Liberal: Michelle malkin is angry & needs to get laid

Getting laid is the liberal answer to EVERYTHING. Getting high and getting laid is best because if you're out of your mind and getting screwed you won't complain if the government treats you like you're out of your mind while they screw you.

Most the liberal dopeheaded men on this forum - you know the ones who champion women's rights and claim Conservatives hold a war on women??.. They typically address a female poster as a slut, whore.. c__t.. , etc.. It's what they're best at.

Smart, strong powerful women scare the crap out of liberal men. They need wimpy women like they are so they can dominate SOMETHING.

Amazing, you can find images like that every where!


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At least Malkin smiles a lot and has a bubbly personality. Unlike Madcow, who seem to have a permanent snarl on her face.

Link? Everytime I've seen her on FOX or MSNBC, she's been foaming at the example:

[ame=]chris matthews michelle malkin - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Michelle Malkin agog over Breitbart anti-Obama "race video" - YouTube[/ame]
BTW...what happened to that big deal video anyways?

OMG, what a douche nozzle she is.
Why is it anyone's business if someone else wants to get high? I don't do drugs but I don't want them banned either...I don't drink or smoke don't want those banned either...Just another hate liberals thread...plenty to hate people for but not for telling someone to get laid...I find it amusing...I hate republicans and democrats alike when they try to steal more of my freedom,when they lie to try and get us into another war...when they do a lot of things but damn yall nit pick at stupid shit.

Shut up, Dale.

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That fox person was right. Malkin is always having some kind of frothing at the mouth meltdown every time she's on. Maybe she's off her psych meds or needs some of limbaugh's oxy.
Getting laid is the liberal answer to EVERYTHING. Getting high and getting laid is best because if you're out of your mind and getting screwed you won't complain if the government treats you like you're out of your mind while they screw you.

Most the liberal dopeheaded men on this forum - you know the ones who champion women's rights and claim Conservatives hold a war on women??.. They typically address a female poster as a slut, whore.. c__t.. , etc.. It's what they're best at.

Smart, strong powerful women scare the crap out of liberal men. They need wimpy women like they are so they can dominate SOMETHING.

Ohh that must be why most of the religions of christianity treat women as subserviant to man?
You got some proof of that, like a link? Or is it something you heard during happy hour at the beer bar?

Ah yes, the classy liberal. Why is it that the idiot liberal dumbocrat's solution to EVERY problem is promiscuity and drugs? Liberals are just the sewer of society. Lets review their entire philosophy:

Work sucks - get someone else to provide for you
Since you're not working - get high
Now that your high - get laid
Getting laid got you pregnant - get an abortion (just another form of genocide - but it's population control and it creates job! The best thing for the economy is ABORTION!)
Now that you need an abortion and don't have a job - demand someone else pay for it
Now that you had an abortion and feel sleazy and filthy - get high and get laid again
Lather. Rinse. Repeat

Liberal Fox Contributor Tamara Holder Says Michelle Malkin Is Angry & ‘Probably Needs to Get Laid’ | Video |

Sounds like someone else needs to get laid?
If she were a Democrat the Repubs would be screaming to see her birth certificate.

That fox person was right. Malkin is always having some kind of frothing at the mouth meltdown every time she's on. Maybe she's off her psych meds or needs some of limbaugh's oxy.
Michelle's been pretty quiet lately, ever since her niece dissappeared she's toned her invective down greatly, enough to be almost invisible on the Conservative blogosphere. Wonder what put the hair across this Liberal jerk's @ss to get him worked up over her. Maybe its just because she's a Conservative woman of Filipino descent, an easy target ie Sarah Palin and Sarah Palin's daughter with David Letterman. Or maybe he's just really jealous of her still marvelous ability to command the English language.
That fox person was right. Malkin is always having some kind of frothing at the mouth meltdown every time she's on. Maybe she's off her psych meds or needs some of limbaugh's oxy.

Permanently pissed off is just Malkin's on-air shtick, but as one of her former neighbors, I can tell you, she's nuttier-n-fruit cake in person too.

There are lots-o-Republican women that are pissed right now --- can you blame them?****.jpg
Ann's pissed


Ann's pissed

Karen's pissed


Larry's pissed


Laura's pissed


Michelle's pissed


Peggy's pissed


Mad Republican Woman V-Neck T-shirt
Sizes - S, M, Fat, Obese, Republican
LOL Rottsie started a thread bitching and whining like he was just like who he was posting about.
Do you actually think there will be a link about Rotsie needing to be liad?
He has placed an ad on a dating service perhaps?

You got some proof of that, like a link? Or is it something you heard during happy hour at the beer bar?

Ah yes, the classy liberal. Why is it that the idiot liberal dumbocrat's solution to EVERY problem is promiscuity and drugs? Liberals are just the sewer of society. Lets review their entire philosophy:

Work sucks - get someone else to provide for you
Since you're not working - get high
Now that your high - get laid
Getting laid got you pregnant - get an abortion (just another form of genocide - but it's population control and it creates job! The best thing for the economy is ABORTION!)
Now that you need an abortion and don't have a job - demand someone else pay for it
Now that you had an abortion and feel sleazy and filthy - get high and get laid again
Lather. Rinse. Repeat

Liberal Fox Contributor Tamara Holder Says Michelle Malkin Is Angry & ‘Probably Needs to Get Laid’ | Video |

Sounds like someone else needs to get laid?
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What I find funny is the girl who said she needs to get laid. Admits Obama sucks at foreign policy and now not only does the muslims country hate us . Israel is pissed off at us too ..And she will probably vote for his sorry ass again too
Like the ones on this thread are proof why the republican party can't run an intelligent candidate. The republican base couldn't identify with him/her. Romney's a stumblebum and Obama will wipe the floor up with him in debates

I'm guessing the repug posters on this thread have a blood alcohol content higher than their IQ.....
Getting laid is the liberal answer to EVERYTHING. Getting high and getting laid is best because if you're out of your mind and getting screwed you won't complain if the government treats you like you're out of your mind while they screw you.

What's wrong with getting laid and keeping you and your spouse or significant other happy? Is this (lack of getting laid) why some republicans are uptight and have a shitty demeanor or attitude?
Most the liberal dopeheaded men on this forum - you know the ones who champion women's rights and claim Conservatives hold a war on women??.. They typically address a female poster as a slut, whore.. c__t.. , etc.. It's what they're best at.

Smart, strong powerful women scare the crap out of liberal men. They need wimpy women like they are so they can dominate SOMETHING.

Ohh that must be why most of the religions of christianity treat women as subserviant to man?

Most conservative women are turned on by a hottt powerful man who takes the lead in a relationship.. Who at his most inner core, is DOMINANT in and out of the bedroom. We don't care for the liberal sissy metrosexual who carries a murse (man purse) and runs scared every time the butch liberal female enters a room. NO THANKS.

D/s lifestyle... Live it.. love it.. breathe it.
Getting laid is the liberal answer to EVERYTHING. Getting high and getting laid is best because if you're out of your mind and getting screwed you won't complain if the government treats you like you're out of your mind while they screw you.

Most the liberal dopeheaded men on this forum - you know the ones who champion women's rights and claim Conservatives hold a war on women??.. They typically address a female poster as a slut, whore.. c__t.. , etc.. It's what they're best at.

Were their descriptions accurate?

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