Liberal preppers stock up on guns and food as fears of Trump presidency looms

Finally, some of the left wing nut jobs understand why we have the 2nd Amendment in this country....of course these fools will end up increasing our non fatal and fatal gun accident rate as they fail to actually get training for their guns....never understanding them to begin with.....but eventually they will learn why we have the Bill of Rights and the Constitution...

Good for them.....they are finally learning what they should have learned in 12 years of free public education......they are slow learners....

90 guns per 100 americans already, such a dirth, this will solve everything if we'll only horde more.

Different guns have different applications Mr. Ignorant.

I'm for everyone buying up as many as they want love, I just don't subscribe to their magical powers.
----------------------------------------------------- no one that I know claims magical powers . Ask the cops and military about magical powers and they will ignore you Fenton !!
Ha ha ha, that same usual suspects always come out on top and the average american worker always gets sodomized by the system; phuggin' phenomenal.
--------------------------------------------------------- I as an average blue collar guy had it made as an American worker same as all the guys I worked with and I am close to 70 years of age . Same goes for my parents that were born in the 20s , survived WW2 and Korea , raised 5 kids in good style owning private homes , land , cars , boats , motorcycles and all manner of material things that they wanted Fenton . Course it may be your un-American Generation that's getting fecked as you live in your parents basements and ride your skateboards and that's ok with me Fenton !!

I'm 62 my assumption laden friend, glad to hear you escaped the overall societal trend. Glad you had access to your trinkets, really love my 2011 CVO H-D Street Glide. All the best pard.
---------------------------------------- well its YOU crying that the average working guy is getting screwed and that may be but its millennials and other Obama types that are getting it and they woulda continued with the magic with the 'illary' if they had had their way Fenton . And like I say , these millennials are pretty much kept as pets in their parent basements and on Daddies healthcare Fenton !!

This has been a half century societal trajectory and has been utterly bipartisan. If you need someone to blame, by all means do so, the system runs on that.
Liberal Preppers Stock Up On Guns and Food As Fears Of Trump Presidency Looms
Colin Waugh bought a shotgun four weeks before November’s election. An unapologetic liberal, he was no fan of firearms. He had never owned one before. But Waugh, a 31-year-old from Independence, Missouri, couldn’t shake his fears of a Donald Trump presidency — and all of the chaos it could bring. He imagined hate crimes and violence waged by

And these same hypocrites as usual are the same assholes who poked fun at their friends for prepping, made fun of others wanting to stock up on whatever. Then have the nerve to say well if anything happens i'm coming to your house. Most with a brain will say on no you won't. And they are starting to prepare now LMDAO....
Preppers knew to start a looong time ago because they knew all of what is coming wasn't happening over night.
While the rest of the population still have their heads up their ass , once society goes under they will feel like a brick wall just slammed them in the face ahahah.

....In other news: Nerf Gun stocks soar!!!
Finally, some of the left wing nut jobs understand why we have the 2nd Amendment in this country....of course these fools will end up increasing our non fatal and fatal gun accident rate as they fail to actually get training for their guns....never understanding them to begin with.....but eventually they will learn why we have the Bill of Rights and the Constitution...

Good for them.....they are finally learning what they should have learned in 12 years of free public education......they are slow learners....

90 guns per 100 americans already, such a dirth, this will solve everything if we'll only horde more.

Different guns have different applications Mr. Ignorant.

I'm for everyone buying up as many as they want love, I just don't subscribe to their magical powers.
----------------------------------------------------- no one that I know claims magical powers . Ask the cops and military about magical powers and they will ignore you Fenton !!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, permitted to carry for ages padnah.
Ha ha ha, that same usual suspects always come out on top and the average american worker always gets sodomized by the system; phuggin' phenomenal.
--------------------------------------------------------- I as an average blue collar guy had it made as an American worker same as all the guys I worked with and I am close to 70 years of age . Same goes for my parents that were born in the 20s , survived WW2 and Korea , raised 5 kids in good style owning private homes , land , cars , boats , motorcycles and all manner of material things that they wanted Fenton . Course it may be your un-American Generation that's getting fecked as you live in your parents basements and ride your skateboards and that's ok with me Fenton !!

I'm 62 my assumption laden friend, glad to hear you escaped the overall societal trend. Glad you had access to your trinkets, really love my 2011 CVO H-D Street Glide. All the best pard.
---------------------------------------- well its YOU crying that the average working guy is getting screwed and that may be but its millennials and other Obama types that are getting it and they woulda continued with the magic with the 'illary' if they had had their way Fenton . And like I say , these millennials are pretty much kept as pets in their parent basements and on Daddies healthcare Fenton !!

This has been a half century societal trajectory and has been utterly bipartisan. If you need someone to blame, by all means do so, the system runs on that.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe , so YOU say and its your pet kids that are getting screwed . Course , knowing millennials as I know them they like the screwing they are getting Fenton
Ha ha ha, that same usual suspects always come out on top and the average american worker always gets sodomized by the system; phuggin' phenomenal.
--------------------------------------------------------- I as an average blue collar guy had it made as an American worker same as all the guys I worked with and I am close to 70 years of age . Same goes for my parents that were born in the 20s , survived WW2 and Korea , raised 5 kids in good style owning private homes , land , cars , boats , motorcycles and all manner of material things that they wanted Fenton . Course it may be your un-American Generation that's getting fecked as you live in your parents basements and ride your skateboards and that's ok with me Fenton !!

I'm 62 my assumption laden friend, glad to hear you escaped the overall societal trend. Glad you had access to your trinkets, really love my 2011 CVO H-D Street Glide. All the best pard.
---------------------------------------- well its YOU crying that the average working guy is getting screwed and that may be but its millennials and other Obama types that are getting it and they woulda continued with the magic with the 'illary' if they had had their way Fenton . And like I say , these millennials are pretty much kept as pets in their parent basements and on Daddies healthcare Fenton !!

This has been a half century societal trajectory and has been utterly bipartisan. If you need someone to blame, by all means do so, the system runs on that.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe , so YOU say and its your pet kids that are getting screwed . Course , knowing millennials as I know them they like the screwing they are getting Fenton

Congratulations on meeting with all american millennials, you must be exhausted.
Good news. Liberals need to arm up for what might be coming.

They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

I can only think of one war that a Republican started, and that would be after we were attacked by muslim terrorists...but going back to the Civil War...started by democrats...the democrats seem to have started or engaged us in all of them....

Well. I was trying to root the conversation in contemporary times. Two separate Iraq incursions and the Afghanistan conflict come to mind as republican war initiatives.

Liberals live off their parents.
What America Needs Is an Ambidextrous Guillotine

Preppy Progressives and Trustfundie Treehuggers
--------------------------------------------------------- I as an average blue collar guy had it made as an American worker same as all the guys I worked with and I am close to 70 years of age . Same goes for my parents that were born in the 20s , survived WW2 and Korea , raised 5 kids in good style owning private homes , land , cars , boats , motorcycles and all manner of material things that they wanted Fenton . Course it may be your un-American Generation that's getting fecked as you live in your parents basements and ride your skateboards and that's ok with me Fenton !!

I'm 62 my assumption laden friend, glad to hear you escaped the overall societal trend. Glad you had access to your trinkets, really love my 2011 CVO H-D Street Glide. All the best pard.
---------------------------------------- well its YOU crying that the average working guy is getting screwed and that may be but its millennials and other Obama types that are getting it and they woulda continued with the magic with the 'illary' if they had had their way Fenton . And like I say , these millennials are pretty much kept as pets in their parent basements and on Daddies healthcare Fenton !!

This has been a half century societal trajectory and has been utterly bipartisan. If you need someone to blame, by all means do so, the system runs on that.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe , so YOU say and its your pet kids that are getting screwed . Course , knowing millennials as I know them they like the screwing they are getting Fenton

Congratulations on meeting with all american millennials, you must be exhausted.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- many , most that I run into have a smell and an air of being un-American Fenton , its really pretty funny .
I'm 62 my assumption laden friend, glad to hear you escaped the overall societal trend. Glad you had access to your trinkets, really love my 2011 CVO H-D Street Glide. All the best pard.
---------------------------------------- well its YOU crying that the average working guy is getting screwed and that may be but its millennials and other Obama types that are getting it and they woulda continued with the magic with the 'illary' if they had had their way Fenton . And like I say , these millennials are pretty much kept as pets in their parent basements and on Daddies healthcare Fenton !!

This has been a half century societal trajectory and has been utterly bipartisan. If you need someone to blame, by all means do so, the system runs on that.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe , so YOU say and its your pet kids that are getting screwed . Course , knowing millennials as I know them they like the screwing they are getting Fenton

Congratulations on meeting with all american millennials, you must be exhausted.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- many , most that I run into have a smell and an air of being un-American Fenton , its really pretty funny .

Well as long as you have someone else to blame for everything and can tell yourself you have no responsibility for the state of your society.
where I live everything is fine for the rest of my life but thanks for your thoughts Fenton . -------------------------------- and then , millennials with their meaningless tattoos , sloppy style , pants on the ground , no USA history education , no math ability , hip hop heros . They are a disgusting generation Fenton !!
Liberal Preppers Stock Up On Guns and Food As Fears Of Trump Presidency Looms
Colin Waugh bought a shotgun four weeks before November’s election. An unapologetic liberal, he was no fan of firearms. He had never owned one before. But Waugh, a 31-year-old from Independence, Missouri, couldn’t shake his fears of a Donald Trump presidency — and all of the chaos it could bring. He imagined hate crimes and violence waged by

And these same hypocrites as usual are the same assholes who poked fun at their friends for prepping, made fun of others wanting to stock up on whatever. Then have the nerve to say well if anything happens i'm coming to your house. Most with a brain will say on no you won't. And they are starting to prepare now LMDAO....
Preppers knew to start a looong time ago because they knew all of what is coming wasn't happening over night.
While the rest of the population still have their heads up their ass , once society goes under they will feel like a brick wall just slammed them in the face ahahah.

Its not real. End Times Headlines is a fake news site.
Good news. Liberals need to arm up for what might be coming.

They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

Veterans aren't deniers of collapse though. But yeah there are a few who are dem libs but either way they started way to late. And are still fkd.

Did I misinterpret what was meant by "whats coming?" In the context of liberals arming themselves I just assumed that meant they are preparing for armed conflict with RW factions if necessary. I was just cautioning against underestimating those you consider liberals.
That "liberal" moniker is really a RW construct that ill defines a large section of the American population, many of whom who are neither liberal or conservative all the time on every issue. The Black and Hispanic communities , for instance, are both full of hidden conservatives whose daily lives are centered around Christian values. You might mistake them for liberals but generally they are not. From those ranks are veterans from every modern armed conflict since Korea. They know how to survive and how to fight. And if they join forces with inner city gangs, who are hardened combatants in their own right,
the ability to survive might take on a new dimension. That is, if only conventional warfare is waged.
Good news. Liberals need to arm up for what might be coming.

They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

I can only think of one war that a Republican started, and that would be after we were attacked by muslim terrorists...but going back to the Civil War...started by democrats...the democrats seem to have started or engaged us in all of them....

Well. I was trying to root the conversation in contemporary times. Two separate Iraq incursions and the Afghanistan conflict come to mind as republican war initiatives.

Actually, Iraq....the first time...sure. The second time sure.....but the second time was not optional.....and came after a direct attack by muslim terrorists....but all the other wars outside of separating from Britian....democrats...
"Groan," it is painful to see you struggle like that. Just face the truth and STFU
Good news. Liberals need to arm up for what might be coming.

They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

I can only think of one war that a Republican started, and that would be after we were attacked by muslim terrorists...but going back to the Civil War...started by democrats...the democrats seem to have started or engaged us in all of them....

Well. I was trying to root the conversation in contemporary times. Two separate Iraq incursions and the Afghanistan conflict come to mind as republican war initiatives.

But you still don't know wtf you are talking about because the military is overwhelmingly conservative. Liberals live off their parents.

No, you just made that assumption. I would concede that a lot of officers are likely to be RW but the NCOs and troops are probably less so. Many veterans are unionists, minorities and women. You RW nut jobs are obsessed with labeling any in those groups as liberal if they
protest when they feel their rights are being stepped on by RWers. I can't help that your misnomers confuse the issue.
So what? About 179 liberals have bought guns?!!!:eusa_dance: Dang.....better go out and get me some ammo this weekend!!:bye1:
Good news. Liberals need to arm up for what might be coming.

They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

Veterans aren't deniers of collapse though. But yeah there are a few who are dem libs but either way they started way to late. And are still fkd.

Did I misinterpret what was meant by "whats coming?" In the context of liberals arming themselves I just assumed that meant they are preparing for armed conflict with RW factions if necessary. I was just cautioning against underestimating those you consider liberals.
That "liberal" moniker is really a RW construct that ill defines a large section of the American population, many of whom who are neither liberal or conservative all the time on every issue. The Black and Hispanic communities , for instance, are both full of hidden conservatives whose daily lives are centered around Christian values. You might mistake them for liberals but generally they are not. From those ranks are veterans from every modern armed conflict since Korea. They know how to survive and how to fight. And if they join forces with inner city gangs, who are hardened combatants in their own right,
the ability to survive might take on a new dimension. That is, if only conventional warfare is waged.
------------------------------------------------------------- i think that you make a good point and your point is partly why i oppose immigration especially from third world countries . i also hate the population increase in the USA . But yep . it doesn't make any sense to me to be building the 'fifth column' that is already here in the USA JQ Public !!
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They won't make it anyway most of them are too fkn stupid to survive...

Kissinger: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations
I wouldn't say that. Many are veterans... You know...those democrats who go fight the wars republicans start.

I can only think of one war that a Republican started, and that would be after we were attacked by muslim terrorists...but going back to the Civil War...started by democrats...the democrats seem to have started or engaged us in all of them....

Well. I was trying to root the conversation in contemporary times. Two separate Iraq incursions and the Afghanistan conflict come to mind as republican war initiatives.

But you still don't know wtf you are talking about because the military is overwhelmingly conservative. Liberals live off their parents.

No, you just made that assumption. I would concede that a lot of officers are likely to be RW but the NCOs and troops are probably less so. Many veterans are unionists, minorities and women. You RW nut jobs are obsessed with labeling any in those groups as liberal if they
protest when they feel their rights are being stepped on by RWers. I can't help that your misnomers confuse the issue.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- concerning the troops , i suppose that some are in the military because its a job with a paycheck , benefits plus some may get citizenship and then import third world extended family . And then there are some that may think that eventually they will engage in combat with Americans that presently run the show . Already , years ago there are reports of Gangs in the USA military . So yeah , many may be labeled as liberal wusses but many of those liberal wusses will cut off the head of their perceived oppressors if they get the chance JQPublic !! [imo]
and some of these people that are being imported , heck , they are from the 7th century and full of Religious hate for the USA and Western world !!
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