Liberal PC Defeatist Attitude on Terrorism: Well, We Just Have to Live With It

Sure, but only if you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without your laughable "lasting peace for Israel" happening.

Why? You're fully invested in a Trump failure, your entire identity as a fascist depends on it.

I didn't even vote for Trump, so I have no such investment in his success.

BUT I do love how he makes you NaziCrats lose your shit.
This ding-bat from BBC news claims that Eurpoean's are just going to have to learn to live with terrorism. Whatever you do don't mention the fucking obvious that immigration is one of the roots of the problem. Don't mention that "no go zones" are part of the problem. Please don't hurt anyone's little feelings. Poor Muslim terrorist. They have feelings to ya know. BULLSHIT! Acceptance of Islamic terrorism as the new norm is defeatism.
BBC Anchor Believes Europeans Have To Just 'Get Used To' Terror Attacks
The way I feel about gun violence.
If the west continues the same ME policy of the last 70 years, then yes we will just have to live with it.

Yes, because the mass murder of children is a perfectly valid response to supporting the self determination of a group of people who were almost exterminated in WW2.

Are you sure you are TheOldSchool and not TheOldMadrassa"?

There is nothing old school about your repellent views.
Cheers to 70 more years bro :beer:
This ding-bat from BBC news claims that Eurpoean's are just going to have to learn to live with terrorism. Whatever you do don't mention the fucking obvious that immigration is one of the roots of the problem. Don't mention that "no go zones" are part of the problem. Please don't hurt anyone's little feelings. Poor Muslim terrorist. They have feelings to ya know. BULLSHIT! Acceptance of Islamic terrorism as the new norm is defeatism.
BBC Anchor Believes Europeans Have To Just 'Get Used To' Terror Attacks
Nope...You have to LOVE it!
Not even kids being blown to bits will deter the left from their dumb ass appeasement of terrorists. There's a reason Dem's were known as weak on defense for decades.
Sure, but only if you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without your laughable "lasting peace for Israel" happening.

Pussy. Get back to me if you change your mind.

Hey, Trump success is failure for you. Jews living in peace is failure for you as well.
I would love Trump to succeed at creating peace and helping the U.S. Sadly, little pussy, I've never been more convinced that a lunatic who's in bed with the most evil people in the world is currently President.
This ding-bat from BBC news claims that Eurpoean's are just going to have to learn to live with terrorism. Whatever you do don't mention the fucking obvious that immigration is one of the roots of the problem. Don't mention that "no go zones" are part of the problem. Please don't hurt anyone's little feelings. Poor Muslim terrorist. They have feelings to ya know. BULLSHIT! Acceptance of Islamic terrorism as the new norm is defeatism.
BBC Anchor Believes Europeans Have To Just 'Get Used To' Terror Attacks

You don't seem to mind the "live with it "
Attitude when it comes to a mass shooting vs calls for gun control!
This ding-bat from BBC news claims that Eurpoean's are just going to have to learn to live with terrorism. Whatever you do don't mention the fucking obvious that immigration is one of the roots of the problem. Don't mention that "no go zones" are part of the problem. Please don't hurt anyone's little feelings. Poor Muslim terrorist. They have feelings to ya know. BULLSHIT! Acceptance of Islamic terrorism as the new norm is defeatism.
BBC Anchor Believes Europeans Have To Just 'Get Used To' Terror Attacks

As opposed to the right's attitude on terrorism, which is, let's make it, so we can spend loads of money fighting it and then make even more. Because we're bullies.
You are cherry picking and shifting the goal post at the same time. Bombs are banned, guns are not. Both are being used as means by people with intent for the same outcome.

well, no, actually only a very few people are killed by bombs every year, but tens of thousands are killed with guns....

Probably because the people who make things you can turn into a bomb aren't insisting crazy people have a constitutional right to own them.

joe why dont you just say you agree with the reporter in the story.....what a lame analogy....and if you want to ban guns joe....change the fucking constitution....

We don't need to change the constitution. The Militia Amendment has nothing to do with gun ownership.

And since we are never going to have a sensible discussion about why we have a "terrorism' problem, we might as well learn to "live with it".

Liberals always talk about banning guns yet they never talk about banning evil (behavior).

You mean like invading other countries and pissing the people who live there off? There's a behavior I'd like to ban.

So let's review, shall we? six years ago, the west decided it didn't like Colonel Qadafi, who was kind of a dipshit, to be fair. So we decided to back rebels trying to overthrow him. Yes, Obama went along with it after the British and French instigated the thing. So Qadafi got dragged out of a ditch and shot, and the various factions who overthrew him divided up the country.

and lo and behold, a British Citizen of Libyan Descent went over there, got radicalized, and did something horrible after seeing what the west did to his home country.
30,874 terrorist attacks in the world since 9/11

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

So what? Terrorism isn't an existential threat. Most of these attacks happen in the middle east.

Again, our Middle East policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.

You know Herr Goebbels, not importing ISIS fighters is not the same as "rounding up the Muslims," you evil lying fuck.

Except this guy wasn't "imported". He was born in the UK. Yes, the west instigating a civil war in his ancestral land probably radicalized him, or maybe he was just mentally ill.

Yes, because the mass murder of children is a perfectly valid response to supporting the self determination of a group of people who were almost exterminated in WW2.

Supporting Zionism is part of the problem, and frankly, I get a little tired of the Zionists whining "but, but, but... Hitler!"

No one said it was a "valid response". But you know what, I didn't see your concern for Children when the Zionist Entity killed hundreds of them bombing Gaza a couple of years ago.

Again, if you want to make this your policy, you should probably learn to live with the blowback.

When we supported overthrowing Qadafi six years ago, Michael Moore said, "Let's make sure we mark these guys down when they turn around and attack us in a few years." And now they have.
Not even kids being blown to bits will deter the left from their dumb ass appeasement of terrorists. There's a reason Dem's were known as weak on defense for decades.

again, this is another case of you guys creating a monster and then complaining about it when it rampages across the village.

The WEST created Al Qaeda by arming people to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. the West created ISIS by invading Iraq. The west created this joker by overthrowing Qadafi. And of course, the West creates a general animus in the whole region by supporting the Zionist Entity.

But then when a terrorist incident happens, we all get weepy that we are the "victims" here.
You are cherry picking and shifting the goal post at the same time. Bombs are banned, guns are not. Both are being used as means by people with intent for the same outcome.

well, no, actually only a very few people are killed by bombs every year, but tens of thousands are killed with guns....

Probably because the people who make things you can turn into a bomb aren't insisting crazy people have a constitutional right to own them.

joe why dont you just say you agree with the reporter in the story.....what a lame analogy....and if you want to ban guns joe....change the fucking constitution....

We don't need to change the constitution. The Militia Amendment has nothing to do with gun ownership.

And since we are never going to have a sensible discussion about why we have a "terrorism' problem, we might as well learn to "live with it".

Liberals always talk about banning guns yet they never talk about banning evil (behavior).

You mean like invading other countries and pissing the people who live there off? There's a behavior I'd like to ban.

So let's review, shall we? six years ago, the west decided it didn't like Colonel Qadafi, who was kind of a dipshit, to be fair. So we decided to back rebels trying to overthrow him. Yes, Obama went along with it after the British and French instigated the thing. So Qadafi got dragged out of a ditch and shot, and the various factions who overthrew him divided up the country.

and lo and behold, a British Citizen of Libyan Descent went over there, got radicalized, and did something horrible after seeing what the west did to his home country.

Appease, Apologize, Repeat. The only people you hold accountable in your post are the gun manufacturers and The West. You can choose to live with terrorism. In fact, Democrats should take Kerry's "Learn to Live With Terrorism" slogan and have it be a key message in '18 and '20.
You are cherry picking and shifting the goal post at the same time. Bombs are banned, guns are not. Both are being used as means by people with intent for the same outcome.

well, no, actually only a very few people are killed by bombs every year, but tens of thousands are killed with guns....

Probably because the people who make things you can turn into a bomb aren't insisting crazy people have a constitutional right to own them.

joe why dont you just say you agree with the reporter in the story.....what a lame analogy....and if you want to ban guns joe....change the fucking constitution....

We don't need to change the constitution. The Militia Amendment has nothing to do with gun ownership.

And since we are never going to have a sensible discussion about why we have a "terrorism' problem, we might as well learn to "live with it".

Liberals always talk about banning guns yet they never talk about banning evil (behavior).

You mean like invading other countries and pissing the people who live there off? There's a behavior I'd like to ban.

So let's review, shall we? six years ago, the west decided it didn't like Colonel Qadafi, who was kind of a dipshit, to be fair. So we decided to back rebels trying to overthrow him. Yes, Obama went along with it after the British and French instigated the thing. So Qadafi got dragged out of a ditch and shot, and the various factions who overthrew him divided up the country.

and lo and behold, a British Citizen of Libyan Descent went over there, got radicalized, and did something horrible after seeing what the west did to his home country.
The Militia Amendment has nothing to do with gun ownership.
the second amendment has a hell of a lot to do with gun ownership....
This ding-bat from BBC news claims that Eurpoean's are just going to have to learn to live with terrorism. Whatever you do don't mention the fucking obvious that immigration is one of the roots of the problem. Don't mention that "no go zones" are part of the problem. Please don't hurt anyone's little feelings. Poor Muslim terrorist. They have feelings to ya know. BULLSHIT! Acceptance of Islamic terrorism as the new norm is defeatism.
BBC Anchor Believes Europeans Have To Just 'Get Used To' Terror Attacks

A lack of real times of War TAX rates with the Other Peoples' Money, is the problem.

The right wing, is all talk and no action when it comes to taxes, meet for the exigency.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

When is the right wing going to, "get serious".
Sure, but only if you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without your laughable "lasting peace for Israel" happening.

Pussy. Get back to me if you change your mind.

Hey, Trump success is failure for you. Jews living in peace is failure for you as well.
I would love Trump to succeed at creating peace and helping the U.S. Sadly, little pussy, I've never been more convinced that a lunatic who's in bed with the most evil people in the world is currently President.

Trump is in bed with you democrats? :eek:
Except this guy wasn't "imported". He was born in the UK. Yes, the west instigating a civil war in his ancestral land probably radicalized him, or maybe he was just mentally ill.

Irrelevant Stalin, you lied that Trump wants to "round up Muslims." Again, stopping the immigration of ALL people from openly terrorist states is not "rounding up" anyone. You are simply lying, as you fascists do incessantly.

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