Liberal Facebook Friend's Take on Obamacare


Apr 22, 2007
A girl I went to highschool with posted her feelings about Obamacare. Thought I would share them, because they were eye-opening. Note: I didn't make any smart-ass comments, because her pain is real and her pain saddened me.

Background on her: She is a free-lance photographer. She used to work for a newspaper, but lost her job a few years back. According to her, newspapers pay their on staff photographers pennies (I hear they do the same with their journalist also), so free-lance is the way for photographers to make any money. She is single mother of a preteen. She hasn't had insurance on herself in years, but has insurance on her daughter.

She was a HUGE Obama and Obamacare supporter. Always posted positive news and stories on both. I went back and forth a few times.

Recently she posted this:
"I can't believe I supported this. I finally got through on this bullshit website and this is BULLSHIT. I was finally thinking I could afford insurance (WHICH I HAVEN'T HAD IN YEARS), but this is insane. For insurance with a $2K deductible I will pay over $500 a month for JUST ME. I can't afford that and now I am told I will be hit with a penality of between $300-$400 unless I do it! WTF, where is this subsidy I have heard about and bought into? To make matters worse XXXXX's (I don't want to give her daugher's name) premiums have SHOT UP and now we have a higher deductible. I'm extremely frustrated. I don't know what to do. I have to get insurance or she will not be able to attend school (Note: This is technically not true, Chicago schools do not require insurance, but they require medical exams, physicals, immunization and other exams that make it too costly to obtain without insurance). This is the first time in my life I am considering food stamps. If the Republicans weren't all such douche bags, I would consider them, but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes. I'm frustrated and scared!"

People ths positive stories are rare and many turn out to be BS. The negative ones like this are a dime a dozen. Real people, that you know personally are getting seriously hurt by this boneheaded legislation. We read the stories, but you and I also hearing the stories from people we know.

Obaminationcare needs to go.
...but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes.

Some of the useful idiots are waking up. They'll vote for free stuff every time they're tricked into thinking someone else will pay for it.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
--H. L. Mencken

I'm sympathetic but at the same time what did your friend expect?

There is no such thing as a free lunch or in this case free healthcare. How did she really believe the poor and very sick were going to have healthcare if she wasn't going to pick up the tab?
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A girl I went to highschool with posted her feelings about Obamacare. Thought I would share them, because they were eye-opening. Note: I didn't make any smart-ass comments, because her pain is real and her pain saddened me.

Background on her: She is a free-lance photographer. She used to work for a newspaper, but lost her job a few years back. According to her, newspapers pay their on staff photographers pennies (I hear they do the same with their journalist also), so free-lance is the way for photographers to make any money. She is single mother of a preteen. She hasn't had insurance on herself in years, but has insurance on her daughter.

She was a HUGE Obama and Obamacare supporter. Always posted positive news and stories on both. I went back and forth a few times.

Recently she posted this:
"I can't believe I supported this. I finally got through on this bullshit website and this is BULLSHIT. I was finally thinking I could afford insurance (WHICH I HAVEN'T HAD IN YEARS), but this is insane. For insurance with a $2K deductible I will pay over $500 a month for JUST ME. I can't afford that and now I am told I will be hit with a penality of between $300-$400 unless I do it! WTF, where is this subsidy I have heard about and bought into? To make matters worse XXXXX's (I don't want to give her daugher's name) premiums have SHOT UP and now we have a higher deductible. I'm extremely frustrated. I don't know what to do. I have to get insurance or she will not be able to attend school (Note: This is technically not true, Chicago schools do not require insurance, but they require medical exams, physicals, immunization and other exams that make it too costly to obtain without insurance). This is the first time in my life I am considering food stamps. If the Republicans weren't all such douche bags, I would consider them, but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes. I'm frustrated and scared!"

People ths positive stories are rare and many turn out to be BS. The negative ones like this are a dime a dozen. Real people, that you know personally are getting seriously hurt by this boneheaded legislation. We read the stories, but you and I also hearing the stories from people we know.

Obaminationcare needs to go.

Is she making four times the Poverty level?

for a mother with one child tht is about $58,000 a year.

Is she making that?

I rather doubt it.
Marginally informed people should never vote. There really ought to be a standard test (in English) that people be compelled to take before they are allowed to cast a ballot. A simple ten question quiz, with a score of 7 out of 10 correct needed to pass. It would be a civics test, and with detail questions relating to the district in which the voter resides.

I have ZERO sympathy for lazy citizens. ZERO. Your friend is fucked, good. It will take many thousands more before a ground swell forms large enough to make a difference.

The apologists are acting as if these stories are either (1) a one-off, or (2) a lie. Somehow they have wrapped themselves so tightly into their ideological cocoon that it's entirely possible that they really don't see what's going on. The Baghdad Bob approach to health care economics. It's all right in front of them, but that doesn't matter.

There will a time in the very near future in which the shit really hits the fan (examples: Medicaid providers not accepting any new low-reimbursement patients, the employer mandate, more people finding out how lousy their plans are, skipping out paying for their deductibles, etc., etc.), so it's probably a good idea for the apologists to get in good form with their denials and spin now.

So practice, practice, practice!

This is when you get when you believe you are entitled to other peoples stuff. "where is my subsidy!" Lol, Obamacare will run huge massive unbelievable deficits, hahaha.
This is the first time in my life I am considering food stamps. If the Republicans weren't all such douche bags, I would consider them, but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes

She is such an IDIOT one can only gloat over her getting what she voted for.

This is technically not true, Chicago schools do not require insurance, but they require medical exams, physicals, immunization and other exams that make it too costly to obtain without insurance

and all those costs are going to be less than 200 bucks. one does not need immunizations every year and a check-up visit for CASH is 75-100$ - which she might pay on top of the insurance anyway.
As anti-ObamaCare as I am, I have a bit of skepticism about her claim. I get insurance through my employer so I don't need to go through an exchange, but for shits and giggles and I went on the Silver State Exchange Web site and put in my information just to see what I would qualify for. With an income this year of $93,000 I was able to sign up for a Bronze Plan with a $5 or 6k deductible with a premium of $220 a month. That is still a monumental rip off, but nowhere the raping she is claiming. Granted, the cost of these plans vary wildly from state to state, so she may not be exaggerating, but that still seems like an awful lot for just one person. I have to wonder if she was looking at the most expensive plan.
As anti-ObamaCare as I am, I have a bit of skepticism about her claim. I get insurance through my employer so I don't need to go through an exchange, but for shits and giggles and I went on the Silver State Exchange Web site and put in my information just to see what I would qualify for. With an income this year of $93,000 I was able to sign up for a Bronze Plan with a $5 or 6k deductible with a premium of $220 a month. That is still a monumental rip off, but nowhere the raping she is claiming. Granted, the cost of these plans vary wildly from state to state, so she may not be exaggerating, but that still seems like an awful lot for just one person. I have to wonder if she was looking at the most expensive plan.

In my state there are no plans for 220 per month - bronze or else.

the cheapest start at 420. except, maybe if you are 18 yo
A girl I went to highschool with posted her feelings about Obamacare. Thought I would share them, because they were eye-opening. Note: I didn't make any smart-ass comments, because her pain is real and her pain saddened me.

Background on her: She is a free-lance photographer. She used to work for a newspaper, but lost her job a few years back. According to her, newspapers pay their on staff photographers pennies (I hear they do the same with their journalist also), so free-lance is the way for photographers to make any money. She is single mother of a preteen. She hasn't had insurance on herself in years, but has insurance on her daughter.

She was a HUGE Obama and Obamacare supporter. Always posted positive news and stories on both. I went back and forth a few times.

Recently she posted this:
"I can't believe I supported this. I finally got through on this bullshit website and this is BULLSHIT. I was finally thinking I could afford insurance (WHICH I HAVEN'T HAD IN YEARS), but this is insane. For insurance with a $2K deductible I will pay over $500 a month for JUST ME. I can't afford that and now I am told I will be hit with a penality of between $300-$400 unless I do it! WTF, where is this subsidy I have heard about and bought into? To make matters worse XXXXX's (I don't want to give her daugher's name) premiums have SHOT UP and now we have a higher deductible. I'm extremely frustrated. I don't know what to do. I have to get insurance or she will not be able to attend school (Note: This is technically not true, Chicago schools do not require insurance, but they require medical exams, physicals, immunization and other exams that make it too costly to obtain without insurance). This is the first time in my life I am considering food stamps. If the Republicans weren't all such douche bags, I would consider them, but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes. I'm frustrated and scared!"

People ths positive stories are rare and many turn out to be BS. The negative ones like this are a dime a dozen. Real people, that you know personally are getting seriously hurt by this boneheaded legislation. We read the stories, but you and I also hearing the stories from people we know.

Obaminationcare needs to go.

Is she making four times the Poverty level?

for a mother with one child tht is about $58,000 a year.

Is she making that?

I rather doubt it.

her kid has insurance. so it is not going to be 58K, but just about 45K.

she can be 1 penny over the limit - and voila - she does not qualify for a subsidy
A girl I went to highschool with posted her feelings about Obamacare. Thought I would share them, because they were eye-opening. Note: I didn't make any smart-ass comments, because her pain is real and her pain saddened me.

Background on her: She is a free-lance photographer. She used to work for a newspaper, but lost her job a few years back. According to her, newspapers pay their on staff photographers pennies (I hear they do the same with their journalist also), so free-lance is the way for photographers to make any money. She is single mother of a preteen. She hasn't had insurance on herself in years, but has insurance on her daughter.

She was a HUGE Obama and Obamacare supporter. Always posted positive news and stories on both. I went back and forth a few times.

Recently she posted this:
"I can't believe I supported this. I finally got through on this bullshit website and this is BULLSHIT. I was finally thinking I could afford insurance (WHICH I HAVEN'T HAD IN YEARS), but this is insane. For insurance with a $2K deductible I will pay over $500 a month for JUST ME. I can't afford that and now I am told I will be hit with a penality of between $300-$400 unless I do it! WTF, where is this subsidy I have heard about and bought into? To make matters worse XXXXX's (I don't want to give her daugher's name) premiums have SHOT UP and now we have a higher deductible. I'm extremely frustrated. I don't know what to do. I have to get insurance or she will not be able to attend school (Note: This is technically not true, Chicago schools do not require insurance, but they require medical exams, physicals, immunization and other exams that make it too costly to obtain without insurance). This is the first time in my life I am considering food stamps. If the Republicans weren't all such douche bags, I would consider them, but the Democrats actually care about people even when they make mistakes. I'm frustrated and scared!"

People ths positive stories are rare and many turn out to be BS. The negative ones like this are a dime a dozen. Real people, that you know personally are getting seriously hurt by this boneheaded legislation. We read the stories, but you and I also hearing the stories from people we know.

Obaminationcare needs to go.

Is she making four times the Poverty level?

for a mother with one child tht is about $58,000 a year.

Is she making that?

I rather doubt it.

I'm not sure what she makes, nor do I know how she got the $300-$400 amount.

It is a friend from facebook. You can choose to believe it or not. Up to you. You don't know me, so you can assume it's untruthful. If that is the case, then no reason to respond. If you choose to give me the benefit of the doubt, then I carry on ! :eusa_angel:
I'm not sure what she makes, nor do I know how she got the $300-$400 amount.

the aouint of very low 200-250 is for the under-29 crowd only.

Age is a big factor in the amount of the premium.

You can go on the website and play with the figures yourself.

But her amount is actually correct - if you are over 29 your premium is going to be no less than 350-400.
Marginally informed people should never vote. .
First off she isn't marginally informed!!! I guarantee she would run circles around you small fry!

I have ZERO sympathy for lazy citizens. ZERO.
She is ANYTHING but lazy, so take your assumptions and shove it.

Your friend is fucked, good. It will take many thousands more before a ground swell forms large enough to make a difference
I wouldn't say she is fucked, but she is in trouble. Glad to know you take pleasure in other people's pain. Karma is a bitch you know!

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