Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.


They like muslims because muslims hate Christians.

Muslims aren't causing problems here. Fucking stupid "Christians in name only" like you are.
Thanksgiving Proclamation

Issued by President George Washington, at the request of Congress, on October 3, 1789

By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other trangressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

Go. Washington

You have no idea how vicious modern day Liberals are when it comes to attacking freedom of religion, do you?

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Are you illiterate? If so who posts for you? You STILL don't get it. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with "Liberalism".

And your YouTube vid tells me nothing. It appears to be some kind of satire without a reference to what it's lampooning but if that was supposed to be your reference to "stoning to death", then I already have my answer on your reading comprehension.

But you have a nice day and stay ignorant if that's what your comfort zone is. No need to aim any higher when you have your fellow echo travellers to keep you stupid. I'll just keep my sigline.

That video is not satire. It really happen and the scumbag was serious.

I don't think you really even understand the point you were trying to make.

If your point was that classical "Liberals" should support freedom of religion then you are correct.

However, if your point was that the idiots nowadays that call themselves Liberals support freedom of religion then you are very wrong. They are the ones leading the attack against freedom of religion.

Keep your religion on the sidewalks, or in the churches, where it belongs. This is business.

Al Sharpton, is that you????

No, it's a message from a real Liberal, like those who founded this not-Christian country you live in.
I just donated $25. The fund it up to $177,000 now.

Good for you. I always like to see right wingers spend their money on silly shit. What exactly is going to be accomplished with all those donations besides you will have a little less cash and they will end up with a lot more? Any grand plan, or do you just enjoy making a stranger rich? I promise you it does nothing to dishearten the left or to advance the goal of bigotry. It is amusing and odd to watch though.

You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.


They like muslims because muslims hate Christians.

Muslims aren't causing problems here. Fucking stupid "Christians in name only" like you are.
The people causing the problems are the homo's. But you candy asses don't have the balls to attack muslims do you? As a matter of fact you will completely ignore muslims throwing them off buildings and hanging them but choose to go all in over a pizza. You're all pathetic little worthless fucks.
Good for you. I always like to see right wingers spend their money on silly shit. What exactly is going to be accomplished with all those donations besides you will have a little less cash and they will end up with a lot more? Any grand plan, or do you just enjoy making a stranger rich? I promise you it does nothing to dishearten the left or to advance the goal of bigotry. It is amusing and odd to watch though.

You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.
Fags and progressives and commies are first and foremost, criminals.
Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
half the site has his dumb ass on ignore. He's just as bad, and not as smart, as Delta4Embassy.
Good for you. I always like to see right wingers spend their money on silly shit. What exactly is going to be accomplished with all those donations besides you will have a little less cash and they will end up with a lot more? Any grand plan, or do you just enjoy making a stranger rich? I promise you it does nothing to dishearten the left or to advance the goal of bigotry. It is amusing and odd to watch though.

You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.
Next time you slimy ass libs go attacking someone you better think twice about it. All you ever accomplish is complete failure in hitting your chosen target of destruction.
The law was changed to protect the homos now wasn't it, dumbass? Next time just STFU.
There's always been those laws. But find solace in any little thing you can find.
That wasn't little, that was a full-on fuck-up, that probably cost Pence his political future and Indiana its good reputation for a decade.
You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.
Anti-abortion protesters are not violent. Women pass through their lines every single day unscathed.

But baby killers did recently lob a Molotov cocktail at a group of pro-life protesters...
You gotta admit -- it's a lotta money flowing from an O'bama economy that up until yesterday had us all digging in the dumpster for dog food cans.

It's their money. They can do what they want with it. I don't care. I'm just trying to figure out how they think it might make a difference to anybody other than the recipients.

Sure is irritating the left wing nutters on this board.

Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.
Fags and progressives and commies are first and foremost, criminals.

And crazy right wingers are just nuts.
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
I hate all humans, dumbass.
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
I hate all humans, dumbass.

Yeah, that's normal....
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
I hate all humans, dumbass.

Yeah, that's normal....
Normal = ignorant pond scum breeders who believes utter nonsense. Pass.
Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries
First things first. Let's see if we can get the Christians to grow up, which they won't.
You've been running through this thread for two days acting like a 3 year old throwing a fit and you tell others to grow up? Fuck you.
Nothing like a fit, dumbass. And there's nothing wrong with expressing my hatred of evil, meaning people like you.
Coming from the anti-semite, christian hating, fascist of the board I'm not feeling too bad about it.
I hate all humans, dumbass.
That's healthy.

here is the video
He gets it.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!
Thank you for showing how the Right-Wing sheep are manipulated by the Right-Wing media.

These pizza owners have played you all for fools and will be able to retire by just saying the right words to make wingnut heads explode: "Liberals are attacking me!!!!"


Why don't you attack some nice Muslims? I'm sure your death threats would go over well with them....

HIDDEN CAMERA Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

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