Liberal Environmentalist to Blame for West Coast Fires They Fight Controlled Burns

The majority of land on fire is federal land....
And the nutty liberal environmentalist groups in Washington DC fight the burns. My neighbor works for the Department of Forestry and Natural resources in my state and he said that's why California has more wildfires that any other state.
I've told this story hundreds of times in my life...when I was a kid living in the San Fernando valley we could look up to the hills and see what looked like dirt roads carved into the hills...they were not roads they were fire breaks to assist putting out potential brush fires....

At some point the tree huggers sprung into action and they stopped bulldozing the hills...the very next year a fire started and ran all the way to the pacific ocean burning the mansions of the super rich and the Hollywood elite......

But unbelievably they didn't learn from that experience and still today the environmentalists go to court and fight any and every weed abatement proposal presented to the CA legislature.....even if they want to remove dead vegetation from under power lines....its a never ending cycle of madness.....

Not to mention the cuts to the state forest service made by Moonbeam and the ill prepared Newsome can't put the damn fires out......

I am not kidding when I say it looks like I'm living on Mars...the sky is blood orange and if you leave a window cracked at night smoke sensors go off inside your home!!!!
and the fires are 100 miles away!!!!
Just two moire weeks and I'm out of here.......
I've told this story hundreds of times in my life...when I was a kid living in the San Fernando valley we could look up to the hills and see what looked like dirt roads carved into the hills...they were not roads they were fire breaks to assist putting out potential brush fires....

At some point the tree huggers sprung into action and they stopped bulldozing the hills...the very next year a fire started and ran all the way to the pacific ocean burning the mansions of the super rich and the Hollywood elite......

But unbelievably they didn't learn from that experience and still today the environmentalists go to court and fight any and every weed abatement proposal presented to the CA legislature.....even if they want to remove dead vegetation from under power lines....its a never ending cycle of madness.....

Not to mention the cuts to the state forest service made by Moonbeam and the ill prepared Newsome can't put the damn fires out......

I am not kidding when I say it looks like I'm living on Mars...the sky is blood orange and if you leave a window cracked at night smoke sensors go off inside your home!!!!
and the fires are 100 miles away!!!!
Just two moire weeks and I'm out of here.......
Just another example of liberal Democrats doing more harm than good.
Why are California and Oregon burning? Because look environmentalist fight controlled burns because they are more concerned about some fucking moth losing its habitat. You have to burn the underbrush.

57% of the fires in California are in the National forests. It appears your dear leader has once again pointed fingers at others when he and his administration have had their head up their ass for three + years [better to build a fence and to keep women and children in cages then funding tax dollars to prevent and when needed fight forest fires].
The majority of land on fire is federal land....
And the nutty liberal environmentalist groups in Washington DC fight the burns. My neighbor works for the Department of Forestry and Natural resources in my state and he said that's why California has more wildfires that any other state.

LOL, Your nuts, so is your mythical neighbor.
The majority of land on fire is federal land....
And the nutty liberal environmentalist groups in Washington DC fight the burns. My neighbor works for the Department of Forestry and Natural resources in my state and he said that's why California has more wildfires that any other state.

LOL, Your nuts, so is your mythical neighbor.
Considering that the feds control 43% of California via BLM( no, not Black Lives Matter), and Indian Reservations(no tipping) it is not hard to see who's on fire...

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Looks like alot of Westerner's have to vote in person, as they no longer have a mailbox.

A suppressor like you must be very happy.

I'm just an observer.

It's just Nature's way of telling Dimm policy makers that's something's wrong.
Something's wrong with their forestry policy. They're " a little too fat, and a little too long ".
Forest fires are as natural as electrical storms.

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