liberal mothers and doctors leave babies to die !

Advocating to protect individual rights is not a "lobby," as the making of money is not an issue. These are non-profits.
Lobbies advocate for policies...not money necessarily. Duh!

But they certainly lobby for funding for their organizations. Planned Parenthood gets funded plenty every single year and they scream like stuck pigs if anyone threatens their money from taxpayers.

Where have you been?
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That’s bullshit. It’s a flat out lie. What is it with your kind and the need to lie so much? Isn’t it like your against your religion? Or is it no longer considered a sin to bear false witness?
LOL. Great argument, what with your "proof" and all. Is it fun being insane? Just curious.
Post to prove the lies not true? What if I lied about you? And then tell you to prove that I’m wrong?

Tearing up a ridiculous argument from an ignoramus really didn’t feel all that good. It’s like being in a foot race with a legless man. You won, great oh great. Only, not so great.
i dont give a damn if you are a pro choice idiot there is no excuse for this !Infanticide Hearing Witness Says Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ Where Aborted Babies Die
So these are abortions for medical purposes because the baby is going to die, no matter what, when they are born? There is no chance that any medical treatment can keep them alive??

Just seems strange that a Hospital with the name of Christ in it, would let a baby die a natural death, if there was a chance to save its life with mechanical or other medical procedures.

It's been against the law since 2002 for any doctor or hospital to KILL an aborted baby or any baby, if it were born alive.....? So why aren't these people in prison or charged in a crime if they actually killed or let a child die that had even a smidgen of a chance of living?
Post to prove the lies not true? What if I lied about you? And then tell you to prove that I’m wrong?

Tearing up a ridiculous argument from an ignoramus really didn’t feel all that good. It’s like being in a foot race with a legless man. You won, great oh great. Only, not so great.
You have yet to demonstrate any lies at all in the OP. Duh!!!
How stupid are you? Very very stupid.
Advocating to protect individual rights is not a "lobby," as the making of money is not an issue. These are non-profits.
Lobbies advocate for policies...not money necessarily. Duh!

But they certainly lobby for funding for their organizations. Planned Parenthood gets funded plenty every single year and they scream like stuck pigs if anyone threatens their money from taxpayers.

Where have you been?

I have been right here. PP does valuable work in keeping people from becoming pregnant if they do not want to be. You bimbos who want to increase unwanted pregnancies frighten me, as I would rather people be given the means to avoid them, and thus cut down on abortions. Plus, your pigs cut off funding for PP's efforts for birth control. Ask that stupid whore pigpence.
So these are abortions for medical purposes because the baby is going to die, no matter what, when they are born? There is no chance that any medical treatment can keep them alive??

Just seems strange that a Hospital with the name of Christ in it, would let a baby die a natural death, if there was a chance to save its life with mechanical or other medical procedures.

It's been against the law since 2002 for any doctor or hospital to KILL an aborted baby or any baby, if it were born alive.....? So why aren't these people in prison or charged in a crime if they actually killed or let a child die that had even a smidgen of a chance of living?
So Jill Stanek is a liar who has just created this fantastic story for attention or some other bizarre reason?
And more fantastic than that is your implication that if something was illegal then it just wouldn't happen. Because it isn't supposed to.

Two amazing contentions one after the other. That is incredibly mind boggling.
I have been right here. PP does valuable work in keeping people from becoming pregnant if they do not want to be. You bimbos who want to increase unwanted pregnancies frighten me, as I would rather people be given the means to avoid them, and thus cut down on abortions. Plus, your pigs cut off funding for PP's efforts for birth control. Ask that stupid whore pigpence.
Your vile rant notwithstanding Planned Parenthood are lobbyists and there is an abortionist lobby,
your stupid incredulous attitude also notwithstanding.
So these are abortions for medical purposes because the baby is going to die, no matter what, when they are born? There is no chance that any medical treatment can keep them alive??

Just seems strange that a Hospital with the name of Christ in it, would let a baby die a natural death, if there was a chance to save its life with mechanical or other medical procedures.

It's been against the law since 2002 for any doctor or hospital to KILL an aborted baby or any baby, if it were born alive.....? So why aren't these people in prison or charged in a crime if they actually killed or let a child die that had even a smidgen of a chance of living?
So Jill Stanek is a liar who has just created this fantastic story for attention or some other bizarre reason?
And more fantastic than that is your implication that if something was illegal then it just wouldn't happen. Because it isn't supposed to.

Two amazing contentions one after the other. That is incredibly mind boggling.
the 'story' is simply missing critical information... like, are these children born with health conditions that give them no chance of living beyond a couple of hours....? or are these healthy babies, of which the parent or parents wanted, but were told by the doctor, their baby to be was not going to live after birth and would die within minutes or hours of birth, with no medical treatment available to save his or her life?

I did not say she was lying.... but the story, the author of the story, left out critical details.
the 'story' is simply missing critical information... like, are these children born with health conditions that give them no chance of living beyond a couple of hours....? or are these healthy babies, of which the parent or parents wanted, but were told by the doctor, their baby to be was not going to live after birth and would die within minutes or hours of birth, with no medical treatment available to save his or her life?

I did not say she was lying.... but the story, the author of the story, left out critical details.
Or that the mother simply didn't want a child after all was said and done. She thought she did but in the end she didn't want the burden.

The term used was "live birth abortion". There doesn't seem any room there for missing critical information.
I have been right here. PP does valuable work in keeping people from becoming pregnant if they do not want to be. You bimbos who want to increase unwanted pregnancies frighten me, as I would rather people be given the means to avoid them, and thus cut down on abortions. Plus, your pigs cut off funding for PP's efforts for birth control. Ask that stupid whore pigpence.
Your vile rant notwithstanding Planned Parenthood are lobbyists and there is an abortionist lobby,
your stupid incredulous attitude also notwithstanding.

What "vile rant"? No one makes a profit by performing abortions. There is no "abortionist lobby." That people make abortions available does not involve any profit-making activity. Why are you people so enthused about creating more unwanted pregnancies in the first place? Complete sex education and assuring availability of birth control serves to greatly reduce the need for abortions? Care to explain why you are so against preventive measures? You do know what the term "preventive" means, don't you? I think that you have some sort of sex thing going on.
i dont give a damn if you are a pro choice idiot there is no excuse for this !Infanticide Hearing Witness Says Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ Where Aborted Babies Die
So these are abortions for medical purposes because the baby is going to die, no matter what, when they are born? There is no chance that any medical treatment can keep them alive??

Just seems strange that a Hospital with the name of Christ in it, would let a baby die a natural death, if there was a chance to save its life with mechanical or other medical procedures.

It's been against the law since 2002 for any doctor or hospital to KILL an aborted baby or any baby, if it were born alive.....? So why aren't these people in prison or charged in a crime if they actually killed or let a child die that had even a smidgen of a chance of living?
Not in new york.
the 'story' is simply missing critical information... like, are these children born with health conditions that give them no chance of living beyond a couple of hours....? or are these healthy babies, of which the parent or parents wanted, but were told by the doctor, their baby to be was not going to live after birth and would die within minutes or hours of birth, with no medical treatment available to save his or her life?

I did not say she was lying.... but the story, the author of the story, left out critical details.
Or that the mother simply didn't want a child after all was said and done. She thought she did but in the end she didn't want the burden.

The term used was "live birth abortion". There doesn't seem any room there for missing critical information.
There is plenty of ambiguity in that term..... and I have never heard of it before.... it explains nothing about the purpose of the abortion in the first place.... most late term abortions are done due to medical and health complications of the baby or the mother...

And an abortion is suppose to terminate the baby to be, inside the womb, so this term of live birth abortion, absolutely makes no sense??? Is she saying the doctor delivered the baby via C-section, or some other means, and the baby is born alive, with little time to live and this is what she is calling an abortion after the delivery alive?

It's all just mumbo jumbo, without knowing more facts... instead of just guessing at what this story is really all about.... can't you see that? You think it is one thing, and I think it is another thing, ALL BECAUSE of the article missing some critical facts on what this woman is even talking about....

This is a Christian Hospital, Advocate Christ Hostpital
i dont give a damn if you are a pro choice idiot there is no excuse for this !Infanticide Hearing Witness Says Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ Where Aborted Babies Die
So these are abortions for medical purposes because the baby is going to die, no matter what, when they are born? There is no chance that any medical treatment can keep them alive??

Just seems strange that a Hospital with the name of Christ in it, would let a baby die a natural death, if there was a chance to save its life with mechanical or other medical procedures.

It's been against the law since 2002 for any doctor or hospital to KILL an aborted baby or any baby, if it were born alive.....? So why aren't these people in prison or charged in a crime if they actually killed or let a child die that had even a smidgen of a chance of living?
Not in new york.
it's a federal law covering all states, you are mistaken.
There is plenty of ambiguity in that term..... and I have never heard of it before.... it explains nothing about the purpose of the abortion in the first place.... most late term abortions are done due to medical and health complications of the baby or the mother...

And an abortion is suppose to terminate the baby to be, inside the womb, so this term of live birth abortion, absolutely makes no sense??? Is she saying the doctor delivered the baby via C-section, or some other means, and the baby is born alive, with little time to live and this is what she is calling an abortion after the delivery alive?

It's all just mumbo jumbo, without knowing more facts... instead of just guessing at what this story is really all about.... can't you see that? You think it is one thing, and I think it is another thing, ALL BECAUSE of the article missing some critical facts on what this woman is even talking about....

This is a Christian Hospital, Advocate Christ Hostpital
There is no ambiguity or unclear details if you read her testimony unabridged. I suggest you educate yourself. Testimony of Jill Stanek - ClinicQuotes
Why would any reasonable person endure nine months of pregnancy only to watch the infant die? This is bogus.
Why would a reasonable person have their child's brains sucked out in a Partial Birth Abortion?

Why would Democrats support Obama when as a State Senator he argued for Post-Birth Abortion?

Why would House Democrats deny vote to stop Post-Birth Abortion 75 times?

Nobody accused parents that kill their children of being reasonable.
What "vile rant"? No one makes a profit by performing abortions. There is no "abortionist lobby." That people make abortions available does not involve any profit-making activity.
What is it about your tiny malfunctioning brain that associates "lobbying" for Planned Parenthood with making a profit?
Lobbyists do try to get all the money for the PP abortion mill they can. But that's their job.

And Planned Parenthood make their money off the aborting of babies before and after
the job is done. Selling Unborn Babies: the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research - ClinicQuotes
Lobbyists see to it that law are written in such a way so that the children who are slaughtered
stay "cash cows" all through their involvement with Planned Parenthood.

But lobbyists do not seek profit per se. That would be bad for the image of PP and it might
jeopardize the amount of money Congress is able to give to them next year.
And we can't endanger their "good work".
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What "vile rant"? No one makes a profit by performing abortions. There is no "abortionist lobby." That people make abortions available does not involve any profit-making activity.
What is it about your tiny malfunctioning brain that associates "lobbying" for Planned Parenthood with making a profit?
Lobbyists do try to get all the money for the PP abortion mill they can. But that's their job.

And Planned Parenthood make their money off the aborting of babies before and after
the job is done. Selling Unborn Babies: the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research - ClinicQuotes
Lobbyists see to it that law are written in such a way so that they children who are slaughtered
stay "cash cows" all through their involvement with Planned Parenthood.

You believe this crap?
There is plenty of ambiguity in that term..... and I have never heard of it before.... it explains nothing about the purpose of the abortion in the first place.... most late term abortions are done due to medical and health complications of the baby or the mother...

And an abortion is suppose to terminate the baby to be, inside the womb, so this term of live birth abortion, absolutely makes no sense??? Is she saying the doctor delivered the baby via C-section, or some other means, and the baby is born alive, with little time to live and this is what she is calling an abortion after the delivery alive?

It's all just mumbo jumbo, without knowing more facts... instead of just guessing at what this story is really all about.... can't you see that? You think it is one thing, and I think it is another thing, ALL BECAUSE of the article missing some critical facts on what this woman is even talking about....

This is a Christian Hospital, Advocate Christ Hostpital
There is no ambiguity or unclear details if you read her testimony unabridged. I suggest you educate yourself. Testimony of Jill Stanek - ClinicQuotes
this was 1999, 20 years ago with Jill Stanek's experience.... in 2001 or 2002 a FEDERAL born alive bill passed under GW Bush, protecting all babies born alive, even from abortion....

Oh, and Jill Stanek was wrong at the time on her assertions, the Hospital was in the right, and broke no laws... is what the review of it found....?

In April 2000, opponents of abortion rights began pushing Federal legislation known as the Federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA). The full text of the bill, HR 4292, is here.

It was "a simple two-paragraph proposal," in the words of National Right to Life Committee legislative director Douglas Johnson:

It established in black-letter law that for all federal law purposes, any baby who was entirely expelled from his or her mother, and who showed any of the specified signs of life (breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles), was to be regarded as a legal person for however long he or she lived, and that this applied whether or not the birth was the result of an abortion or of spontaneous premature labor.

A main proponent of this idea was Jill Stanek, a former delivery-room nurse at Christ Hospital and Medical Center in Oak Lawn.

As a 2001 Tribune profile explained:

[Stanek gave] frequent media interviews to criticize the hospital's rare use of labor-induced abortion.

As part of the procedure, doctors artificially deliver a fetus in the second trimester if they detect a severe abnormality that would prevent it from surviving. But the procedure can also occasionally result in fetuses living for as long as an hour outside the womb....

When she witnessed an aborted fetus with Down syndrome that survived outside the womb for 45 minutes, she alerted hospital officials, thinking something went wrong, she said.

In 1999, after consulting her pastor, she complained to the Illinois attorney general's office.

Investigators concluded that the hospital violated no state laws.

Change of Subject: What you need to know about the `Born Alive' controversy and Barack Obama

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