsubstatiated leap from two things happening at the same time to causation, bur not here. Secondly and related as has been pointed out it should be quite evident that they main factors in DCs crime rate falling has little do with gun control and much more to do with other variables.

I have told you for what will be the third time now what you need to do to win this argument. All you have to do is find it. Show me the data of people that failed a background check which prevented them from committing a violent crime with a gun. STILL waiting.

Local Background Checks, Fewer Gun Deaths
Again your statisitics don't prove what you are saying and given that difference between fed checks and local checks falls within the margin of error of the Survey means the difference is statistically meaningless.
Again your statisitics don't prove what you are saying and given that difference between fed checks and local checks falls within the margin of error of the Survey means the difference is statistically meaningless.

Now you have changed your story.

The difference between LOCAL checks and fed checks DOES NOT fall within the margin of error.

Nice try, but you are busted.
I busted you yesterday, Chris. You had no game with me. Still waiting for it, though.
liberals will need guns if they are going to defend themselves from the the moment the neocons are better armed than the liberal hoard....
Chris.....apparently you have short term memory. Go back a couple of days and look at what I posted for you. You refuted nothing at what I stated. You really do need to wake up, son. Get off those sites that apparently brainwashed you, and start looking at the what the 2nd amendment was all about. Please don't send me a link to one of your anti gun sites. I would really like YOU to respond to what is in that post. Don't let other people do your thinking for you.

Thanks for proving my point.

All the top gun death states are states with loose gun laws.

Alaska: 20
Louisiana: 19.5
Wyoming: 18.8
Arizona: 18
Nevada: 17.3
Mississippi: 17.3
New Mexico: 16.6
Arkansas: 16.3
Alabama: 16.2

D.C. is not a state, but a city with a lot of urban poverty, and the number of murders there has dropped by more than half in the last 15 years.

Once again thanks for posting stats that prove my point.
Gun ownership and rates of deaths involving guns

"Several studies have sought to examine the potential links between rates of gun ownership and rates of gun-related homicide and suicide within various jurisdictions around the world.[60][61] Martin Killias initially concluded that there was a correlation between more guns and more victims of suicide and homicide, and that there was some reason to think that there was a causal relation, although the evidence for the latter was inconclusive.[62] Killias' most extensive study, covering 21 countries, showed that there was a correlation between guns in the home and rates of gun-related suicide as well as gun-related homicide of women and gun-related assaults against women. The study however also revealed that there was no correlation between gun ownership and similar crimes against men, and no statistically significant correlation between gun ownership and total suicide or homicide rates (the latter may in Killias' view be due to the relatively low proportion of gun-related deaths overall).[63] Similarly, a study by Rich et al on suicide rates in Toronto and Ontario and psychiatric patients from San Diego reached the conclusion that increased gun restrictions, while reducing suicide-by-gun, resulted in no net decline in suicides, because of substitution of another method - namely leaping.[64] Another example to that effect would be Japan, which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world[65] while private firearm ownership is almost non-existent. On the other hand, Killias[63] argues against the theory of complete substitution, citing a number of studies that have indicated, in his view "rather convincingly", that suicidal candidates far from always turn to another means of suicide if their preferred means is not at hand."

Link to Gun politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It should be noted that Martin Killias is a gun control supporter.

Edit: Leaving the links in place is a cool feature of this new layout...I like it. :thup:
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