Liberal policy is unsustainable - which is why it ALWAYS leads to collapse

Census Bureau says 86 million private sector workers are supporting 148 million benefit takers...

Buried deep on the website of the U.S. Census Bureau is a number every American citizen, and especially those entrusted with public office, should know. It is 86,429,000.

That is the number of Americans who in 2012 got up every morning and went to work — in the private sector — and did it week after week after week.

These are the people who built America, and these are the people who can sustain it as a free country. The liberal media have not made them famous like the polar bear, but they are truly a threatened species.

All told, including both the welfare recipients and the non-welfare beneficiaries, there were 151,014,000 who "received benefits from one or more programs" in the fourth quarter of 2011. Subtract the 3,212,000 veterans, who served their country in the most profound way possible, and that leaves 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers.

The 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers outnumbered the 86,429,000 full-time private sector workers 1.7 to 1.

How much more can the 86,429,000 endure?

86 million Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148 million Benefit Takers

Yes, this is the reality. What are we going to do about it? Republicans want to stick their heads in the sand and hope it goes away. Well it is not going to. The world is changing and we need to grow the economy to keep up.

where the hell do you liberliars come up with this shit ?

fucking demofools are doing everything they can to stifle growth and control every American citizen from birth to death. :up:
And come back with childish insults instead of offering a single idea on how to make America better.
I have many times. We need everyone that thinks like that out of office for starters.
So that there can never again be an advocate for people other than the wealthy? So that one ideology rules the land? So that we can ignore poverty, hunger, ignorance and environmental degradation? So that we can continue to oppress the unpopular and deny rights to law abiding citizens because we find their lifestyle 'icky'? So that we can slip into authoritarian one party governance? So we can continue to flood our streets with even more gun violence?

And they say the Left calls for force.
I called for democracy, you can't read. You did prove my point however. You believe the right only supports the rich. That means you and your kind are simply too stupid to hold office and really shouldn't be voting on grown up issues.

If the far left disappeared there would still be plenty to debate, even Republicans don't all agree.

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