Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Who is buzzfeed? Who is 4Channel?

And what do they have to do with the CNN article???

It's 4CHAN and go educate yourself you dumbazz before throwing around the pure vile LIES AND SHIT you did today..
just answer the question? all I see is a bunch of laughing from you on the first page or two....

so what does buzzfeed and 4 channel have to do with the cnn article? I don't want to have to read through 100 more posts, only to still not know what you are barking about???
Who is buzzfeed? Who is 4Channel?

And what do they have to do with the CNN article???

It's 4CHAN and go educate yourself you dumbazz before throwing around the pure vile LIES AND SHIT you did today..
just answer the question? all I see is a bunch of laughing from you on the first page or two....

so what does buzzfeed and 4 channel have to do with the cnn article? I don't want to have to read through 100 more posts, only to still not know what you are barking about???

You won't get an answer. I gave up a while ago. Now I'm just watching her melt down and having the occasional side note about German folklore and Brooklynese.

Who is buzzfeed? Who is 4Channel?

And what do they have to do with the CNN article???

It's 4CHAN and go educate yourself you dumbazz before throwing around the pure vile LIES AND SHIT you did today..
just answer the question? all I see is a bunch of laughing from you on the first page or two....

so what does buzzfeed and 4 channel have to do with the cnn article? I don't want to have to read through 100 more posts, only to still not know what you are barking about???

^^ QED.
But wait, there is more. :D

Who is that from? What article....? NOT CNN's????
If the story is fake - why was it included in the Intel Report on Russian hacking - and shown to President Obama and Trump? Tomorrow is supposed to be a big news day on this story.
ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

The MSM fucked themselves good this time, so did the CIA...

Yes they might need Safe Spaces now where they can can mould what they think Trump's dick looks like out of Play Doh whilst having Time Out's to stroke some puppies.

Sooooo is all this about Rump's dick? Is that it?

Seems to me Ladled Gutter Singer did post something about Play Doh earlier.... what exactly is this Play Doh connection?

If the story is fake - why was it included in the Intel Report on Russian hacking - and shown to President Obama and Trump? Tomorrow is supposed to be a big news day on this story.
who's story is fake? CNN's? Buzzfeeds? 4chan?

What story is suppose to be fake????
Look at the two GOOFY LEFTIST FUCKS on this thread right now who spent all day trashing the Donald over this FAKE fucking story now pretending to be dumb as bricks. .. well... perhaps it's not an act?
If the story is fake - why was it included in the Intel Report on Russian hacking - and shown to President Obama and Trump? Tomorrow is supposed to be a big news day on this story.
who's story is fake? CNN's? Buzzfeeds? 4chan?

What story is suppose to be fake????

Whatever LadyShitSlinger is saying is fake. The Intel Report sure as hell isn't fake. I don't know what the hell she's howling about.
ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

The MSM fucked themselves good this time, so did the CIA...

Yes they might need Safe Spaces now where they can can mould what they think Trump's dick looks like out of Play Doh whilst having Time Out's to stroke some puppies.

Oosie, isn't it way past your bedtime in Central Europa time?
Trump has so much dirt on his, the fake stuff is hilarious, but the real stuff is scary. Trump is still Putin's minion. No getting away from that.
At least Trump[ and the rest of the politicians don't have to talk about the issues facing America just Trump's lies and pussy grabbing.
ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

The MSM fucked themselves good this time, so did the CIA...

Yes they might need Safe Spaces now where they can can mould what they think Trump's dick looks like out of Play Doh whilst having Time Out's to stroke some puppies.

Sooooo is all this about Rump's dick? Is that it?

Seems to me Ladled Gutter Singer did post something about Play Doh earlier.... what exactly is this Play Doh connection?


"Sooooo is all this about Rump's dick? Is that it?"

Well that or his hands. You know the important things about Trump, his dick and his hands :rolleyes-41:
ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

ESTABLISHMENT TRIES TO NUKE TRUMP With Unverified Russian Opposition Memos Leak on Hookers!

The MSM fucked themselves good this time, so did the CIA...

Yes they might need Safe Spaces now where they can can mould what they think Trump's dick looks like out of Play Doh whilst having Time Out's to stroke some puppies.

Oosie, isn't it way past your bedtime in Central Europa time?

The Board retard still farting out pure HORSE SHIT.. What's it like to be a horses fucking azz?? You and your fat friend spent the whole day trashing the Donald over golden showers, talking about impeachment and now we know the entire thing was a FAKE...

This is why you scummy liberals will not see power again for a very long time.. this kind of pure vile shit.. Not only did you lose BIG LEAGUE and barely have power any where now, but you've shown the entire world just what UGLY PATHETIC LOSERS YOU ARE.

Thanks for another 4 Trump years ♥
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