Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

So if there really is no problem with home schooling why do you care if parents choose to home school.

You imply that the fact they want to home school means they care more than the average parent and the fact that home schooled kids perform better academically should put you infavor of home schooling not against it.

My point is that children who are homeshooled would perform better than the average student whether they were homeschooled or not

You want to know what the problem with homeschooling is? It's you. You think the only people that homeschool their kids are religious nuts and racists. Leaving aside the fact that accusing people who disagree with you of being racists actually proves your bigotry, your view does not reflect the real world.

Parents who homeschool are more likely to have a degree than not, and are more likely to hold an advanced degree than the general population. If we use the specious standards that people with degrees are smarter than people without degrees, that means that homeschool parents tend to be smarter than parents who do not.

No argument there

That is why they try to isolate their children from what they consider an undesirable element
My point is that children who are homeshooled would perform better than the average student whether they were homeschooled or not

You want to know what the problem with homeschooling is? It's you. You think the only people that homeschool their kids are religious nuts and racists. Leaving aside the fact that accusing people who disagree with you of being racists actually proves your bigotry, your view does not reflect the real world.

Parents who homeschool are more likely to have a degree than not, and are more likely to hold an advanced degree than the general population. If we use the specious standards that people with degrees are smarter than people without degrees, that means that homeschool parents tend to be smarter than parents who do not.

No argument there

That is why they try to isolate their children from what they consider an undesirable element

For me, it wasn't a question of an undesirable element but rather an undesirable environment. The relatively unsupervised, lord-of-the-flies' social environment that occurs in most primary and secondary classroom settings brings out the worst in kids and I was glad to steer my boys around it.

I realize you're trying to make a case that homeschoolers are bigots and xenophobes but I haven't seen it. Those I've met were the opposite. They simply don't want to subject their kids to a destructive, artificial environment merely for the sake of indoctrination.
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Atheist Group Plans to Protest Texas Homeschool Convention

By: Garrett Haley


The Woodlands, Texas – A small band of outspoken atheists is planning to stage a protest at a yearly Christian homeschool convention this summer.

“The Nones,” a group of atheist activists based out of Dallas, recently posted a two hour-long Google+ chat video on YouTube, in which four members of the organization are seen expressing their consternation with Christian homeschooling. The video, entitled “Home School Abuse by Creationists,” was posted on Sunday, and has since generated hundreds of comments.


“We have reached a point in America where a minority view like atheism is shaping how decisions are made in the culture,” he contends. “The minority is essentially dictating for the majority. So, let’s use this video chat by atheists as a tool to offer some practical teaching about those people who oppose the Bible’s messages.”

“We urge all Christians in Texas, not just homeschoolers, to attend this homeschool conference in the Houston area,” Ham continues. “Let’s get churches in Texas aware of this intolerance by atheists and publicly get out the word.”


Atheist Group Plans to Protest Texas Homeschool Convention | Christian News Network
If your saying public school turns people into Zombies I guess I can agree with that, maybe its just me but I don't see too many compliant workers or obedient soldiers coming out of that stock. More like video gamers and stoners.

People who are the product of social promotion, grading on a curve and the everyone gets a trophy mentality.

I support anyone that wants to successfully homeschool their children. OTOH lots of comments here are very unwarranted against public schools through generalizations. My guess is projections of your own.

Here's another generalization for ya . . . and a fact of reality: the public education system is an utter disaster, a cesspool of stupidity and degeneracy, and only the very naive fail to understand that leftists seek to control it and use it to indoctrinate the masses, to make good little conformists (bootlick statists) out of them.
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My point is that children who are homeshooled would perform better than the average student whether they were homeschooled or not

You want to know what the problem with homeschooling is? It's you. You think the only people that homeschool their kids are religious nuts and racists. Leaving aside the fact that accusing people who disagree with you of being racists actually proves your bigotry, your view does not reflect the real world.

Parents who homeschool are more likely to have a degree than not, and are more likely to hold an advanced degree than the general population. If we use the specious standards that people with degrees are smarter than people without degrees, that means that homeschool parents tend to be smarter than parents who do not.

No argument there

That is why they try to isolate their children from what they consider an undesirable element

Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families

by Matthew Archbold Sunday, April 07, 2013

All Your Kids Are Belong To Us, Love NBC.

The only time anyone at MSNBC interests me is when they actually say things that the left believes wholeheartedly but know that actually verbalizing it would mean a p.r. disaster. This is an MSNBC commercial. And it should scare any parent that watches it.

MSNBC personality Melissa Harris-Perry says, according to the transcript from Newsbusters, "We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to their communities."

Wait, what!?

Sarah Palin tweeted that it was "Unflippingbelievable." But here's the thing - it's absolutely believable. For years, a mantra of the left has been "it takes a village to raise a child." Maybe what they meant was "The village takes the child to raise."


Believe me, those who say that the community should raise a child think that they themselves are the community. And clearly "the community" believes nobody can tell you what to do in your bedroom but in every other room in the house the community is practically climbing in the windows.

The video is below. I assure you that this is the scariest thirty seconds of video since Cagney and Lacey went undercover at the nude resort.

Read more: Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families |Blogs |
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Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families

by Matthew Archbold Sunday, April 07, 2013

All Your Kids Are Belong To Us, Love NBC.

The only time anyone at MSNBC interests me is when they actually say things that the left believes wholeheartedly but know that actually verbalizing it would mean a p.r. disaster. This is an MSNBC commercial. And it should scare any parent that watches it.

MSNBC personality Melissa Harris-Perry says, according to the transcript from Newsbusters, "We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to their communities."

Wait, what!?

Sarah Palin tweeted that it was "Unflippingbelievable." But here's the thing - it's absolutely believable. For years, a mantra of the left has been "it takes a village to raise a child." Maybe what they meant was "The village takes the child to raise."


Believe me, those who say that the community should raise a child think that they themselves are the community. And clearly "the community" believes nobody can tell you what to do in your bedroom but in every other room in the house the community is practically climbing in the windows.

The video is below. I assure you that this is the scariest thirty seconds of video since Cagney and Lacey went undercover at the nude resort.

Read more: Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families |Blogs |

You are full of shit as usual and I feel sorry for any kid you would try to home school.

I just did an examination of homeschooling on the internets and discovered that it is the "god squad" that is invasive of atheist homeschooling not the other way around.

99% of homeschooling curriculem is bible based. There is no atheist attack on that method of brainwashing your kids.

Your little video does not attack bible based homeschooling.

You are a pinhead paranoid moron with no real evidence or proof that anyone is attempting to snatch your stupid kids away from you..but frankly I believe you are so ignorant that Child Protective Services should have taken you children from you a long time ago.
Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families

by Matthew Archbold Sunday, April 07, 2013

All Your Kids Are Belong To Us, Love NBC.

The only time anyone at MSNBC interests me is when they actually say things that the left believes wholeheartedly but know that actually verbalizing it would mean a p.r. disaster. This is an MSNBC commercial. And it should scare any parent that watches it.

MSNBC personality Melissa Harris-Perry says, according to the transcript from Newsbusters, "We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to their communities."

Wait, what!?

Sarah Palin tweeted that it was "Unflippingbelievable." But here's the thing - it's absolutely believable. For years, a mantra of the left has been "it takes a village to raise a child." Maybe what they meant was "The village takes the child to raise."


Believe me, those who say that the community should raise a child think that they themselves are the community. And clearly "the community" believes nobody can tell you what to do in your bedroom but in every other room in the house the community is practically climbing in the windows.

The video is below. I assure you that this is the scariest thirty seconds of video since Cagney and Lacey went undercover at the nude resort.

Read more: Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families |Blogs |

You are full of shit as usual and I feel sorry for any kid you would try to home school.

I just did an examination of homeschooling on the internets and discovered that it is the "god squad" that is invasive of atheist homeschooling not the other way around.

99% of homeschooling curriculem is bible based. There is no atheist attack on that method of brainwashing your kids.

Your little video does not attack bible based homeschooling.

You are a pinhead paranoid moron with no real evidence or proof that anyone is attempting to snatch your stupid kids away from you..but frankly I believe you are so ignorant that Child Protective Services should have taken you children from you a long time ago.

Aw jesus, here we go again, BUGGY got all wee weed up with his/hers panties all knotted up...:fu:
Go ahead, AJ, if you should ever spawn, be sure to homeschool them. That goes for all the basement-dwelling, bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearers.

There will be fewer qualified job candidates as a result, which helps increase opportunities for others.
My point is that children who are homeshooled would perform better than the average student whether they were homeschooled or not

You want to know what the problem with homeschooling is? It's you. You think the only people that homeschool their kids are religious nuts and racists. Leaving aside the fact that accusing people who disagree with you of being racists actually proves your bigotry, your view does not reflect the real world.

Parents who homeschool are more likely to have a degree than not, and are more likely to hold an advanced degree than the general population. If we use the specious standards that people with degrees are smarter than people without degrees, that means that homeschool parents tend to be smarter than parents who do not.

No argument there

That is why they try to isolate their children from what they consider an undesirable element

And that's a bad thing?

Again it seems like you should be all for home schooling.
Go ahead, AJ, if you should ever spawn, be sure to homeschool them. That goes for all the basement-dwelling, bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearers.

There will be fewer qualified job candidates as a result, which helps increase opportunities for others.

That's bull.

More home schooled kids attend college than public schooled kids
Go ahead, AJ, if you should ever spawn, be sure to homeschool them. That goes for all the basement-dwelling, bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearers.

There will be fewer qualified job candidates as a result, which helps increase opportunities for others.

That's bull.

More home schooled kids attend college than public schooled kids

and if you can't figure out why, then you must have been home schooled.
Proof that Progressives Hate Catholic Schools and Homeschooling Families

MSNBC personality Melissa Harris-Perry says, according to the transcript from Newsbusters, "We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to their communities."

When was it decided and by whom that Melissa Harris Perry speaks for all Progressives?
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "

If thats what their trying to do they are failing miserably, most public school kids I have seen don't give a damn about the state and wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.


Gravity, you're so much smarter than this. Public-school-educated children increasingly don't care about anything; hence, they are morally and intellectually bankrupt dolts, good little sheeple people, easily led by the state.
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Go ahead, AJ, if you should ever spawn, be sure to homeschool them. That goes for all the basement-dwelling, bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearers.

There will be fewer qualified job candidates as a result, which helps increase opportunities for others.

Home schooled children are in high demand by colleges and businesses. They outperform public-educated students hands down, particularly in mathematical and writing skills.
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This guy/gal AJ is a paranoid schizophrenic pinhead tea party moron that just comes to USMB to spread lies he has been brainwashed into believing off his wackadoodle nutcase web sites.

There is no "movement" to erradicate homeschool or interfere with homeschool corriculem.

The truth is for anyone curious enough to do a google on the subject as I have that what IS difficult to find is a homeschool curriculem that is not laced with bible study.

The bible thumping morons have a corner on the market.

It is true that math and writing skills ARE highly desired by business. It is true that inner city students lag behind in those skills. Those problems have more to do with the preasures of those communities than bad teaching. Single parent families without good supervision because the bread winner must make a choice between holding down two jobs and being there for thier kids has a lot to do with it. Cuts in funding in areas of after school activities and even some desirable in school activities has a lot to do with kids learning bad habits. Video games are a huge wasteland even if the kids are not getting into trouble.

I wonder how many single parent homes have homeschooling? My guess is that having two parents at home is more benificial to good students than homeschooling.
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Homeschoolers have awards and benefits. Liberals have insults and platitudes.

What liberals really object to is that the parents doing the homeschooling might pass on religious values through education as well as through the family structure. That's what they don't want. The worse the public schools get, the more popular homeschooling becomes. The more popular homeschooling becomes the greater the educational disparity between homeschooled children and public school children. But if there is a possibility of religious values being passed along, liberals have something to yowl about.
Go ahead, AJ, if you should ever spawn, be sure to homeschool them. That goes for all the basement-dwelling, bible-thumping, tinfoil hat wearers.

There will be fewer qualified job candidates as a result, which helps increase opportunities for others.

That's bull.

More home schooled kids attend college than public schooled kids

and if you can't figure out why, then you must have been home schooled.

thats the logic of Grandma troll.:clap2::clap2::D I wish I could rep you for that but I already did in the reagan thread so i got to spread it around some.damn.
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