liberal mothers and doctors leave babies to die !

Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
are government officials slaughtering children by the millions at the border !! the handful of children that died in detention while tragic were sick before they got there !! and the coyote's kill women and children daily smuggling and raping !!
Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
anyone that worries about the rare case of a dying in border detention centers should certainly be marching and planning on voting against democrats since what they did to those 50 million unborn children over the yrs !
i have proof that is is supported upheld and vehemently defended by liberals like you !
Touche! The abortion lobby is one of the main components of the leftist beast that weeps about a single child that dies
while in an immigration holding facility but doesn't give a f*ck about the millions of children over the years who have
had their lives snuffed out by the abortion lobby.
The hypocrisy is stunning!

StemExpress CEO admits under oath to harvesting ‘intact’ aborted children
And compounding the ghoulish hypocrisy are the people who harvest the organs of the unborn for profit.
Organs from intact children are harvested and sold and in order to have an intact child it had to have been born at full term and then murdered.

The two great moral atrocities of American history have been slavery, which the left attacks just as much as it defends the other great crime against humanity, abortion.
That is schizophrenia writ large.
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The abortion lobby is mature. Abortions by demand have matured. People employed are numb to it and have no concern. Think of it as an endless war where smiling and happiness is minimized with the stench of death all around you. The tragedy of this war is that the way we act as a people in potential sexual situations can drastically reduce the need for abortions. You can see why we devalue our children now as we have given sway to individuals over the many who need protection. Thus making parenting and educating harder.

You people are making this up. I will not join in your fantasy.

Like Obama voting against the Illinois State bill called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act?

All it did was protect infants born alive from botched abortions. A nurse found a live baby thrown away from an botched abortion. Your Hussein voted against it, for infanticide.
On abortion, I can see both sides. I'm currently reading the Cider House Rules, and it is a stark portrayal of unwanted children and self rightousness. I know there are no longer orphanages, but how many of the unwanted children will end up in Foster Hell? I know a young woman who had an abortion, and she was in no position to care for a child. She wrestled with this decision for the rest of her life. On the other side, abortion shouldn't be an easy choice. It shouldn't be like punching a Subway Card. I think it is crazy to produce Bills that include third trimester abortions. I draw the line there. I think it is dishonest to say writing these bills is just about Roe v Wade. For what reason do you have to green light late term abortion to support abortion rights?
Why would any reasonable person endure nine months of pregnancy only to watch the infant die? This is bogus.
I'm sure the despicable mother lays in the other room. Thinking of what she can do without her baby painfully dying in the other room. Reminds me when Obama said, he supports abortion because he wouldn't want his daughters BURDENED with a baby. Wow, that would be his grandchild. Liberals have no soul.
Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
You do realize those children you are referring to, have it better than a lot of American kids? But Mexico is paying to keep those numbers down, and we will have 400 to 500 miles of new border fence next year! Thank you president Trump!
And you have positive proof these women are registered Democrats?
Most are, I'm not saying there isn't conservative getting an abortion. But they also aren't bragging about it.
That’s bullshit. It’s a flat out lie. What is it with your kind and the need to lie so much? Isn’t it like your against your religion? Or is it no longer considered a sin to bear false witness?
LOL. Great argument, what with your "proof" and all. Is it fun being insane? Just curious.
Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
anyone that worries about the rare case of a dying in border detention centers should certainly be marching and planning on voting against democrats since what they did to those 50 million unborn children over the yrs !

Republicans should be marching since they're the ones always obsessing about the sanctity of life and this turd in the white house goes after babies, children, and grownups if they're brown skinned and of questionable legal status, even though it's not a crime to ask for asylum.
Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
You do realize those children you are referring to, have it better than a lot of American kids? But Mexico is paying to keep those numbers down, and we will have 400 to 500 miles of new border fence next year! Thank you president Trump!

So the kids being separated from their parents at the border, many of them maybe never to see the parent again, are better off than a lot of American kids?
Any one that worries big time about a child dying or being mistreated unnecessarily should certainly be marching and planning on voting against trump since what he did to those migrants and their children at the border.
You do realize those children you are referring to, have it better than a lot of American kids? But Mexico is paying to keep those numbers down, and we will have 400 to 500 miles of new border fence next year! Thank you president Trump!

So the kids being separated from their parents at the border, many of them maybe never to see the parent again, are better off than a lot of American kids?
Lol, if they don't see them again. They weren't their parents. You're so gullible, you will believe anything.
i have proof that is is supported upheld and vehemently defended by liberals like you !
Touche! The abortion lobby is one of the main components of the leftist beast that weeps about a single child that dies
while in an immigration holding facility but doesn't give a f*ck about the millions of children over the years who have
had their lives snuffed out by the abortion lobby.
The hypocrisy is stunning!

StemExpress CEO admits under oath to harvesting ‘intact’ aborted children
And compounding the ghoulish hypocrisy are the people who harvest the organs of the unborn for profit.
Organs from intact children are harvested and sold and in order to have an intact child it had to have been born at full term and then murdered.

The two great moral atrocities of American history have been slavery, which the left attacks just as much as it defends the other great crime against humanity, abortion.
That is schizophrenia writ large.

There is an "abortion lobby"? You are nuts.

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