Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Get a reality, that isn't it.
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
I hate all humans, dumbass.

Understandable. They all hate you.
Wouldn't have it any other way my little infant.
I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Killing children is kinda of a bad thing, isn't it?

Don't you think that the opposition to infanticide and the deaths of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience is worthy of protest? At least as worthy as the protest against some of the causes the stupid Libtards think is worthy of taking to the streets and rioting over.
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Which just shows you how stupid they are. It will bite them in the ass, just like their stupid gaycotts and death threats bite them in the ass. Every single time.

$600,024 of $200k

Raised by 20,319 people in 1 day
I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

Killing children is kinda of a bad thing, isn't it?

Don't you think that the opposition to infanticide and the deaths of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience is worthy of protest? At least as worthy as the protest against some of the causes the stupid Libtards think is worthy of taking to the streets and rioting over.

Protesting and the threat of violence are not the same thing. You were talking about the threat of violence. Why are you trying to change the subject.
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Which just shows you how stupid they are. It will bite them in the ass, just like their stupid gaycotts and death threats bite them in the ass. Every single time.

$600,024 of $200k

Raised by 20,319 people in 1 day
That must make you one very happy bigot? You do hate those faggots. What was your donation, this post?

Here is the video
He gets it.

The quoting function screwed up in your post, here was mine above. I agree, not one atrack have I seen on Muslim's places of business from the left that would most likely refuse.

My personal thoughts as a Christian. First, I do believe there are those that are born gay, some by choice. Secondly, even if one feels gay behavior is against biblical behavior, I also know that as Christian's we are not to judge. That is to be dealt with between the individuals, no matter the supposed sinful behavior , such as adultery, etc., and God. Christ was crucified on Good Friday, to allow forgiveness of our sins, as man is imperfect. And sometimes I think even more imperfect the harder we try.

I do think this is a liberal strategy, not necessarily even by that of the gay population, but one to try to further divide and claim the right is not for people's rights, which is the furthest thing from the truth and many are waking up to that truth. And it scares the left . It isn't really about this pizzeria, or the bill at all.

Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Last edited:
What's the money count at now? Have they reached half a million yet?

Won't be long before they are bigot millionaires
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Which just shows you how stupid they are. It will bite them in the ass, just like their stupid gaycotts and death threats bite them in the ass. Every single time.

$600,024 of $200k

Raised by 20,319 people in 1 day
That must make you one very happy bigot? You do hate those faggots. What was your donation, this post?

Oh whatever.. you don't give a shit about anybody.. you demonstrate that daily. Go crawl back under your rock and qitcha whning...

That must make you one very happy bigot? You do hate those faggots. What was your donation, this post?

If I directly called someone a name that I feel is an appropriate description of their sexual appetites, ancestry or mindset, I'd get bounced for another week.

What's the money count at now? Have they reached half a million yet?

Won't be long before they are bigot millionaires
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

You will never see these Moon Bats say anything about about the Muslims denying service to gays because they love their Muslim President and therefore no Muslim can ever do any wrong including executing gays. Hussein Obama will even cut deals with militant Islam regimes and the Liberals will applaud him for doing it.

The Liberals are only for hating Christians. They hate them with a passion.
Which just shows you how stupid they are. It will bite them in the ass, just like their stupid gaycotts and death threats bite them in the ass. Every single time.

$600,024 of $200k

Raised by 20,319 people in 1 day
That must make you one very happy bigot? You do hate those faggots. What was your donation, this post?

Oh whatever.. you don't give a shit about anybody.. you demonstrate that daily. Go crawl back under your rock and qitcha whning...

Two questions and a statement of fact. No whine can be found, except yours.
Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

The reason the Republican Party is no longer the Grand Old Party is because it has been supplanted by members of the Crazy Right Wing, like you. Real Republicans and real conservatives ought to call out the idiot fringe of which you are a loud member.

There is nothing patriotic in a loud minorities efforts to divide a nation, you and the other members of the fringe have every right to hold insane opinions, but to constantly attack the majority is beyond the pale - you and others like you have more in common with murderous Islam than with the Founders of this nation.
Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.
Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

LOL Top Twitter trend of the day is: Wait for it....Gays are the new ISIS.

Thanks to @PatDollard who started it, and to @BigFurHat's flag, "Gays are the new ISIS" is top-trending on Twitter GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS - Twitter Search

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 3, 2015

GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS: Gays Bombard #MemoriesPizza With Death Threats For Defying LGBT Sharia GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS Gay Jihadis Bombard Christian Pizzeria With Death Threats For Refusing To Submit To LGBT Sharia Law Pat

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2015

Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.
Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

LOL Top Twitter trend of the day is: Wait for it....Gays are the new ISIS.

Thanks to @PatDollard who started it, and to @BigFurHat's flag, "Gays are the new ISIS" is top-trending on Twitter GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS - Twitter Search

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 3, 2015

GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS: Gays Bombard #MemoriesPizza With Death Threats For Defying LGBT Sharia GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS Gay Jihadis Bombard Christian Pizzeria With Death Threats For Refusing To Submit To LGBT Sharia Law Pat

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2015

Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.

Yawn , shut the hell up. Idiot
I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

LOL Top Twitter trend of the day is: Wait for it....Gays are the new ISIS.

Thanks to @PatDollard who started it, and to @BigFurHat's flag, "Gays are the new ISIS" is top-trending on Twitter GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS - Twitter Search

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 3, 2015

GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS: Gays Bombard #MemoriesPizza With Death Threats For Defying LGBT Sharia GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS Gay Jihadis Bombard Christian Pizzeria With Death Threats For Refusing To Submit To LGBT Sharia Law Pat

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2015

Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.

Yawn , shut the hell up. Idiot

No! Need a tissue?

An educated person would counter my post with a rebuttal, that the only tool in your possession is a childish ad hominem is sad. Feel free to continue to post worthless hate filled stuff, it provides more evidence that your side of the aisle is fueled by ignorance and hate; stuff which cannot be defended and has no substance or relationship to reality. Take drugs, they might make you a better person,.
Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

LOL Top Twitter trend of the day is: Wait for it....Gays are the new ISIS.

Thanks to @PatDollard who started it, and to @BigFurHat's flag, "Gays are the new ISIS" is top-trending on Twitter GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS - Twitter Search

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 3, 2015

GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS: Gays Bombard #MemoriesPizza With Death Threats For Defying LGBT Sharia GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS Gay Jihadis Bombard Christian Pizzeria With Death Threats For Refusing To Submit To LGBT Sharia Law Pat

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2015

Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.

Yawn , shut the hell up. Idiot

No! Need a tissue?

An educated person would counter my post with a rebuttal, that the only tool in your possession is a childish ad hominem is sad. Feel free to continue to post worthless hate filled stuff, it provides more evidence that your side of the aisle is fueled by ignorance and hate; stuff which cannot be defended and has no substance or relationship to reality. Take drugs, they might make you a better person,.

Ignored, you're obviously bat shit nuts
Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

LOL Top Twitter trend of the day is: Wait for it....Gays are the new ISIS.

Thanks to @PatDollard who started it, and to @BigFurHat's flag, "Gays are the new ISIS" is top-trending on Twitter GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS - Twitter Search

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 3, 2015

GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS: Gays Bombard #MemoriesPizza With Death Threats For Defying LGBT Sharia GAYS ARE THE NEW ISIS Gay Jihadis Bombard Christian Pizzeria With Death Threats For Refusing To Submit To LGBT Sharia Law Pat

— Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard) April 2, 2015

Really? You really believe this post has value? As satire it has no value, as truth it has no relation to truth, and as humor, not even of the gallows variety. It is garbage, doesn't even qualify as an ad hominem. In fact is accomplishes only one fact for all to see, you're a mega-bigot and a detestable person.

Yawn , shut the hell up. Idiot

No! Need a tissue?

An educated person would counter my post with a rebuttal, that the only tool in your possession is a childish ad hominem is sad. Feel free to continue to post worthless hate filled stuff, it provides more evidence that your side of the aisle is fueled by ignorance and hate; stuff which cannot be defended and has no substance or relationship to reality. Take drugs, they might make you a better person,. can't counter her with facts or logic. She will put you on ignore. Ad hominem attacks won't, just facts and logic.

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