Liberal policy is unsustainable - which is why it ALWAYS leads to collapse

Your post indicates that you cavalierly dismiss any and all result of one's using his brains, and seem to think that you only consider sweating physical labor as "work".

Else, you are just green with envy that you never had the brains to earn money by wisely investing.

In other words, you are an elitist liberal.

Oh, so you think they should be taxed the same then? Okay.

I believe in equal opportunity, equal responsibility and equal taxation.

You believe in equal outcome, regardless of effort and ability.

But they aren't taxed the same. Investments are not taxed the same as labor even though, according to you, it's still "work". Their "work" gets taxed less than my actual physical labor and yet you think they are the same.
Perhaps it's time we insist that the 1% get off their asses and 'create' some jobs! That's why the Right wants them to be coddled and pampered. The Right heaps tax benefits on them, the right puts them on a pedestal and lauds them for taking so much of the economic pie unto themselves. Where are they now? Is that cash sitting in an off shore account doing nothing? Because if it is, it certainly isn't flowing around our economy paying taxes and investing in new job opportunities!

The villains, according to the Right, are the elderly and disabled who are demonized as 'takers'. The sector most praised by the Right is either greedy or impotent.

Yeah, how about ending all corporate tax breaks altogether. The only tax breaks you get is for each person you hire as a permanent employee. :eusa_whistle:
Man you have the worst critical thinking skills and apparently have no earthly understanding what communism even is. How is it asking for fair wages communism? It's okay with you that the mega wealthy are greedy and are reaping most of the rewards done by low wagers? It's okay with you that productivity in the lower classes has increased 2 fold since the 30s yet wages have remained flat and below inflation? It's okay with you that 95% of the income gains have gone to the top 5% of earners? Why is it justified in your mind? Asking for higher wages is not communism. I am not even close to suggesting we get rid of the wealthy class. I totally support capitalism. I just want reforms made. Why is that so treacherous to you?

Seriously dude, the mega wealthy in this country have you totally fooled.

  • First of all, you didn't say "ask for fair wages" you said "raise the wages" (ie force corporations)

  • Second, who decides what constitutes "fair wages"? You? Are you so arrogant as to believe you know what's best for America? If not you, who? Obama? Please tell me A.) what the magic number is that dictates "fair" and B.) who sets that magic number?

  • Third, who decides what constitutes "greedy"? You? Are you so arrogant as to believe you know what's best for America? If not you, who? Obama? Please tell me A.) what the magic number is that dictates "greedy" and B.) who sets that magic number? I mean, somewhere in the U.S. right now are a slew of hungry, cold, and homeless people (including children) and what are you doing about it? Spending a fortune on computers and internet service so you can hurl insults at people who have more facts and form better arguments than you. Talk about greedy! If those unfortunate people are ever empowered to decide what constitutes "greedy", you are so fucked. But hey, just keep ignoring those people as you hoard your own income you selfish hypocrite.

  • Fourth, what constitutes "reforms" in your mind? All you said in your initial post was "raise the wages" (I have bolded it in red above so that there is no confusion) but you follow that up with "I'm not asking for communism, I just want reforms" - yet you outlined no "reforms".

  • Fifth, why do you feel the need to meddle in the free market? If you don't like the wages Walmart is paying, why don't you open your own retail chain and pay the wages you want to see people paid? If you don't like the wages McDonald's is paying, why don't you open your own fast food chain and pay the wages you want to see people paid? Answer: because you are lazy. You find it easier to place a gun to the head of your fellow citizen and insist they obey you (like all communists such as Stalin & Castro) than be excited about the opportunities of the free market and make the changes you want to see by starting your own business and paying your own employees the wages you desire.
I would say I eagerly anticipate your response to these very fair questions, but we both know all we will see is your hurling more personal insults out of your frustration due to your inability to back up your very absurd position.

Yeah no shit. Raising wages is the only way to make them fair.:cuckoo:

Actually yes there is a mathematical way to determine fair wages. PRODUCTIVITY. Because productivity has doubled since the 30s and wages have remained flat, the logical solution is to double wages.

It's interesting that you are so concerned with me being objective yet you think we should just put an end to welfare. Who are YOU to decide that? Most people would agree that 1% of the top earners owning 40% of the nation's wealth is greedy.

I've already made it clear what I mean by reforms.

Don't give me this open my own business bullshit. If I did and paid my employees fairly it would not fix the over all national problem and you know it.

No matter how hard a person works, physically, that person's productivity based on physical effort is limited, because human physical capabilities are limited.

In spite the patently false claims of unionists - along with the equally false claims that due higher productivity workers deserve higher wages - productivity is increased ONLY because technological advancement, paid for the same people who pay the wages, the same people who are routinely denigrated, despised and disrespected by the same slugs who could not live without them.
Well if you think about it, it is those same far left policies that have made this planet over populated.
and yet every time the right runs things we go into a recession.
Not true and Bush didn't even run things since he had Pelosi and crew take over the national pocketbook.
[/quote]now let's address your point about overpopulation. the radical religious right wants to take away our ability to use contraception; wants to take away our ability to plan our families; wants to force women to have unwanted children;

so what were you saying about overpopulation?

or is it that we should allow children to starve to death in some insane randian nightmare??[/QUOTE]That's a lie. Opposing federal funding of contraceptives does not equate to taking birth control away. You act like we are all tethered to a government titty and can't operate otherwise.
Liberal policy is unsustainable - which is why it ALWAYS leads to collapse

Your title complains of liberal policy.

Then your post does not address liberal policy.

WEre you talking about WELFARE?

That seems to be your complaint.
Let's not forget this little gem...

"Early recipients of Social Security received more than six dollars in benefits for every dollar paid in Social Security taxes. Today and in the future, recipients will receive less than a dollar in benefits for every dollar paid in Social Security taxes"

What No One Wants to Admit About Social Security Taxes

And it is not like you own what you put in.. you die, it does not get passed on... which is why the SS system is a scam.. putting the $$ into even a savings account, you would end up better than what SS does
Perhaps it's time we insist that the 1% get off their asses and 'create' some jobs! That's why the Right wants them to be coddled and pampered. The Right heaps tax benefits on them, the right puts them on a pedestal and lauds them for taking so much of the economic pie unto themselves. Where are they now? Is that cash sitting in an off shore account doing nothing? Because if it is, it certainly isn't flowing around our economy paying taxes and investing in new job opportunities!

The villains, according to the Right, are the elderly and disabled who are demonized as 'takers'. The sector most praised by the Right is either greedy or impotent.

Yep.. you don't get what you want.. just force those evil others even more.. force, force, force... the leftist way
Perhaps it's time we insist that the 1% get off their asses and 'create' some jobs! That's why the Right wants them to be coddled and pampered. The Right heaps tax benefits on them, the right puts them on a pedestal and lauds them for taking so much of the economic pie unto themselves. Where are they now? Is that cash sitting in an off shore account doing nothing? Because if it is, it certainly isn't flowing around our economy paying taxes and investing in new job opportunities!

The villains, according to the Right, are the elderly and disabled who are demonized as 'takers'. The sector most praised by the Right is either greedy or impotent.

Yep.. you don't get what you want.. just force those evil others even more.. force, force, force... the leftist way
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.
And come back with childish insults instead of offering a single idea on how to make America better.
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.

And yet you can't explain what makes those assertions wrong.
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.
And come back with childish insults instead of offering a single idea on how to make America better.
I have many times. We need everyone that thinks like that out of office for starters.
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.

And yet you can't explain what makes those assertions wrong.
Been there done that. Pay attention or stick with the video games.
Census Bureau says 86 million private sector workers are supporting 148 million benefit takers...

Buried deep on the website of the U.S. Census Bureau is a number every American citizen, and especially those entrusted with public office, should know. It is 86,429,000.

That is the number of Americans who in 2012 got up every morning and went to work — in the private sector — and did it week after week after week.

These are the people who built America, and these are the people who can sustain it as a free country. The liberal media have not made them famous like the polar bear, but they are truly a threatened species.

All told, including both the welfare recipients and the non-welfare beneficiaries, there were 151,014,000 who "received benefits from one or more programs" in the fourth quarter of 2011. Subtract the 3,212,000 veterans, who served their country in the most profound way possible, and that leaves 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers.

The 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers outnumbered the 86,429,000 full-time private sector workers 1.7 to 1.

How much more can the 86,429,000 endure?

86 million Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148 million Benefit Takers

Yes, this is the reality. What are we going to do about it? Republicans want to stick their heads in the sand and hope it goes away. Well it is not going to. The world is changing and we need to grow the economy to keep up.

"Grow the economy" Democratic code word.

You cannot grow the economy by creating government jobs. That is not "Growing" the economy. That is taking more taxes from hard working people and hiring unemployed people to produce more roads, forests, Art exhibits, government propped up R&D programs, well you get the picture. Redistribution.
Perhaps it's time we insist that the 1% get off their asses and 'create' some jobs! That's why the Right wants them to be coddled and pampered. The Right heaps tax benefits on them, the right puts them on a pedestal and lauds them for taking so much of the economic pie unto themselves. Where are they now? Is that cash sitting in an off shore account doing nothing? Because if it is, it certainly isn't flowing around our economy paying taxes and investing in new job opportunities!

The villains, according to the Right, are the elderly and disabled who are demonized as 'takers'. The sector most praised by the Right is either greedy or impotent.

Yep.. you don't get what you want.. just force those evil others even more.. force, force, force... the leftist way
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?

Nope,... did you see me say that?? That is YOUR FABRICATION... Do I blame them from trying to take what they were FORCED to contribute to?? The problem is that it should never have been mandated to begin with. And it should be phased out. If it were so great, it would not have to be forced.. Leave it as an OPTION if you want for all I can.. take away the mandatory contribution

Safety net?? Try safety HAMMOCK.. If you want a safety net, it should be at the level of government intended.. State or lower... if the state constitution or city or county charters allow it within their laws... again, forced redistribution and forced participation... force force force, the leftist way of life

And there are jobs available... just ones that people think are beneath them because they don't want to work them or more than 1 of them... boo hoo
No, we sneer at idiotic libtards that make those assertions.
And come back with childish insults instead of offering a single idea on how to make America better.
I have many times. We need everyone that thinks like that out of office for starters.
So that there can never again be an advocate for people other than the wealthy? So that one ideology rules the land? So that we can ignore poverty, hunger, ignorance and environmental degradation? So that we can continue to oppress the unpopular and deny rights to law abiding citizens because we find their lifestyle 'icky'? So that we can slip into authoritarian one party governance? So we can continue to flood our streets with even more gun violence?

And they say the Left calls for force.
Yep.. you don't get what you want.. just force those evil others even more.. force, force, force... the leftist way
What's the Conservative way? Demonize Social Security recipients as takers? Cut the social safety net until we have more poverty and privation? Sneer at those unable to fend for themselves and say "get a job!" when there are no jobs available? Reduce the middle class until they are extinct all as a way to protect the wealthy?

Nope,... did you see me say that?? That is YOUR FABRICATION... Do I blame them from trying to take what they were FORCED to contribute to?? The problem is that it should never have been mandated to begin with. And it should be phased out. If it were so great, it would not have to be forced.. Leave it as an OPTION if you want for all I can.. take away the mandatory contribution

Safety net?? Try safety HAMMOCK.. If you want a safety net, it should be at the level of government intended.. State or lower... if the state constitution or city or county charters allow it within their laws... again, forced redistribution and forced participation... force force force, the leftist way of life

And there are jobs available... just ones that people think are beneath them because they don't want to work them or more than 1 of them... boo hoo
Each year I am called upon to support the World's Largest Military Complex. It's mandatory. I pay taxes so that we can destroy the earth several times over at the expense of housing, education, food and medical care for OUR poorest and least able citizens.

I don't see the need for such wasteful spending on an over capable military force. I do see the need of the elderly, the poor and the mentally challenged.

I see a need for government for the people. I do not demean the people for their privation.

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