Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration

Picture taken almost an hour before the inauguration, that the NY Times claims is the inauguration:



Picture taken by CNN an hour later:



Clearly the mall was completely full when Trump was actually inaugurated.

It's a hoot to see the liberals desperately lying, pretending there are the same number of people in both shots.

And they're even doing it here, with both pictures in front of them (and everyone else), revealing their lie.

The liberals have nothing left but lies and pretension.
Picture taken almost an hour before the inauguration, that the NY Times claims is the inauguration:



Picture taken by CNN an hour later:



Clearly the mall was completely full when Trump was actually inaugurated.

It's a hoot to see the liberals desperately lying, pretending there are the same number of people in both shots.

And they're even doing it here, with both pictures in front of them (and everyone else), revealing their lie.

The liberals have nothing left but lies and pretension.
You're clearly deranged. What lie did The NY Times tell? Why can't you say?
Picture taken almost an hour before the inauguration, that the NY Times claims is the inauguration:
As I posted earlier, when confronted by the truth the Right lies some more!
If the photo was taken an hour before the inauguration, how did Tramp get his ugly mug on the live broadcast screens along the right side of the right photo?????

Fake News is all Democrats have left to cling to. It's a Party in a state of rapid decay. It's losing rational common sense Democrats in droves to the Republican Party. American Workers especially, are deciding to leave the Party. Trump has really hit home with his Anti-Globalist agenda. If he decides to run again, he's gonna win big in 2020.
Picture taken almost an hour before the inauguration, that the NY Times claims is the inauguration:



Picture taken by CNN an hour later:



Clearly the mall was completely full when Trump was actually inaugurated.

It's a hoot to see the liberals desperately lying, pretending there are the same number of people in both shots.

And they're even doing it here, with both pictures in front of them (and everyone else), revealing their lie.

The liberals have nothing left but lies and pretension.
Still no answer from the OP ....

What lie did the NY Times make...?
Lots of liberals have been stridently insisting that the Mall was half empty or worse during Trump's inauguration. They point to photos displayed by the New York Times and other liberal rags as "proof", showing most of the Mall empty.

But CNN has developed a photo technique they call "Gigapixel", which takes a photo of a very large area, with such precision that you can zoom in and see individual faces. They used it while Trump was giving his inaugural address.

Unfortunately, CNN was so eager to show off their new technology, they forgot to get their stories straight with the other media outlets first. You have to go to the website and pivot the picture back and forth. And when you do, at one end you can see Trump standing at the dais alone, giving his speech to the audience. And if you swing it the other way and zoom out, you can see that the National Mall is COMPLETELY FULL except for two small sections that were 75% full. That's easily a million people.

No wonder Trump's people ripped the media a new one (again). The NYTimes was manufacturing fake news (again) designed to make Trump look bad (again), and they got caught red-handed (again).

A small line near the bottom of the NYT article explains the lie: They admit that their half-empty picture was taken nearly an hour before Trump was inaugurated, and that people were still coming in. Why they call that picture "Trump's Inauguration" is not explained.

When you ask someone how many people came to Trump's inauguration, you're not asking how many showed up an hour early. You're asking how many were there. The NYT tried to substitute the hour-earlier picture for an actual picture of the inauguration. But CNN showed an actual picture of the inauguration, in terrific detail... thus blowing the New York Times' lie out of the water.

For the New York Times' fake picture, see

And for CNN's true picture taken an hour later, see Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump .

Remember to zoom the CNN picture in and out so you can see Trump giving his speech (which pinpoints what time it was taken), and you can also see that the entire Mall is jammed to the rafters.

LOL--nice try. So it was the dam camera's fault--LOL Well it wasn't near as full as it was the day after the inauguration, that's for certain.

Washington D.C
Woman's march


And this was going on in all 50 states and here's the pictures to prove it!
Woman's march pictures
Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

For the New York Times' fake picture, see Trump’s Inauguration vs. Obama’s: Comparing the Crowds

And for CNN's true picture taken an hour later, see Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump .

Remember to zoom the CNN picture in and out so you can see Trump giving his speech (which pinpoints what time it was taken), and you can also see that the entire Mall is jammed to the rafters.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again. As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:
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Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again, As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:
Do you think that as the only picture taken? There are videos of both ceremonies taken from well before the ceremonies till well after. It's obvious that his crowd as as small as his hands.
Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

For the New York Times' fake picture, see Trump’s Inauguration vs. Obama’s: Comparing the Crowds

And for CNN's true picture taken an hour later, see Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump .

Remember to zoom the CNN picture in and out so you can see Trump giving his speech (which pinpoints what time it was taken), and you can also see that the entire Mall is jammed to the rafters.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again. As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:

Wow, I can't believe you ignorant childish Trumpettes are still lying about this. The Park Service photos don't lie.
Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again, As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:
Do you think that as the only picture taken? There are videos of both ceremonies taken from well before the ceremonies till well after. It's obvious that his crowd as as small as his hands.
The usual desperate liberal assertions. The usual complete lack of any evidence or proof. (yawn)
Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again, As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:
Do you think that as the only picture taken? There are videos of both ceremonies taken from well before the ceremonies till well after. It's obvious that his crowd as as small as his hands.
The usual desperate liberal assertions. The usual complete lack of any evidence or proof. (yawn)
Small crowds...small hands...small brains.
Here's the picture again, showing Trump addressing the COMPLETELY FULL mall during his inauguration.
You know, the picture the liberal fanatics are trying so desperately to pretend doesn't exist. Because it disproves their lie that the mall was only 1/3 full. :itsok:

Thanks for the chance to post it here again! :poke:


Nope. If anything, it’s corroborating evidence of the reported size of the crowd at President Trump’s inauguration.

The reason why pictures taken from the Capitol Building/Inauguration platform of the crowd down the Mall look denser than from the overhead shot published by Reuters is nothing more nefarious than a perspective shift. Two areas of equal space do not appear to be the same when one of them is farther away/closer to the apparent horizon; and the closer you are to the ground, the closer the apparent horizon.

During the Inauguration, there were six designated, general-viewing areas along the National Mall:

  • The Silver Ticket area between Third Street and Fourth Street
  • Two between Fourth Street and Seventh Street
  • Three between Seventh Street and Twelfth Street, where the Media Village Press Filing Center (“the Village”) was located.
Each area was further bounded by the existing pedestrian pathways and, from closest to the Capitol to the farthest, have the following, approximate surface areas (in square meters) as estimated from satellite imagery:

  • 7500 (150 x 55)
  • 9350 (170 x 55)
  • 8000 (150 x 55)
  • 6600 (120 x 55)
  • 7500 (150 x 55)
  • 7500 (150 x 55)
These areas are obvious to discern from the overhead view†:


However, despite having roughly equal areas, the viewing area near the media village is an apparent fraction of the size of the Silver Ticket area in the Gigapixel photo:


This means that any obvious gaps or low-density areas that can be obviously spotted in the viewing areas...


...are larger than their apparent size the farther back in the crowd you go.

Additionally, since it’s clear that the Gigapixel photo is a picture of the crowd as it existed when Trump was giving his Inaugural Address, which we would assume was near-to-peak for the crowd, we can compare those gaps to the overhead view at the same time:


And we can see that they very crudely match.

† Screenshot taken from of the Inauguration, with timestamp preserved to confirm it was taken at the approximate time as the President’s swearing-in.
What a small, petty, thin-skinned, needy, narcissistic little man.
Looks like a few of the liberal fanatics think enough time has gone by after they got their rear ends whooped over their lies about the crowd size at Trump's inaugural speech, that they think they can dredge up their old lies and pretend they are truth again. Time to resurrect the thread, with links, proving the photo published by the NYT was taken nearly an hour before Trump's speech. The NYT admits in small print below the picture, that people were still coming in.

I'm happy to see the same old liberal fanatics trying to bring up the old lies. It give normal people yet another opportunity to slap them down again. And again, As they deserve.

Keep up the good work, liberal fanatics! :itsok:
Do you think that as the only picture taken? There are videos of both ceremonies taken from well before the ceremonies till well after. It's obvious that his crowd as as small as his hands.
The usual desperate liberal assertions. The usual complete lack of any evidence or proof. (yawn)
Riiiight ... no proof at all.... :lmao:

Here's the picture again, showing Trump addressing the COMPLETELY FULL mall during his inauguration.
You know, the picture the liberal fanatics are trying so desperately to pretend doesn't exist. Because it disproves their lie that the mall was only 1/3 full. :itsok:

Thanks for the chance to post it here again! :poke:

It's cute how you think if you change the angle ... and post a photo of Trump without a comparable one of Obama ... that you somehow refute the side-by-side images which prove conclusively that Trump's hands aren't the only thing smaller than Obama's....

Kind of like ... get down low and change the angle and you can barely make out with this is ....


Change the angle and voila, a 3D masterpiece...


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