Liberal lawyer says it's RACIST to ban affirmative action like Michigan did!!!


2. State's rights aren't a good thing. Slavery, Jim Crow, and Segregation are reasons why.


You many not like states rights, but the constitution says the states are equal to if not above the federal govt.
The decision takes us back to the era of state's rights.

That someone could say that should show you how bad it really is.

A return to states rights would be the best thing for america. The federal govt has no interest in listening to the citizens. States have to.
The decision takes us back to the era of state's rights.

That someone could say that should show you how bad it really is.

A return to states rights would be the best thing for america. The federal govt has no interest in listening to the citizens. States have to.
The best thing for America would be to become the various nations that we actually are.
The nut says this takes us back to the era of states rights and lets hope that's true. Our constitution is built on states rights. America is supposed to be like the european union is now - a loose collection of independent sovereign countries with a weak federal govt sitting ALONG SIDE the countries not above them.

1. Someone having a different opinion than you doesn't make them crazy.

2. State's rights aren't a good thing. Slavery, Jim Crow, and Segregation are reasons why.

3. While we have made progress, we have a ways to still go. At the University of Alabama, every single fraternity and sorority is all white. No African Americans are in them in the year 2014. It finally took just last week to vote to be integrated. This in 2014. This was active discrimination of a racial group for joining a student organization at a public university.

That is the reality. That even 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights act of 1964, we had a public university denying access to a student organization based on their race. Just because we have progressed doesn't mean the work will ever be over because there are still people that use racial, gender and socioeconomic discrimination to thwart people's opportunity for a better life.

That's reality.
Hey pot nazi, Jamaal Crow and black neosegregation are alive and well thanks to the myriad of race-based initiatives and black enterprises. Take your complaint to Georgetown's basketball team that went over ten years without a non-black and no one said a word. Hell, take it to any major professional basketball team.
Take your argument about allegedly white frats to historically (currently) black colleges.
Can you spell hypocrite or are you too busy ingesting THC into kids walking down the street where you're smoking your pot?
Why do Republicans care? They don't go to school anyway. Besides, the few that do will get beaten out Asians.

What reatarded statement, but after affirmative action goes down, according to you , no blacks, gays, ect will be admited, which means no democrats.....sociology and other useless majors will drop to nil
The nut says this takes us back to the era of states rights and lets hope that's true. Our constitution is built on states rights. America is supposed to be like the european union is now - a loose collection of independent sovereign countries with a weak federal govt sitting ALONG SIDE the countries not above them.

If that were true then the Constitution would not contain a Supremacy Clause and would not provide for federal judicial review that can overturn unconstitutional state laws.

You should try reading the Constitution once or twice.
The nut says this takes us back to the era of states rights and lets hope that's true. Our constitution is built on states rights. America is supposed to be like the european union is now - a loose collection of independent sovereign countries with a weak federal govt sitting ALONG SIDE the countries not above them.

This isn't the 1800's. Your mentality died, and rightly so, at the conclusion of the Civil War.
The lefts mentality died a long time ago, they just don't realize it yet. zThe constitution is the blueprint and not a living changing document like the idiot left and obamadickinmouth think.
Liberals call Bundy a freeloading moocher.

Liberals are such a joke.
The nut says this takes us back to the era of states rights and lets hope that's true. Our constitution is built on states rights. America is supposed to be like the european union is now - a loose collection of independent sovereign countries with a weak federal govt sitting ALONG SIDE the countries not above them.

If that were true then the Constitution would not contain a Supremacy Clause and would not provide for federal judicial review that can overturn unconstitutional state laws.

You should try reading the Constitution once or twice.

HAHAHA. What a brazen lie. The constitution absolutely does NOT "provide for federal judicial review that can overturn unconstitutional state law". In fact it says the courts have no authority to repeal laws.

The tenth amendment says the states have authority to repeal laws due to unconstitutionality .
The nut says this takes us back to the era of states rights and lets hope that's true. Our constitution is built on states rights. America is supposed to be like the european union is now - a loose collection of independent sovereign countries with a weak federal govt sitting ALONG SIDE the countries not above them.

This isn't the 1800's. Your mentality died, and rightly so, at the conclusion of the Civil War.
The lefts mentality died a long time ago, they just don't realize it yet. zThe constitution is the blueprint and not a living changing document like the idiot left and obamadickinmouth think.

If you can amend it, it's alive. And it is a blueprint but we are the builders who adjust the plans as is necessary. That was also in the plan.
This isn't the 1800's. Your mentality died, and rightly so, at the conclusion of the Civil War.
The lefts mentality died a long time ago, they just don't realize it yet. zThe constitution is the blueprint and not a living changing document like the idiot left and obamadickinmouth think.

If you can amend it, it's alive. And it is a blueprint but we are the builders who adjust the plans as is necessary. That was also in the plan.

Of course AMENDING the constitution is ok. But liberals don't do that. They just read stuff into it that isn't there. That's what happened in roe v wade and plyler v doe and a million other cases.

If you want to change the constitution, GO THRU THE AMENDING PROCESS.

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