Liberal friends, if we regain power

Actually here are more liberals than conservatives.

Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
What you fucking need to do is tell us how you will finance your Christmas list or is 100 trillion in debt okay?

If you reduce the amount of people in prisons and spend it on education, how much extra money will the US have?

List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia

The US has an incarceration rate of 693 per 100,000. Compare this to England and Wales with 143.

That's about 2.3 million people.

With a UK rate the US would have 480,000 people in prison, not 2.3 million

What Are America’s Prisons Costing Taxpayers?

Average cost per inmate is $31,286 a year.

That's 1.82 million people at a cost of $31,286 a year, that's $56 billion a year.

Pump $56 billion a year into education, and you'll work wonders. Also, the amount of tax that 1.8 million people would be generating for the govt would also add significantly to this. If you pump this money into dealing with mental illness, it would have a significant impact on the country too.

All your statistics show is that we have more criminals than other countries. What does that prove?

The US already spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world. How did it get that way? Because liberals kept telling us our education system would be better if we pumped more money into it. Never happened. In fact, we have mediocre results to show for all the money we put in.

It proves the country is in a mess, that's what it proves.

Yes, the US has mediocre results for education for the money put in, it has a poor prison system, it has a poor health system for the money put in, what does this say about the USA?

What it says is money is not the answer, that's what it says. Yet every time we have a problem with something, the liberal solution is to throw more money at it.
oh, y'all will be back in power at some point, I have no doubt

Take it FWIW, but I am viewing this time in history as a respite before our nation falls apart and goes the way of the old Roman Empire

we cannot sustain the financial burden we have created for ourselves & we have lost our way insofar as morality and common sense.

I am not sure that 8 years of Trump will be enough to right the ship & undo the damage done before he came in


I pretty much agree with this & have said as much in several threads on this forum. In fact, this issue is why I am not 100% thrilled with Sessions as AG.

I do like Sessions & believe him to be an honorable man of good character & integrity, but I do not like his aggressive posture re: the war on drugs

this is just a really bad idea - have you seen the numbers coming out of California?

They are looking to implement this single payer nightmare & the 1st estimates are that it would more than DOUBLE the state budget. And we all know that initial government estimates on costs are always grossly understated

Cali is already struggling to pay its bills, this would wreck them in a way that I am not sure they could recover from

We cannot be all things to all people, we just can't.

Seriously, how the hell do you think we are going to pay for this?

I can get on board with finding a way to provide basic health services to everyone (immunizations, basic check ups & maybe even access to antibiotics; but when it comes to major surgeries & access to cutting edge new medical developments; those that have worked hard & behaved prudently with their money SHOULD have more access

Good decisions should be rewarded. We do not live in a socialist utopia & such a system is truly unsustainable

This idea is a financial train wreck & will ultimately be the destruction of this country

you have not been paying attention to Trump, have you?

Infrastructure repairs were a cornerstone of his agenda

If liberals in power had any sense, they would be reaching out and finding a way to compromise on this issue - it is the right thing to do for the long term viability of this country - we could actually see a "win" that would benefit everyone if liberals would put aside their petty hatred for all things TRUMP and act in the people's best interest; especially on something like this where broad bi-partisan support could be found

invest more in science? I could go either way on this, but based on your #2; it seems that you think we can do this while taking away the financial reward for doing so - not sure if we can find real agreement here or not

Education? needs to be left to states & local governments. Our federal government is already too big & powerful, plus, they screw up just about everything they put their hands on

allow local communities more discretion in how this is addressed, you know, like the Constitution calls for - another issue we will likely not find common ground

no, just hell no

another really bad idea

because economies suffer every time this is done

this would kill jobs and hurt the people you are trying to help

If you really believe there was damage done before Trump and that number 1, Trump is going to get 8 years and number 2, Trump is going to fix something, you've lost already.

The fact is you believe America was perfectly fine during Obama eight years as President.

You are like Obama and believe everything he did was perfect and those that do not agree are racist bigots.

It is sad that LBJ did more for the poor than Obama and let remember for two out of eight years Obama had the House and Senate and failed to get his promise on immigration reform done.

So right there he was a failure while bloating the government too much and wasteful spending as usual.

But let you dream of those eight years of Obama and please remember it was perfect and no one will tell you otherwise!

Well since I have not said all 8 years of Obama was perfect, you do the dreaming.

What I have said is things you say about Obama are not true. And that's because they aren't.

So for 6 years he did not have the house and senate. Also for all 8 years republicans used every procedural rule in the books o stymie anything Obama was trying to do.

It is a shame that you lie like you do.

At least I knew who wrote Mein Kumpf.

Also when Kennedy was alive the Senate was a 60 vote majority, so who is lying?

Also the Democrats lost the Senate in 2014 or did you forget That?

So for the last two years of Obama eight years the House and Senate were GOP, but tell me how I am lying again while you deny reality!

We keep trying to tell jokes do we?

Well in 1960 things were done a little differently than today. Congress was less confrontational and more apt to compromise.

For all 8 years republicans used every procedural rule in the books o stymie anything Obama was trying to do. They obstructed things hey supported before in order to stop Obama. They stood out there telling the dumb like you how we need jobs,asked the president where were the jobs, and when the jobs plan showed up, they filibustered it out of existence.

Seems that these are matters you cannot discuss. Because you're a liar.

Of course they did! Everything Obama tried to do was wrong for this country just as liberalism never solved anything!
Actually here are more liberals than conservatives.

Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

Really? Did you count them?

Yeah I counted all of them. Moderates too.
oh, y'all will be back in power at some point, I have no doubt

Take it FWIW, but I am viewing this time in history as a respite before our nation falls apart and goes the way of the old Roman Empire

we cannot sustain the financial burden we have created for ourselves & we have lost our way insofar as morality and common sense.

I am not sure that 8 years of Trump will be enough to right the ship & undo the damage done before he came in


I pretty much agree with this & have said as much in several threads on this forum. In fact, this issue is why I am not 100% thrilled with Sessions as AG.

I do like Sessions & believe him to be an honorable man of good character & integrity, but I do not like his aggressive posture re: the war on drugs

this is just a really bad idea - have you seen the numbers coming out of California?

They are looking to implement this single payer nightmare & the 1st estimates are that it would more than DOUBLE the state budget. And we all know that initial government estimates on costs are always grossly understated

Cali is already struggling to pay its bills, this would wreck them in a way that I am not sure they could recover from

We cannot be all things to all people, we just can't.

Seriously, how the hell do you think we are going to pay for this?

I can get on board with finding a way to provide basic health services to everyone (immunizations, basic check ups & maybe even access to antibiotics; but when it comes to major surgeries & access to cutting edge new medical developments; those that have worked hard & behaved prudently with their money SHOULD have more access

Good decisions should be rewarded. We do not live in a socialist utopia & such a system is truly unsustainable

This idea is a financial train wreck & will ultimately be the destruction of this country

you have not been paying attention to Trump, have you?

Infrastructure repairs were a cornerstone of his agenda

If liberals in power had any sense, they would be reaching out and finding a way to compromise on this issue - it is the right thing to do for the long term viability of this country - we could actually see a "win" that would benefit everyone if liberals would put aside their petty hatred for all things TRUMP and act in the people's best interest; especially on something like this where broad bi-partisan support could be found

invest more in science? I could go either way on this, but based on your #2; it seems that you think we can do this while taking away the financial reward for doing so - not sure if we can find real agreement here or not

Education? needs to be left to states & local governments. Our federal government is already too big & powerful, plus, they screw up just about everything they put their hands on

allow local communities more discretion in how this is addressed, you know, like the Constitution calls for - another issue we will likely not find common ground

no, just hell no

another really bad idea

because economies suffer every time this is done

this would kill jobs and hurt the people you are trying to help

If you really believe there was damage done before Trump and that number 1, Trump is going to get 8 years and number 2, Trump is going to fix something, you've lost already.

The fact is you believe America was perfectly fine during Obama eight years as President.

You are like Obama and believe everything he did was perfect and those that do not agree are racist bigots.

It is sad that LBJ did more for the poor than Obama and let remember for two out of eight years Obama had the House and Senate and failed to get his promise on immigration reform done.

So right there he was a failure while bloating the government too much and wasteful spending as usual.

But let you dream of those eight years of Obama and please remember it was perfect and no one will tell you otherwise!

Well since I have not said all 8 years of Obama was perfect, you do the dreaming.

What I have said is things you say about Obama are not true. And that's because they aren't.

So for 6 years he did not have the house and senate. Also for all 8 years republicans used every procedural rule in the books o stymie anything Obama was trying to do.

It is a shame that you lie like you do.

At least I knew who wrote Mein Kumpf.

Also when Kennedy was alive the Senate was a 60 vote majority, so who is lying?

Also the Democrats lost the Senate in 2014 or did you forget That?

So for the last two years of Obama eight years the House and Senate were GOP, but tell me how I am lying again while you deny reality!

We keep trying to tell jokes do we?

Well in 1960 things were done a little differently than today. Congress was less confrontational and more apt to compromise.

For all 8 years republicans used every procedural rule in the books o stymie anything Obama was trying to do. They obstructed things hey supported before in order to stop Obama. They stood out there telling the dumb like you how we need jobs,asked the president where were the jobs, and when the jobs plan showed up, they filibustered it out of existence.

Seems that these are matters you cannot discuss. Because you're a liar.

Again before Kennedy died the Senate had a 60 vote majority in favor of the Democrats and you are now claiming I am lying still?

So tell me how did Bill Clinton get so much done while having a hostile House that impeached him but Obama failed at every turn?

Simple, like you he ( Obama )was a idealist that never believed in the word compromise.

To you compromise is your way or nothing at all.

So those that won in 2010 were elected to obstruct the President and prevent him from passing more bloated government programs like the ACA that was filled with broken promises and lies because if your doctor is not in network you did not keep that doctor unless you paid out of pocket.

So again you live with the idea those that were elected to do a job should have done everything Obama wanted because to you the President is the dictator of this country but in reality he had to work with Congress to get shit pass and notice Trump has the GOP in the House and Senate and his own party rejects him more time than not.

I know you hate this system and dream of the day True Marxism rises which is never!
So let me get this straight, you want to see more criminals on our streets, raise taxes so they are unaffordable with all the spending you plan on, force Puerto Rico to become a state against their will, and a higher minimum wage that will distance us further from the world market causing more companies to outsource?

Now you know why you're the minority in this country.

Actually here are more liberals than conservatives.

Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

Look st the population of NY, CA, and Chicago. If she only won by 3 million, that doesn't say much for her appeal!


I know! I know! Facts put liberals to sleep. That is why you people are so stupid. You slept through school!
Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

Really? Did you count them?

Yeah I counted all of them. Moderates too.

There are currently approximately 40,500 members of USMB. Don't be ridiculous.
Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe

Oh another opinion piece that you believe is correct. How typical and next poll after poll to show America is Liberal to you.

Again you do not know because of the non-voting block but please keep on telling yourself all of America want to be like California while the Electoral College rejected you!
Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

Really? Did you count them?

Yeah I counted all of them. Moderates too.

I bet all those you counted were all liberal including the dead ones.
But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

Really? Did you count them?

Yeah I counted all of them. Moderates too.

There are currently approximately 40,500 members of USMB. Don't be ridiculous.

Ask a ridiculous question and that's what you certainly must expect back.
So, largest prison population in the world, and highest crime rates in the first world, and you think you need MORE of this? Er... what?

No, I support mandatory sterilization for ghetto/welfare recipients. Common sense dictates such folks having offspring is a crime against humanity and the environment in general.

Typical democrats interacting.

Ah yes, the right, who love THEIR rights and hate everyone else's.
You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

Really? Did you count them?

Yeah I counted all of them. Moderates too.

There are currently approximately 40,500 members of USMB. Don't be ridiculous.

Ask a ridiculous question and that's what you certainly must expect back.

So, IOW, you don't really know.
Actually here are more liberals than conservatives.

Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

Look st the population of NY, CA, and Chicago. If she only won by 3 million, that doesn't say much for her appeal!


I know! I know! Facts put liberals to sleep. That is why you people are so stupid. You slept through school!

You are correct.

Clinton only winning by three million votes is sad. Also Libertarians do better at the poll than Green voters but let IM2 educate you on how America is more Liberal.
But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe

Oh another opinion piece that you believe is correct. How typical and next poll after poll to show America is Liberal to you.

Again you do not know because of the non-voting block but please keep on telling yourself all of America want to be like California while the Electoral College rejected you!

The electoral college did not reject me. I did not run for office. But as you will see, what you stand for will be rejected summarily in short time. Gloat while you can.
You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe

Oh another opinion piece that you believe is correct. How typical and next poll after poll to show America is Liberal to you.

Again you do not know because of the non-voting block but please keep on telling yourself all of America want to be like California while the Electoral College rejected you!

The electoral college did not reject me. I did not run for office. But as you will see, what you stand for will be rejected summarily in short time. Gloat while you can.

Which is something we hear after every Republican victory.
You want to go down that damn road with me?

Fine, Hillary Clinton won the State of California by 4.7 million votes but only won the National vote by 3 million.

Now if you remove the Californian vote it shows Clinton was losing the National vote until California have her the popular vote win.

Also going by the Electoral College map it will show many more state popular vote went to Trump and not to Clinton.

Sure 73 million people voted against Trump but to win the White House you need to win the Electoral College and the popular vote on the state level and not on the National level.

Now as you claim but America is more Liberal the reality is it is more moderate on many issues but please cling to those three million votes when reality Clinton lost the Electoral College and that mean more states went red than blue!

What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe

Oh another opinion piece that you believe is correct. How typical and next poll after poll to show America is Liberal to you.

Again you do not know because of the non-voting block but please keep on telling yourself all of America want to be like California while the Electoral College rejected you!

The electoral college did not reject me. I did not run for office. But as you will see, what you stand for will be rejected summarily in short time. Gloat while you can.

Reject what I stand for?

I am Libertarian little Trostky, so I live for rejection.

So do you believe in 2018 Democrats will win the Senate and House and if so do tell me how when the Democrats must defend too many seats in the Senate to gain majority and seeing that is the near future mean you and Matt wish for a new dawn is not happening.

Also America rejected your candidate through the Electoral College.
Only in California, New York and Chicago.

That is why you lost the Electoral College!

But for some reason Hillary got 3 million more votes..

Look st the population of NY, CA, and Chicago. If she only won by 3 million, that doesn't say much for her appeal!


I know! I know! Facts put liberals to sleep. That is why you people are so stupid. You slept through school!

You are correct.

Clinton only winning by three million votes is sad. Also Libertarians do better at the poll than Green voters but let IM2 educate you on how America is more Liberal.

But you see it doesn't matter what you think. The popular vote of the people went to Hillary Clinton. And California and New York or waver other place you deem as liberal are not the only laces protesting Trump and his policies. I live in a state that Trump won and people are out n this stat today protesting Trumps policies'.

You conservatives are the ones who don't want to discuss facts. You've never been able to do so. 73 million votes are more than 300.
What I said was there are more liberals than conservatives.

How so?

If you are going off the vote totals then you did not count those that did not vote.

So are you claiming those that did not vote are liberals?

Of course you believe that don't you?

In the end you don't know if there are more liberals or conservatives seeing a good amount of people do not vote and a small amount are third party voter and that three million extra came from California but keep on playing your game...

Conservative Or Liberal? Here's What Americans Really Believe

Oh another opinion piece that you believe is correct. How typical and next poll after poll to show America is Liberal to you.

Again you do not know because of the non-voting block but please keep on telling yourself all of America want to be like California while the Electoral College rejected you!

The electoral college did not reject me. I did not run for office. But as you will see, what you stand for will be rejected summarily in short time. Gloat while you can.

Reject what I stand for?

I am Libertarian little Trostky, so I live for rejection.

So do you believe in 2018 Democrats will win the Senate and House and if so do tell me how when the Democrats must defend too many seats in the Senate to gain majority and seeing that is the near future mean you and Matt wish for a new dawn is not happening.

Also America rejected your candidate through the Electoral College.

You keep talking about the electoral college, but what we see here now is that America is rejecting Donald Trump.
Liberal friends, if we regain power! Here is what we need to do.
1. Reduce the federal law book on non-violent crimes. Sorry, but we shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. We should reduce the prison population greatly as we're doing so.
2. One of these is legalization of pot....
3. We need a single payer system in this country. Sorry, but that is the only way. I expect that the republicans will get their way and we will be around 50-55 ranking by 2020 in healthcare...People will die and will thirst for democratic leadership.
4. We need infrastructure, science and educational rebuilding plan for this country...1. build infrastructure from our bridges to our energy infrastructure, 2. invest more into science and 3. aim to improve our educational system...It is in sad shape.
5. We need our congressional majority to make Puerto Rico our 51st state.
6. Raise the minimum wage to at least 11 bucks per hour.

We need to show the American people that liberal leadership is the right way. Archaist failed in somalia, central African republic and other third world countries and it is bad here too. No way to govern a first world modern country!
Advance the Cause, every chance you get, in the Public Domain.

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