Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.
Don't you wish they could stand on their own feet and make a living the decent way.
And not accept a handout.

A whole lot of Bigot Bucks around these days. Wonder what they'll spend the cash on, dental work?

Liberals always wonder how others will spend their money.
Mostly they waste it, like in the case of those who donated to these idiots.

If they waste it, it's their problem, not yours.
If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.
Of course not. He should just pimp his lifestyle like a good Christian would. Nuthin says I'm oppressed like some new gold bling around your neck.....


Once again -- the abject cluelessness on what "Liberals" means....

I hate to be the one to tell you this but It has not been the Conservatives that attack that that young lady for her freedom of religion. It was the despicable Liberals with their hate of freedom of religion.

The Libtards that viciously went after her reminds me of that cowardly scumbag that attacked the Chick Fil A drive through clerk a couple of years ago. It is amazing they didn't stone her to death.
Interesting, it seems the majority of Americans are behind the Freedom of Religion laws. The Dems are playing a long game and it won't work. The Christians are a far larger majority.

Webb aside, it's now expected for Democrats to denounce RFRAs, just as large corporations are denouncing them. In doing so, all of the critics are on the wrong side of public polling. According to a March edition of the Marist poll, 54 percent of Americans agreed with "allowing First Amendment religious liberty protection or exemptions for faith based organizations and individuals even when it conflicts with government laws." By a two-point margin, 47-45, even a plurality of Democratic voters agreed with that.

The margins were even larger in opposition to laws that proposed "penalties or fines for individuals who refuse to provide wedding-related services to same sex couples even if their refusal is based on their religious beliefs." No Democrat is seriously proposing this; the nearest cultural analogue may be the story of Memories Pizza, the Indiana shop whose owner said that he would decline to provide pies to gay weddings, and saw its Yelp! page firebombed with angry comments. (The popularity of delivery pizza at gay wedding ceremonials is well known.) Still, according to Marist, Americans oppose penalties on businesses like Memories by a 65-31 margin. The margin among Democrats: 62-34 against.

Democrats Turn Against Religious Freedom Laws. Voters Don t Agree With Them. - Bloomberg Politics

Once again -- the abject cluelessness on what "Liberals" means....

I hate to be the one to tell you this but It has not been the Conservatives that attack that that young lady for her freedom of religion. It was the despicable Liberals with their hate of freedom of religion.

The Libtards that viciously went after her reminds me of that cowardly scumbag that attacked the Chick Fil A drive through clerk a couple of years ago. It is amazing they didn't stone her to death.

And it's not "Liberals" either. The OP title is fucked up. And we did this yesterday. See 201.
Liberals invented Freedom of Religion. That was the whole point.

Not familiar with the Chick Fillet story. Link?
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Interesting, it seems the majority of Americans are behind the Freedom of Religion laws. The Dems are playing a long game and it won't work. The Christians are a far larger majority.

Webb aside, it's now expected for Democrats to denounce RFRAs, just as large corporations are denouncing them. In doing so, all of the critics are on the wrong side of public polling. According to a March edition of the Marist poll, 54 percent of Americans agreed with "allowing First Amendment religious liberty protection or exemptions for faith based organizations and individuals even when it conflicts with government laws." By a two-point margin, 47-45, even a plurality of Democratic voters agreed with that.

The margins were even larger in opposition to laws that proposed "penalties or fines for individuals who refuse to provide wedding-related services to same sex couples even if their refusal is based on their religious beliefs." No Democrat is seriously proposing this; the nearest cultural analogue may be the story of Memories Pizza, the Indiana shop whose owner said that he would decline to provide pies to gay weddings, and saw its Yelp! page firebombed with angry comments. (The popularity of delivery pizza at gay wedding ceremonials is well known.) Still, according to Marist, Americans oppose penalties on businesses like Memories by a 65-31 margin. The margin among Democrats: 62-34 against.

Democrats Turn Against Religious Freedom Laws. Voters Don t Agree With Them. - Bloomberg Politics

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

You would think that after the tremendous public support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and now the Pizzeria in Indiana that these Liberals would figure out that they have very little backing for their attack on freedom of religion and it is insane to continue it.

Of course they are all idiots that voted for Obama so you know they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier so maybe we shouldn't expect them ever to get their heads out of their asses.
If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.
Of course not. He should just pimp his lifestyle like a good Christian would. Nuthin says I'm oppressed like some new gold bling around your neck.....


What does it mean to "pimp his lifestyle?" I know plenty of Christians who drive Mercedes Benzes and live in $800,000 homes.
They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

It does my heart good to see you so angry about some Christians you and the queer Mafia tried to destroy getting a little help. The fact that it makes you look so petulant and infantile is just icing on the cake.
Interesting, it seems the majority of Americans are behind the Freedom of Religion laws. The Dems are playing a long game and it won't work. The Christians are a far larger majority.

Webb aside, it's now expected for Democrats to denounce RFRAs, just as large corporations are denouncing them. In doing so, all of the critics are on the wrong side of public polling. According to a March edition of the Marist poll, 54 percent of Americans agreed with "allowing First Amendment religious liberty protection or exemptions for faith based organizations and individuals even when it conflicts with government laws." By a two-point margin, 47-45, even a plurality of Democratic voters agreed with that.

The margins were even larger in opposition to laws that proposed "penalties or fines for individuals who refuse to provide wedding-related services to same sex couples even if their refusal is based on their religious beliefs." No Democrat is seriously proposing this; the nearest cultural analogue may be the story of Memories Pizza, the Indiana shop whose owner said that he would decline to provide pies to gay weddings, and saw its Yelp! page firebombed with angry comments. (The popularity of delivery pizza at gay wedding ceremonials is well known.) Still, according to Marist, Americans oppose penalties on businesses like Memories by a 65-31 margin. The margin among Democrats: 62-34 against.

Democrats Turn Against Religious Freedom Laws. Voters Don t Agree With Them. - Bloomberg Politics

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

You would think that after the tremendous public support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and now the Pizzeria in Indiana that these Liberals would figure out that they have very little backing for their attack on freedom of religion and it is insane to continue it.

Of course they are all idiots that voted for Obama so you know they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier so maybe we shouldn't expect them ever to get their heads out of their asses.

The previous post sailed right over your head, did it?
They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

It does my heart good to see you so angry about some Christians you and the queer Mafia tried to destroy getting a little help. The fact that it makes you look so petulant and infantile is just icing on the cake.

Over half a million dollars and no signs of letting up. The libs are stewing in their own juices as yet another ill fated campaign blows up in their faces

And it's not "Liberals" either. The OP title is fucked up. And we did this yesterday. See 201.
Liberals invented Freedom of Religion. That was the whole point.

Not familiar with the Chick Fillet story. Link?

You have no idea how vicious modern day Liberals are when it comes to attacking freedom of religion, do you?

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps


And it's not "Liberals" either. The OP title is fucked up. And we did this yesterday. See 201.
Liberals invented Freedom of Religion. That was the whole point.

Not familiar with the Chick Fillet story. Link?

You have no idea how vicious modern day Liberals are when it comes to attacking freedom of religion, do you?

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Are you illiterate? If so who posts for you? You STILL don't get it. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with "Liberalism".

And your YouTube vid tells me nothing. It appears to be some kind of satire without a reference to what it's lampooning but if that was supposed to be your reference to "stoning to death", then I already have my answer on your reading comprehension.

But you have a nice day and stay ignorant if that's what your comfort zone is. No need to aim any higher when you have your fellow echo travellers to keep you stupid. And I'll keep my sigline; it keeps getting demonstrated over and over.

And it's not "Liberals" either. The OP title is fucked up. And we did this yesterday. See 201.
Liberals invented Freedom of Religion. That was the whole point.

Not familiar with the Chick Fillet story. Link?

You have no idea how vicious modern day Liberals are when it comes to attacking freedom of religion, do you?

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Ex-CFO who slammed Chick-fil-A now on foodstamps

Are you illiterate? If so who posts for you? You STILL don't get it. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with "Liberalism".

And your YouTube vid tells me nothing. It appears to be some kind of satire without a reference to what it's lampooning but if that was supposed to be your reference to "stoning to death", then I already have my answer on your reading comprehension.

But you have a nice day and stay ignorant if that's what your comfort zone is. No need to aim any higher when you have your fellow echo travellers to keep you stupid. I'll just keep my sigline.

That video is not satire. It really happen and the scumbag was serious.

I don't think you really even understand the point you were trying to make.

If your point was that classical "Liberals" should support freedom of religion then you are correct.

However, if your point was that the idiots nowadays that call themselves Liberals support freedom of religion then you are very wrong. They are the ones leading the attack against freedom of religion.
So a scammer scams the conservatives, and conservatives say it proves liberals lose.

Umm ... okay.

Aren't they just the most adorable little things, these conservatives? Their utter cluelessness is so charming.

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