Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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But wait, there is more. :D

Who is that from? What article....? NOT CNN's????

CNN's is fake, this is the real one.

Here is more.

The CNN article HAS THAT in it?????? Seriously???

OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D

Oh and just for the record, CNN is complicit

Trump tweeted that the document, which was referred to in a CNN report and later published in full on BuzzFeed News, was “FAKE NEWS - A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!”
I guess I am still clueless on what Slinger is trying to say?

There is no way a CNN article would be talking about golden showers with blow up dolls involved.... sorry, can't buy that...

I don't think she had an actual point in mind. Her cheese has slipped WAY off the cracker. It's like some sort of brain damage --- all emotion, no content.

"Her cheese has slipped WAY off the cracker."

I will try and use this new and unusual phrase in conversation, I hope it's as successful as when I first introduced Asshat in conversation, even though nobody knew WTF it meant and I didn't know WTF it meant and still don't, but I used it and it was successful, if confusing for us all :eusa_doh:

OK but I get royalties. :thup:

Yeah, you should be writing for Jimmy Fallon......"Old dad" humor is all the rage these days.


I don't know who Jimmy Fallon is, I'll Google him later.

He does late night talk on "The Tonight Show" that took over for Jay Leno that took the place of Johnny Carson.
But wait, there is more. :D

Who is that from? What article....? NOT CNN's????

CNN's is fake, this is the real one.

Here is more.

The CNN article HAS THAT in it?????? Seriously???

OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D

You seriously can't be this gullible?? She was posting all fucking day about this FAKE AZZ story along with her retarded puppet.

Pardonnez moi, but I wasn't here "all fucking day", I replied to her post I've seen in this thread.
Radiation Poisoning - Russian Assassins favourite method of murder.... They killed a man in London and made an attempted on the Ukrainian Presidents life using this method... You really are not following this...

By the way the more personal insults the more we are winning... You are just showing you can't discuss the topic...

Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.

Peabody SEZ????? "Listen to me!!! That Trump is a traitor and so are you do you hear me do you???? Those Ruskies hacked my beloved demcrat party and they squealed about how my beloved demcrat party was plotting to steal the election! They revealed lying, corruption and conniving with my beloved lamestream media and THAT is cheating!!!!"

That (on the surface) would be funny, if true....but like Barrypuppet is famous for, he lied and it has been proven that he lied and all the bullshit about Russia hacking Podesta's e-mails or the DNC is total bullshit and a distraction to deflect attention away from the fact that the demcrat communist party and their credo of "The ends justifies the means" was exposed for all to see......

Sucks to be you about right now..........

What the fuck is your dumb ass babbling about now? Do you ever have anything to contribute, ya little prick? I don't even like Barak Obama. He's a neoliberal right of center piece of shit. And no fucking duh on the emails except we don't know who hacked them.

Now go suck Putin's cock you fucking traitors!

Pussbag, I know more than are small time. So you are pissed that Barrypuppet wasn't more of a commie POS??? Seriously? Not enough "Mo gubermint, mo' fees, mo' entitlements and subsidies"?

Debate me on any topic as it relates to the world and geo-political might LEARN something.
Dream on big boy. You don't know you ass from a hole in the ground
Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

The same intel agencies that have yet to provide ANY proof that Putin directed hackers to hack the DNC that revealed what a bunch of corrupt thugs they were?????? Did they also pay for Project Veritas?

Yeah, we know, leftards never lose elections...they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they cheat to get there.... I "get it"......

The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm.

The memos suggest that for many years, the Russian government of Mr. Putin has looked for ways to influence Mr. Trump, who has traveled repeatedly to Moscow to investigate real estate deals or to oversee the Miss Universe competition, which he owned for several years.


The former British intelligence officer who gathered the material about Mr. Trump is considered a competent and reliable operative with extensive experience in Russia, American officials said.

The memos describe sex videos involving prostitutes with Mr. Trump in a 2013 visit to a Moscow hotel. The videos were supposedly prepared as “kompromat,” or compromising material, with the possible goal of blackmailing Mr. Trump in the future.

A textbook KGB honey trap.

"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin

The memos describe several purported meetings during the 2016 presidential campaign between Trump representatives and Russian officials to discuss matters of mutual interest, including the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

"What about the Intel Chiefs?"

They said that Saddam had WMD, they said that if Iraq wasn't carpet-bombed that Saddam could launch a weapon that within 45 minutes would wipe the city of London off the map. They said ISIS wasn't a threat, they say Russia is more of a threat than ISIS :rolleyes-41:

Yes, they have a good track record of being accurate and not pulling things out of their buttocks.
Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

The same intel agencies that have yet to provide ANY proof that Putin directed hackers to hack the DNC that revealed what a bunch of corrupt thugs they were?????? Did they also pay for Project Veritas?

Yeah, we know, leftards never lose elections...they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they cheat to get there.... I "get it"......

They had the proof but it was written in invisible ink, get with the programme Mr. Dale :smoke:
Who is that from? What article....? NOT CNN's????

CNN's is fake, this is the real one.

Here is more.

The CNN article HAS THAT in it?????? Seriously???

OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D

You seriously can't be this gullible?? She was posting all fucking day about this FAKE AZZ story along with her retarded puppet.

Pardonnez moi, but I wasn't here "all fucking day", I replied to her post I've seen in this thread.

You'll fucking get over it.
Just what have you dopey dipshits won lately? You've lost over 1900 seats in federal and state houses, having the least power since 1929..* winkz and grinz* You and your Zombie Clan latched on to a fake story today about Peepee , got all hyped up on each other's spit wads and flamed the forum with with globs of semantic semen and all for what??? LMAO For what I ask you???
Trump is such a disgusting piece of shit that he doesn't even need fake news stories about him. I bet you can't wait to meet him so he can grab your pussy, you fucking Putin loving traitor to your country.

Peabody SEZ????? "Listen to me!!! That Trump is a traitor and so are you do you hear me do you???? Those Ruskies hacked my beloved demcrat party and they squealed about how my beloved demcrat party was plotting to steal the election! They revealed lying, corruption and conniving with my beloved lamestream media and THAT is cheating!!!!"

That (on the surface) would be funny, if true....but like Barrypuppet is famous for, he lied and it has been proven that he lied and all the bullshit about Russia hacking Podesta's e-mails or the DNC is total bullshit and a distraction to deflect attention away from the fact that the demcrat communist party and their credo of "The ends justifies the means" was exposed for all to see......

Sucks to be you about right now..........

What the fuck is your dumb ass babbling about now? Do you ever have anything to contribute, ya little prick? I don't even like Barak Obama. He's a neoliberal right of center piece of shit. And no fucking duh on the emails except we don't know who hacked them.

Now go suck Putin's cock you fucking traitors!

Pussbag, I know more than are small time. So you are pissed that Barrypuppet wasn't more of a commie POS??? Seriously? Not enough "Mo gubermint, mo' fees, mo' entitlements and subsidies"?

Debate me on any topic as it relates to the world and geo-political might LEARN something.
Dream on big boy. You don't know you ass from a hole in the ground

I never dream about big boys......oh, wait! Did you mean "Dream on, big boy"???? You see, a comma strategically placed will totally change the meaning of a sentence...but I digress.....debate me and let's allow the board decide as to which one makes the more coherent argument.

The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm.

The memos suggest that for many years, the Russian government of Mr. Putin has looked for ways to influence Mr. Trump, who has traveled repeatedly to Moscow to investigate real estate deals or to oversee the Miss Universe competition, which he owned for several years.


The former British intelligence officer who gathered the material about Mr. Trump is considered a competent and reliable operative with extensive experience in Russia, American officials said.

The memos describe sex videos involving prostitutes with Mr. Trump in a 2013 visit to a Moscow hotel. The videos were supposedly prepared as “kompromat,” or compromising material, with the possible goal of blackmailing Mr. Trump in the future.

A textbook KGB honey trap.

"There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin

The memos describe several purported meetings during the 2016 presidential campaign between Trump representatives and Russian officials to discuss matters of mutual interest, including the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.


Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

The same intel agencies that have yet to provide ANY proof that Putin directed hackers to hack the DNC that revealed what a bunch of corrupt thugs they were?????? Did they also pay for Project Veritas?

Yeah, we know, leftards never lose elections...they are always cheated out of their rightful place in power because they cheat to get there.... I "get it"......

Don't forget the very same intel agencies that the DNC won't let exam their servers that are supposedly hacked and these same agencies have to take CrowdStrikes word for it that Russia hacked them.

OMG this is getting crazier by the moment.
Today @BuzzFeed became something lower than National Enquirer & @CNN / @Tapper became something lower than prior @BuzzFeed.

What about the Intel Chiefs? They briefed President Obama and Trump on this story. It was included with the 25-page Intelligence Report on Russian hacking. How do you explain that? Were they also duped by 4chan?

"What about the Intel Chiefs?"

They said that Saddam had WMD, they said that if Iraq wasn't carpet-bombed that Saddam could launch a weapon that within 45 minutes would wipe the city of London off the map. They said ISIS wasn't a threat, they say Russia is more of a threat than ISIS :rolleyes-41:

Yes, they have a good track record of being accurate and not pulling things out of their buttocks.
This is perfect. Just perfect.

For the past 13 years, whenever or wherever chemical weapons were used, the pseudocons claimed the offender got them from Saddam Hussein. They have steadfastly INSISTED Saddam had WMDs. I can point to umpteen topics on this forum where they insisted he had WMDs.

But just as I have predicted, Donald Trump is slowly leading the pseudocons to the far left camp, and this is a perfect example. I have been seeing quite a few pseudocons parroting the same line you just did.

In true Orwellian fashion, they are now saying the "intel chiefs" got the Iraq WMDs wrong! Trump has the pseudocon tards rogering up to the liberal cry, "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!"

Amazing. :lol:

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."
But wait, there is more. :D

Who is that from? What article....? NOT CNN's????

CNN's is fake, this is the real one.

Here is more.

The CNN article HAS THAT in it?????? Seriously???

OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D

THANK you. Two hundred and twenty-nine fucking posts later and the OP couldn't even do it.

Got a link to it?

You and I discussed this in another thread and you bailed out from there after bit heated discussion, without getting to the point.

I don't feel going all over it again.
CNN's is fake, this is the real one.

Here is more.

The CNN article HAS THAT in it?????? Seriously???

OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D

You seriously can't be this gullible?? She was posting all fucking day about this FAKE AZZ story along with her retarded puppet.

Pardonnez moi, but I wasn't here "all fucking day", I replied to her post I've seen in this thread.

You'll fucking get over it.

I'll fucking... :D
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