Liberal Lie About Red State "Welfare" from Taxpayers

Top Red states by Cook PVI, 2010 Black %

WY R22 1.2

UT R22 1.27

OK R22 7.96

ID R18 0.95

AR R 14 15

AL R14 26

WV R13 3.58

KY R13 8.2

TN R12 16

NE R12 4.5

Your idea doesn't even hold up in the 10 reddest states
It was the southern states that were singled out by purveyors of the liberal argument. Case made was that they are welfare sponges, when in reality it is California, New York, and Illinois that are the sponge states.

California pays in more than it gets back. You're an idiot.
Does California Get Its “Fair Share” of Federal Funds? - California Budget & Policy Center
Seems you are wrong, Jerry "Moon Child" Brown is all fucked up again.
Top Red states by Cook PVI, 2010 Black %

WY R22 1.2

UT R22 1.27

OK R22 7.96

ID R18 0.95

AR R 14 15

AL R14 26

WV R13 3.58

KY R13 8.2

TN R12 16

NE R12 4.5

Your idea doesn't even hold up in the 10 reddest states
It was the southern states that were singled out by purveyors of the liberal argument. Case made was that they are welfare sponges, when in reality it is California, New York, and Illinois that are the sponge states.

California pays in more than it gets back. You're an idiot.
Does California Get Its “Fair Share” of Federal Funds? - California Budget & Policy Center
Seems you are wrong, Jerry "Moon Child" Brown is all fucked up again.

You lie. I've seen the real numbers.
I thought the original goalpost was red states, not states with high black population. Can I at least get a 3 day forecast on where they will be so I can plan? Thanks
Nearly all red states have high black populations....

So the oppression of blacks in red states creates the poverty.

You're a funny little man.
Black people are worshipped in this country, not oppressed.

Aha, we finally got your racism on record, small man.
Facts are not racist, retard.

The most talented and most intelligent black people in this country never get noticed because of all the black mediocrity endlessly being paraded to the American public.

How do you think idiots like Juan Williams got a job?

Why are you melting down? It's just a message board. Get a grip. Be an adult for once in your wretched life.
Nearly all red states have high black populations....

So the oppression of blacks in red states creates the poverty.

You're a funny little man.
Black people are worshipped in this country, not oppressed.

Aha, we finally got your racism on record, small man.
Facts are not racist, retard.

The most talented and most intelligent black people in this country never get noticed because of all the black mediocrity endlessly being paraded to the American public.

How do you think idiots like Juan Williams got a job?

Why are you melting down? It's just a message board. Get a grip. Be an adult for once in your wretched life.
Nice projection, little psychopath.
So the oppression of blacks in red states creates the poverty.

You're a funny little man.
Black people are worshipped in this country, not oppressed.

Aha, we finally got your racism on record, small man.
Facts are not racist, retard.

The most talented and most intelligent black people in this country never get noticed because of all the black mediocrity endlessly being paraded to the American public.

How do you think idiots like Juan Williams got a job?

Why are you melting down? It's just a message board. Get a grip. Be an adult for once in your wretched life.
Nice projection, little psychopath.

lol reduced to childish namecalling. Proving my point.
Black people are worshipped in this country, not oppressed.

Aha, we finally got your racism on record, small man.
Facts are not racist, retard.

The most talented and most intelligent black people in this country never get noticed because of all the black mediocrity endlessly being paraded to the American public.

How do you think idiots like Juan Williams got a job?

Why are you melting down? It's just a message board. Get a grip. Be an adult for once in your wretched life.
Nice projection, little psychopath.

lol reduced to childish namecalling. Proving my point.
Childish name calling is your sole contribution to this forum. Childish name calling is not making a psychopathy diagnosis.
It all depends. Red states place less value on education, believe low wages are acceptable, and workers aren't worth much. Simple facts. Blue states place more value on education, believe workers are decent folk. It all depends on your beliefs.
They base their stats on "federal funding" but forget to tell you that in that figure is defense spending. Because red states have lots of military bases (very patriotic as well) that drives up the number. Go to end of Bloomberg report and you will see that the top 25 states for defense spending are almost all red states. Where most of our nations warriors live so go figure.

that has zero to do with the fact that red states have the highest poverty, highest recipients of welfare and lowest education.

i realize that you're confused. no one expects more of you.

I always get confused on how folks in red states vote against policies that would help them in the long run. They cut education spending and have lowest test scores in the country. They cut funding for planned parenthood and opt for abstinence only education and have the highest teen pregnancy rates.

Red states would benefit the most from a universal healthcare system but they hate the idea because its "socialist"
They vote against policies that would hurt them in the long run. As Reagan said, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is code for " your screwed." People in red states reject idea of government welfare. At least Republicans in those states do, and they are the dominate political party in those states.

Leftists have a hard time understanding that not everyone defines "policies that benefit them" as "gimme gimme gimme".
I always get confused on how folks in red states vote against policies that would help them in the long run. They cut education spending and have lowest test scores in the country. They cut funding for planned parenthood and opt for abstinence only education and have the highest teen pregnancy rates.

Red states would benefit the most from a universal healthcare system but they hate the idea because its "socialist"

The folks in Red states largely believe in something called Personal Responsibility. This means that individuals rather than the State are responsible for their own well being or lack thereof. It also allows people to resist Governmental over-education, and other intrusions into personal decisions.

So if its personally responsibility then why are their kids dumb as rocks? Why are they dying of diseases at abnormal rates. Red states have the highest infant mortality rate.

"Dumb as rocks" sounds like a personal opinion, rather than any sort of factual statement backed up by evidence. You will excuse me, I trust, if I put no trust or interest in your perception of "dumb" and "smart". I don't know you, and on the basis of our short acquaintance, I'm not terribly impressed with you as an "expert witness" on intelligence.

As for "dying of diseases" and "highest infant mortality", on what evidence are you basing those assertions, please?

People should be personally responsible. However , you have to give people a chance and a headstart.

No, actually, you don't. Humans are perverse creatures, and have shown time and time again throughout history that they shine most brightly when faced with adversity. Many of the most outstanding human beings in history - in every field imaginable - had utterly abysmal childhoods.

That being said, it is nice if you can give people a head start in life, and I'd say living in a prosperous, (mostly) free nation that people flock to in droves, where we will happily provide lifesaving medical care and a primary education at no personal cost is a pretty damned big head start to be given. I know I'VE appreciated living here MY entire life.

Not everyone can afford private education for their so they rely on public education. Our publication system use to be the best in the world. We should aim to make it that way. To have a quality of life you need an education. Giving children and young adults is a right and not a privilege.

Same goes for healthcare.

Yes, well, the reason that our "publication" [sic] system isn't the best is the very thing conservatives have been fighting to prevent from infiltrating our healthcare system any further: too much government involvement.

And no, neither education nor healthcare is a right. They are things one definitely wants to have, but that's not the same thing. Perhaps our "publication"[sic] system could start repairing itself by teaching people the meaning of that word.
I always get confused on how folks in red states vote against policies that would help them in the long run. They cut education spending and have lowest test scores in the country. They cut funding for planned parenthood and opt for abstinence only education and have the highest teen pregnancy rates.

Red states would benefit the most from a universal healthcare system but they hate the idea because its "socialist"

The folks in Red states largely believe in something called Personal Responsibility. This means that individuals rather than the State are responsible for their own well being or lack thereof. It also allows people to resist Governmental over-education, and other intrusions into personal decisions.

So if its personally responsibility then why are their kids dumb as rocks? Why are they dying of diseases at abnormal rates. Red states have the highest infant mortality rate.

People should be personally responsible. However , you have to give people a chance and a headstart.

Not everyone can afford private education for their so they rely on public education. Our publication system use to be the best in the world. We should aim to make it that way. To have a quality of life you need an education. Giving children and young adults is a right and not a privilege.

Same goes for healthcare.
Pretty prejudicial stereotype of people in South. They have great education system in the southern states. Except in those urban areas where federal funds have been wasted because school districts cannot overcome societal and cultural problems of drugs, violence and single parent homes.

And you can say that about virtually every state.
It all depends. Red states place less value on education, believe low wages are acceptable, and workers aren't worth much. Simple facts. Blue states place more value on education, believe workers are decent folk. It all depends on your beliefs.

I think your post depends ENTIRELY on your beliefs. It certainly isn't depending on any FACTS.
I always get confused on how folks in red states vote against policies that would help them in the long run. They cut education spending and have lowest test scores in the country. They cut funding for planned parenthood and opt for abstinence only education and have the highest teen pregnancy rates.

Red states would benefit the most from a universal healthcare system but they hate the idea because its "socialist"

You're an imbecile, so you're naturally confused.

We cut public education funding because the results are dismal, and we promote private schooling, charters and home schooling. Those kids aren't taken into consideration in the "test scores" and the inner city cesspools always bring the grades down further along with the yearly flood of illegal immigrant kids who can't speak the language and have a high drop out rate.

The high teen pregnancy rates are again mostly concentrated in democrook run cities, and they can have abortions anytime they like in spite of your lies to the contrary.

I encourage liberals to have abortions. You should have been flushed down Kermit Gosnell's toilet.
We cut public education funding because the results are dismal, and we promote private schooling, charters and home schooling.

I actually had a thought on this since I have friends and tenants who did home school their children.

The US spends more per capita on primary education than any other industrialized country in the world. Because of it's failures, the Democrats say we need to spend even more.

Since the national average (last I looked) is about 12K per student, why not give home school parents some of that money instead?

Families take a huge financial loss by home schooling because they rely on a single income for the family. But what if women who wish to home school could also create an income at the same time?

A woman gives up her job or career to teach her own two children. If she can teach her two children, why not four more from the neighborhood? Say we pay those women who participate 8K per student they take in? She could then home school her children as desired, and bring in 32K on the side teaching other neighborhood children while at the same time, saving taxpayers 16K.

It's actually a perfect plan except for one problem: Teachers unions.

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