Liberal Protest

Very strange.............Very very strange.

Perhaps I'm dumb or ignorant, but I can't figure out why there's so much protest, harsh words and violence from this election. The protest is something I'd expect elsewhere, such as from a 3rd world corrupt government. Heck, Obama himself can't help but take some shots. But even then I'd expect a cause for the effect, and I'm missing that completely.

It's all due to brainwashing.

The Democrat party has convinced their sheep that the country is liberal. Oh sure, of course there are Republicans. You know, those rich people on their yachts, those hillbillies in their pickup trucks with the gun rack on the back, living in a cabin out in the woods. But most Americans are liberal. My friends are liberals, my family is liberal, my coworkers are liberal, and everybody at Starbucks is liberal.

So when a Republican wins, it simply can't be. How could this minority of dying old white men dominate an election? There are so few of them! Most people in the country are liberal, so something must have gone wrong. Those Republicans cheated somehow!

At that point, the lying Democrat machine goes into full gear. The Democrats come up with some kind of excuse why they lost. The Democrat party can't tell their followers that Republicans and conservatives are a viable party. That would burst their bubble. So they protest, riot, and make all kinds of false claims.

Snowflakes are so stupid.

How do they buy the bullshit from the Dems when Republicans hold both houses of Congress, over 30 governorships and most state legislators.

If he country is run by snowflakes, who is voting all of these Republicans into office?

Fact is this is still a center right nation.

I know that and you know that, but they don't know that. Just like they don't know that the President doesn't have much power at all. Most of the decision making comes from Congress and the Senate. That's why they don't flip out losing leadership of the houses. They think the President is where the real power is.
Very strange.............Very very strange.

Perhaps I'm dumb or ignorant, but I can't figure out why there's so much protest, harsh words and violence from this election. The protest is something I'd expect elsewhere, such as from a 3rd world corrupt government. Heck, Obama himself can't help but take some shots. But even then I'd expect a cause for the effect, and I'm missing that completely.
The hardcore Left thought the long fight was over - that we were headed non-stop to a very politically correct, obedient Euro-social democracy - and that demographics would be the driving force that finished the job. All the people they hate so much were circling the drain and about to be marginalized forever. So it wasn't just a loss, it wasn't just a loss to a guy like Trump, it was a slap in the face.

I never thought I'd see stuff like people refusing to perform at a presidential inauguration, people telling others not to eat in their restaurant if they voted the other way, families broken up over this, the long list of simply ridiculous behaviors.

However, it's all on Trump and the GOP now. This isn't over for them, either.

The left made the tragic mistake of thinking people liked their policies, so they pushed more of them. They refused to look at the man behind the curtain during midterms. People like DumBama because of his personality--not his policies, but liberals were convinced liberal policies was what was behind his success.

History shows that liberals are usually patient people. They take in inch, then another inch later, then another inch. This time, they came at us full throttle and that's why America rejected them.

Gay marriage being forced upon states, weirdos in dresses going to our daughters bathrooms and dressing rooms in school, businesses being sued right out of business because they don't want to participate in gay weddings, Commie Care just to name a few.
Very strange.............Very very strange.

Perhaps I'm dumb or ignorant, but I can't figure out why there's so much protest, harsh words and violence from this election. The protest is something I'd expect elsewhere, such as from a 3rd world corrupt government. Heck, Obama himself can't help but take some shots. But even then I'd expect a cause for the effect, and I'm missing that completely.
The hardcore Left thought the long fight was over - that we were headed non-stop to a very politically correct, obedient Euro-social democracy - and that demographics would be the driving force that finished the job. All the people they hate so much were circling the drain and about to be marginalized forever. So it wasn't just a loss, it wasn't just a loss to a guy like Trump, it was a slap in the face.

I never thought I'd see stuff like people refusing to perform at a presidential inauguration, people telling others not to eat in their restaurant if they voted the other way, families broken up over this, the long list of simply ridiculous behaviors.

However, it's all on Trump and the GOP now. This isn't over for them, either.

The left made the tragic mistake of thinking people liked their policies, so they pushed more of them. They refused to look at the man behind the curtain during midterms. People like DumBama because of his personality--not his policies, but liberals were convinced liberal policies was what was behind his success.

History shows that liberals are usually patient people. They take in inch, then another inch later, then another inch. This time, they came at us full throttle and that's why America rejected them.

Gay marriage being forced upon states, weirdos in dresses going to our daughters bathrooms and dressing rooms in school, businesses being sued right out of business because they don't want to participate in gay weddings, Commie Care just to name a few.
Yeah, they definitely over-interpreted their "mandate", which is what partisans do.

That said, the GOP could pretty easily do the same thing. We're sure as hell gonna find out.
The Left needs to get there shit together and come up with a true moderate for 2020.

We've tried the concoction comprised of hard left socialist Democrats supported by appeasing Republicans for 10 years. Trump came in and ran against both Democrats AND Republicans and won. He knew the Republican Party establishment is weak which is why he chose to hang his hat there. Then, he also knew that Democrats were far too long catering to their elites and welfare supporters alike but ignoring self sufficient, hard working Americans in flyover country. Further, he also seized an opportunity to ask Blacks to assess "what have they got to lose" based on the results of policies from the other party. Accordingly, he thanked those that supported him for voting and those that did not support him, for staying home. Hence, a higher percentage of Blacks voted for Trump than they did McCain and Romney.
The crooked media told them that Hillary was a shoe in and they lost. Instead of venting their anger at the people in the media who deliberately misled them they direct it at the winner. It's a case of temporary insanity that is likely to become permanent. Something like PTSD.
All plausible explanations. It's more or less mass hysteria + didn't get their way + natural reactionaries. In other terms, immaturity + some level of psychosis.
It is going to be one big four year Hissy Fit by feckless half-wit pinheads & loons, and the Grievance Groups they have bought off with money borrowed from future generations of productive Americans.

You just know its going to be spectacular when they are already talking about impeaching the man before he ever takes office.

All the Heartland Americans I know are looking forward to the show to be put on by the Coastal Cocksuckers/College Snowflakes/RottingCity Coalition of Fools & Assholes.

There was one loon on here the other day who had the vapors over some White House employee Trump had of those loons with 40 or 50 thousand posts just on this board....which mean he/she has no job, and doesn't want one, and thus is a Democrat, OR has a job with the Federal Government and so has nothing to do after he/she gets bored running porn sites, and thus is a Democrat...and so gets on these political discussion boards and has Hissy Fits all day about Trump.

Wait till they get the name of a Supreme Court Nominee! Name doesn't matter. It'll be like One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest for a month on this board.

Bring on the Hissy Fits you Dumb-Ass Losers who trusted Bill Clinton's bogus craven incompetent wife. Heartland Americans are looking forward to the entertainment.

So true, MAC!!!!

They referred to him as God, the Messiah, Savior....and he produced an incomparable record of failure ....

....there is sooooo much anger they will evince to hide the hurt and embarrassment.

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