Liberal Media Racism:Spent Whole Day Pushing the Fact That Markle is Half Black

MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family
That must have been very upsetting for you.
Nope. It’s very revealing about the racist attitude of liberals.
Which, of course, is why it was you who started this thread........................the revealing part.
Two years. Divorce. Whore will take the $$$ and run. Already been divorced once. Liberal media having international orgasm over fact that she is NOT white.
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

What in the Blue Flying Fuck does this have to do with "Liberals"?
Race is at the center of their agenda.
How horrible! I mean, the HUMANITY!!!!
Yep. You admit it it. Race is now a political issue. Hence PC is now irrelevant. Hence it can now be talked about straight.
Two years. Divorce. Whore will take the $$$ and run. Already been divorced once. Liberal media having international orgasm over fact that she is NOT white.

They just got married, couldn't you wait until, you know, Monday?
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Merkel is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

The media is celebrating a beginning of the end of the white royal family.
They have to convince everyone that whites need to mingle with other races to make them better.
End of the West.
Of believe that. So sorry for you and your loss. on the slide into oblivion.
Absolutely! We might as well give up and curl into fetal positions now.
Two years. Divorce. Whore will take the $$$ and run. Already been divorced once. Liberal media having international orgasm over fact that she is NOT white.
Well, of course. You know...."they" are like that, aren't "they"? wink wink
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Yeah, this is what was shocking to me.

So the first time I saw who this guy was marrying, I thought..... nice girl.

Race was never a thing to me.

Then after this, I'm reading 100 stories about her race. Could I tell she wasn't 100% white? Yeah. Did that matter? Never.

I want to know what kind of person she is? What are her morals? What does she stand for? Is she a good person? Does she work hard?

I remember the same thing with Sarah Palin. "You just like her because she's hot!".... no.... that was never a thing. What are her values? What does she stand for?

But the BBC, which I listen to constantly, came out with a documentary on Markle. Not once did it talk about her merits. It was all about race, and what race meant, and what race did for her.

Race didn't do jack for her, or anyone else. A bad person, is a bad person no matter the race. A good person, is a good person no matter the race.

But the media didn't once talk about her merits. Just her race.

This is the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. This is why the right, has always been more in line with the statements of MLK, then the left-wingers who run around celebrating him.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -MLK

You don't see that in the media, anywhere.

It would appear "the media" is aware that race-obsessed creatures like the OP exist and sit panting at their TV sets to find out about the fucking "royal family". An event which, without this thread I wouldn't have even been aware was going on.

Guess they know a gullible mark when they see one.
I doubt Markle would get much in a divorce. Most likely royal assets are held in a family trust, with any specific member holding few personal assets.
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

What in the Blue Flying Fuck does this have to do with "Liberals"?
Race is at the center of their agenda.
How horrible! I mean, the HUMANITY!!!!
Yep. You admit it it. Race is now a political issue. Hence PC is now irrelevant. Hence it can now be talked about straight.
Wink wink...of course...wink wink
Two years. Divorce. Whore will take the $$$ and run. Already been divorced once. Liberal media having international orgasm over fact that she is NOT white.

They just got married, couldn't you wait until, you know, Monday?
Nahhhh. This is a bigger joke than that limp shrimp submissive Charles being married to fine as hell Diana, yet choosing to be with his spanky old hag Camillia.
...everyday all day with MSM....they make stories that have nothing to do with race into a racial story
....they are really alienating/sickening/etc everyone to any real problems of race

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