Liberal: Michelle malkin is angry & needs to get laid

I guess your own point went over your own head.

We were" discussing" for lack of a better word... the looks of Malkin to start with. Then it evolved to women in politics and women of a political nature like pundits. And you retort with some actresses.

Got it yet?

And half those conservative women are actresses or models. Good enough for conservative women, but not for liberal women. That's why you're a hack.

BTW, on a completely unrelated note, you still have that copy of that fake meeting of Cuban gangsters saying that Obama is their boss? You know, the one with the real bad accents. :lol:

Is Beretta a sock for Ed Spacer aka Vampiric?

Yes, I'm positive about it. :lol:
Ah yes, the classy liberal. Why is it that the idiot liberal dumbocrat's solution to EVERY problem is promiscuity and drugs? Liberals are just the sewer of society. Lets review their entire philosophy:

Work sucks - get someone else to provide for you
Since you're not working - get high
Now that your high - get laid
Getting laid got you pregnant - get an abortion (just another form of genocide - but it's population control and it creates job! The best thing for the economy is ABORTION!)
Now that you need an abortion and don't have a job - demand someone else pay for it
Now that you had an abortion and feel sleazy and filthy - get high and get laid again
Lather. Rinse. Repeat

Liberal Fox Contributor Tamara Holder Says Michelle Malkin Is Angry & ‘Probably Needs to Get Laid’ | Video |

Guilt By Association [Fallacy]

"I can't believe you are a Christian! Hitler was a Christian!" Though most skeptics shy away from this "reasoning" (and with good reason!), you still see it from time to time on the Internet. The above quote is an example of a fallacy known as Guilt By Association. In its most common form, this fallacy attempts to discredit an idea or belief by associating it with an undesirable person or a group.

Fallacies in Argumentation

Getting laid is the liberal answer to EVERYTHING. Getting high and getting laid is best because if you're out of your mind and getting screwed you won't complain if the government treats you like you're out of your mind while they screw you.

What's wrong with getting laid and keeping you and your spouse or significant other happy? Is this (lack of getting laid) why some republicans are uptight and have a shitty demeanor or attitude?

It really doesn’t make any difference, even when getting laid on a regular basis republicans are still uptight and have a foul demeanor or attitude; they’re in a perpetual state of misery and disapproval.
You're here arguing over actresses and saying Malkin needs to get laid and I'm a hack????

When did I say she needs to get laid? All I said was that I'd gladly oblige.

Then I point out how stupid your own comments are and how your own words and actions prove you wrong and you repeat the same thing. :lol:

That's why you're can't make up your mind and don't know the difference between things.

OK , I'm the hack and you're dense...:eusa_whistle:

Dismissed....go eat an apple and orange. They mix as food but not in making points on a message board. :eusa_hand:

The sad thing is that all this actually makes sense to you. No bother, the Ravens game is on, and that's infinitely more important than you.


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you are Cheetah

and no thanks for your gaye offer

No, seriously. A real live cheetah. Go get ass-raped by one. And face-raped while you're at it.

don't include me in your sick fantasies

Don't even waste your time on these idiots. I don't know who they're talking about nor do I care. Vampires and whatever bullshit they're babbling to each other about. Been here almost 2 months now since they have nothing better to do, I'm accused of being someone else. The minds of children at play.

Someone too...who obviously annoyed them enough that they still see fit to talk about.

What's a few more on ignore?

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As easy as flushing shit down a toilet.
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Yes, as does the rest of the world. You clearly need psych meds. Why don't you tell us which part of the video where she was "foaming at the mouth". I did see her throw anything. I didn't see her stand up. I didn't hear her raise her voice. I didn't hear her threaten anyone.

You literally could not have found a worse video to support you idiot statement. So tell us, which part does she foam at the mouth, stupid? :lol:

She's a troll.. Nothing more. She followed me from thread to thread doing nothing but insulting me.. I put her in ignore finally. Do yourself that same favor.. Most have.

I dont like ignore, I like em fiesty......"growl"

Well I guess Butch's are considered fiesty..Go for it. LOL
no, seriously. A real live cheetah. Go get ass-raped by one. And face-raped while you're at it.

don't include me in your sick fantasies

don't even waste your time on these idiots. I don't know who they're talking about nor do i care. Vampires and whatever bullshit they're babbling to each other about. Been here almost 2 months now since they have nothing better to do, i'm accused of being someone else. The minds of children at play.

Someone too...who obviously annoyed them enough that they still see fit to talk about.

What's a few more on ignore?

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This message is hidden because inthemiddle is on your ignore list.

As easy as flushing shit down a toilet.

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