Liberal ideology - Makes no sense


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
None of it makes sense, but here are a few examples. Feel free to add:

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.

Thin beautiful women are exploited:
No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.
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It doesn't make sense because liberals are liars. They lie about damn near everything, most of the crap they spew boils down to two things, lining their pockets with money, or attacking corporations which they hate. You will find that at the root of all the weird shit they say that doesn't make sense.
None of it makes sense, but here are a few examples. Feel free to add:

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.

Thin beautiful women are exploited:
No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.

Which nations without a minimum wage are prospering, top to bottom?
I disagree with the first but there's quite a bit I agree with on your list.

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

The problem with this is what is occurring in Africa or south Asia where the rich pay pennies to the workers and the workers live in shitty conditions. Do you really believe this wouldn't happen here? A reasonable minimum wage is worth having higher general standards of living for all.
Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Well, I'll agree that some people shouldn't fuck but they do it anyways...Should they have the baby? Lets think for a second before we gut the ability to do so. I support Capital punishment for murder and rape.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.
Well, I support Men marrying! ;) It is all a choice. Freedom you know! You do hate government, right? It takes government to stop someone from exercising their will.
Thin beautiful women are exploited: No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Friend, I agree with you. I hate feminism! It is the opposite of its name and it is nasty.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

1. The extreme leftist like Bernie sanders would agree that we should have less h1b's and immigration as it hurts wages....2. I won't disagree that our educational system sucks but that is because we allow our teachers and the kids themselves to get away with shit. Time to toughen up. It is generally a good idea to educate the population.
National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

That is why we should slow immigration! Single payer is used in every other developed country on earth and those countries don't have crushing healthcare debt and it works. Maybe you should study the issue. Not everything should be just about profit...We as a society should take care of our sick, old and disabled at the very least.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

I hate them too. Do the crime then pay!

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Depends on the issue, Some of the conservative ideas are extremely stupid and deserve to be protested.
Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.

75% of this nations wealth is within the cities like New york, Chicago, LA, etc. It isn't hick town that is running our economy.
None of it makes sense, but here are a few examples. Feel free to add:

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.

Thin beautiful women are exploited:
No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.

A friend of mine who is a lifelong Democrat, no matter how screwy or screwed over it gets,
explained his point was to get behind the bigger bully to say NO to the conservative rightwing
who otherwise dominate the picture. That is the agenda in a nutshell.

Just to bully back politically, in the media, etc. regardless if policies contradict themselves.
It's all about image, and saying NO to the image put out about the rightwing.

(and yes, it's a bunch of games creating strawmen, red herrings, race baiting.
content is not so important as much as symbolism and image.)
I disagree with the first but there's quite a bit I agree with on your list.

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

The problem with this is what is occurring in Africa or south Asia where the rich pay pennies to the workers and the workers live in shitty conditions. Do you really believe this wouldn't happen here? A reasonable minimum wage is worth having higher general standards of living for all.
Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Well, I'll agree that some people shouldn't fuck but they do it anyways...Should they have the baby? Lets think for a second before we gut the ability to do so. I support Capital punishment for murder and rape.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.
Well, I support Men marrying! ;) It is all a choice. Freedom you know! You do hate government, right? It takes government to stop someone from exercising their will.
Thin beautiful women are exploited: No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Friend, I agree with you. I hate feminism! It is the opposite of its name and it is nasty.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

1. The extreme leftist like Bernie sanders would agree that we should have less h1b's and immigration as it hurts wages....2. I won't disagree that our educational system sucks but that is because we allow our teachers and the kids themselves to get away with shit. Time to toughen up. It is generally a good idea to educate the population.
National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

That is why we should slow immigration! Single payer is used in every other developed country on earth and those countries don't have crushing healthcare debt and it works. Maybe you should study the issue. Not everything should be just about profit...We as a society should take care of our sick, old and disabled at the very least.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

I hate them too. Do the crime then pay!

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Depends on the issue, Some of the conservative ideas are extremely stupid and deserve to be protested.
Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.

75% of this nations wealth is within the cities like New york, Chicago, LA, etc. It isn't hick town that is running our economy.
Thanks for sharing that, Matthew. I was hoping I'd eventually see you post something I could agree with.

I hate them too. Do the crime then pay!
I was surprised to see you post that because obama and Hillary supported BLM.
None of it makes sense, but here are a few examples. Feel free to add:

Minimum wage: Increase minimum wage to reduce incentives for advancement. The result is inflation and job reduction, only to require higher wages and more welfare. Open the gates to immigration so there are fewer jobs available. This way kids remain irresponsible and their work ethic is poor. Flipping burgers is a career.

Pro-choice and anti-capital punishment: In other terms, kill the innocent and babysit the guilty. The result is a reduction in personal accountability and more crime.

Men marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom: In other terms, they ran out of ideas to justify their existence. Nature and common sense says they're full of shit.

Thin beautiful women are exploited:
No they're not, that's just how shit works. It's called the birds and bees, survival of the fittest, mating etc. etc. It's part of nature. Feminists are simply jealous.

Open the doors to immigration and throw more money at education: You want to reduce everyone down to the lowest common denominator (i.e., can't read, write or communicate) and expect to pay for this disaster? This just in, cash can't fix stupid. Never mind the entitled liberal teachers leading ideology as opposed practical applications. No wonder so many college graduates can't write and they're ineffective.

National healthcare and immigration: Sure, open the gates to immigrants who soak in more welfare than anyone. Then complain the cost of healthcare is too high. Makes perfect sense. That and be sure to take the incentives out from under career advancements and even employment. You want the world and expect others to pay for it.

Black lives matter: Who gives a fuck? This is no more than projection of responsibility from the guilty to our police force. That and they're bored.

Liberal protest: They're not protesting anything. These are demonstrations of stupidity and anger.

Metropolises are a success because they're primarily liberal: Your geography teacher failed you.

Well you certainly laid to fears who the dumb people are...I just want to know why the status quo is still in operation during the GOP surge?

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