Liberal Media...PLEASE keep it up!!! Cheers!!

I told you the left would have a category 10 meltdown if Trump won, that it would be worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice.
Dems will win in 2020 and I'll tell you how We'll get a new person one who is a bigger lying cheating POS than trump and we'll steal many republican votes and btw Hillary has already been eliminated
Is this like like when you all predicted Clinton would win by a landslide? Really?
Damn Russians and she did win by 3 million
I told you the left would have a category 10 meltdown if Trump won, that it would be worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice.
Dems will win in 2020 and I'll tell you how We'll get a new person one who is a bigger lying cheating POS than trump and we'll steal many republican votes and btw Hillary has already been eliminated

Ahahaha you libs talking trash after getting your ass beat in several elections that's some funny shit :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Blues just think you have to take the bad with the good After 8 good Obama years not surprised if we have 8 bad ones now,,,,,,but the good news is,,,,,,,,,,We'll be back and we have long memories

No, you liberals won't be back; America has seen 24/7/365 that the Democratic party of reprobates is a hate-sewer of nonstop anti-free-speech, anti-American, anti-white-male violence, bloodthirst, death-threats, attempted murder, riots, etc., etc. Egged on by Dem. politicians whose motives are even lower than the I.Q.s of their supporters, both bathing in the urine-colored glow of their own egos. Most people don't care to vote for delirious rabid dogs like your party....and that's an insult to rabid dogs. Morever, your party committed demographic suicide by jettisoning your largest demographic: blue collar whites. Thanks to Obama's massive, resent-filled chip on shoulder against the very whites who elected him! Have you ever read that carpet-head's early writings? It's an exercise in coke-flavored, paranoid jealousy of whites Obama referred to as his "coil of rage" against white people.

Let me demonstrate what ingrate PUNKS liberals are: A.) We're the only white-majority country in history to have elected a black leader, yet Obama & co. still whined how WAAAYCIST this country is. B) Not one of you liberals has ever been able to name me ONE black-majority nation on earth in which blacks have a better life than they do in America and C) You liberals can't explain the statistical FACT that this country has hundreds of times as many black-on-white crimes than white-on-black crimes. The "silent majority" has had enough of being violently abused by you liberal malcontents. Who will NEVER be happy no matter what concessions white Americans give you. Because you liberal minorities don't have the self-awareness to understand your misery & rage is coming from WITHIN, regardless of external circumstances, regardless of who is in what office.
I stopped at anti free speech You got to be kidding Your repub moron in the WH now is the anti free speech president
Could Putin ask for anything more than dimwitted American pundits constantly imbuing him with supernatural powers?
LOL Meanwhile amidst all your bitch slapping Obama won 2 elections by good sized margins and would have won a 3rd imho

Yeah and Obama is a globalist/elitist. And you support that why?
He is also a stone cold of the greatest friends to Wall Street since Larry Summers...who by the way was an important part of his administration.
Please do tell us why you supported that.

Please When have republicans ever been for the little guy? They make the rich richer and you can look that up

That is not answering the question.
And if you don't know how and why Obama hasn't been a fantastic friend to the rich elites - then you are even dumber that you appear here.
You do realize that nearly all of the wealth gains from 2009 forward went almost exclusively to the upper 2-3%. Under Obama, the wealth gap in this country took on all new levels.
And you CNN sheep are so easily fooled.
LOL Meanwhile amidst all your bitch slapping Obama won 2 elections by good sized margins and would have won a 3rd imho

Yeah and Obama is a globalist/elitist. And you support that why?
He is also a stone cold of the greatest friends to Wall Street since Larry Summers...who by the way was an important part of his administration.
Please do tell us why you supported that.

Please When have republicans ever been for the little guy? They make the rich richer and you can look that up

That is not answering the question.
And if you don't know how and why Obama hasn't been a fantastic friend to the rich elites - then you are even dumber that you appear here.
You do realize that nearly all of the wealth gains from 2009 forward went almost exclusively to the upper 2-3%. Under Obama, the wealth gap in this country took on all new levels.
And you CNN sheep are so easily fooled.
And Obama had nothing to do with that just like gwb had nothing to do with it back then Who the hell wants to give huge tax cuts to billionaires now?? OBAMA???
I told you the left would have a category 10 meltdown if Trump won, that it would be worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice.
Dems will win in 2020 and I'll tell you how We'll get a new person one who is a bigger lying cheating POS than trump and we'll steal many republican votes and btw Hillary has already been eliminated
Is this like like when you all predicted Clinton would win by a landslide? Really?
Damn Russians and she did win by 3 million

Then what you are people bitching about if she won.
I told you the left would have a category 10 meltdown if Trump won, that it would be worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice.
Dems will win in 2020 and I'll tell you how We'll get a new person one who is a bigger lying cheating POS than trump and we'll steal many republican votes and btw Hillary has already been eliminated
Is this like like when you all predicted Clinton would win by a landslide? Really?
Damn Russians and she did win by 3 million

Then what you are people bitching about if she won.
You DO have a sense of humor I'll live with trump and I'll still drink good scotch

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