Liberal Reporter Slimes Catholic Pastor


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
All one has to do is read this guy's columns to understand he's definitely a left-winger.

WashPost Columnist Rips Catholic Pastor: Foes of Left's LGBT Agenda Should Be 'Marginalized'

By Matthew Balan | February 17, 2014

Robert McCartney slimed a Northern Virginia Catholic priest in a Sunday column in the Washington Post for his decision to end his parish's relationship with the Boy Scouts for letting openly-homosexual youth to join as scouts. McCartney blasted Father John De Celles, pastor of St. Raymond of Peñafort parish in Springfield, for his supposed "diatribes against gay behavior, liberal activists and similar targets in his weekly columns."

Read more: WashPost Columnist Rips Catholic Pastor: Foes of Left's LGBT Agenda Should Be 'Marginalized' | NewsBusters

Horrors! Father de Celles is simply abiding by his church's teachings. And that means he deserves a nasty attack like this. Typical liberal tactics. Thing it'll make the priest change his mind? I doubt it. So, next will come someone dragging the ACLU into this to take it to court – at taxpayer's $$$$.

After WWII ended, Allied interrogators questioned the surviving Nazis in an attempt to ascertain how Germany, one of the most cultivated, sophisticated, best educated, most culturally advanced nations on the continent of Europe on the first of January, 1933, could have gone so far astray. One question invariably asked was how the Nazis managed to silence what should have been the church's long, loud and strident protestations agains the Nazi's many ongoing murder programs. The surviving Nazis, almost to a man replied "It was easy. Party members came up with reports of the clergy misbehaving, usually with young men or boys, fed these stories into the party's propaganda apparatus and the church fell mute."
Michael Lawlor's, (D) serving currently as Comrade Governor Malloy's (D-CT) Undersecretary for Criminal Justice, the man directly responsible for implementing CT's draconian infringement of the Ct citizenry's Second Amendment rights, "You will surrender your weapons either to the police or to a FFA licensee or you will be arrested and charged with a felony", major legislative accomplishment before his current office was nearly getting enacted a bill which would have allowed the state to seize the Catholic Church's, and only the Catholic Church's, financial assets and revenues, a move which would have halted the church's incessant criticisms of homosexuality, an eventuality that was near and dear to Mr Lawlor's heart. Prior to becoming a legislator, Mr Lawlor received an advanced degree in Slavic languages in England then went to the Soviet Union where he was likely turned by the KGB into a Soviet agent.
Men who find their hearts racing and palms sweaty at the thought of another males exposed and accessible rectum find the church's opposition to that lifestyle vexing and usually react angrily when the church expresses its opinion.
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Well, if the Catholics are against gayness they're wrong. If they are for it, they're more wrong. An easy target for a small mind.
The only people that have had anything bad happen to them in this story are the boy scouts and the gay people who are being singled out.
Why are you conservatives attacking one party in this argument and not the other?

You're slamming the WP writer for having an opinion, but not the pastor. Why the double standard?
The only people that have had anything bad happen to them in this story are the boy scouts and the gay people who are being singled out.

Oh boo hoo, i don't support the boy scouts or the girl scouts anymore, because of gays and planned parenthood.
Why are you conservatives attacking one party in this argument and not the other?

You're slamming the WP writer for having an opinion, but not the pastor. Why the double standard?
What double standard? What did the pastor do?

I thought Catholics pastors were called priests?
Why are you conservatives attacking one party in this argument and not the other?

You're slamming the WP writer for having an opinion, but not the pastor. Why the double standard?
What double standard? What did the pastor do?

I thought Catholics pastors were called priests?

To use the OP's jargon, the pastor slimes liberals, gays, and gay rights advocates,

and he got slimed back.

Stop crying about it.
The WaPo author was right, bigots should be marginalized.

Then you should be marginalized for being bigoted against people of Catholic Faith, and Muslim Faith, and Jewish faith.

Fuck off bigot.

But I'm not bigoted against them. There is not a single right I want to see taken away from people of faith. There is not a single service or area of public accommodation I want to see them denied. There isn't a single organization I want them denied membership in.
I thought Catholics pastors were called priests?

Priest is a more generic word, it includes those with no congregations, including teachers, missionaries and a few other professionals. The head of a parish in Catholic terminology is officially the "parish priest" and his subordinate is a "curate". But, in the United States, to fit in better with the American vernacular, the terms "pastor" and "assistant pastor" or sometimes "parochial vicar" are used.
The WaPo author was right, bigots should be marginalized.

Then you should be marginalized for being bigoted against people of Catholic Faith, and Muslim Faith, and Jewish faith.

Fuck off bigot.

But I'm not bigoted against them. There is not a single right I want to see taken away from people of faith. There is not a single service or area of public accommodation I want to see them denied. There isn't a single organization I want them denied membership in.

You just want them to shut the hell up, and you DO want their right of association with who they want to associate with taken away.

Fuck off Bigot.
Priest is a more generic word, it includes those with no congregations, including teachers, missionaries and a few other professionals. The head of a parish in Catholic terminology is officially the "parish priest" and his subordinate is a "curate". But, in the United States, to fit in better with the American vernacular, the terms "pastor" and "assistant pastor" or sometimes "parochial vicar" are used.
Then you should be marginalized for being bigoted against people of Catholic Faith, and Muslim Faith, and Jewish faith.

Fuck off bigot.

But I'm not bigoted against them. There is not a single right I want to see taken away from people of faith. There is not a single service or area of public accommodation I want to see them denied. There isn't a single organization I want them denied membership in.

You just want them to shut the hell up, and you DO want their right of association with who they want to associate with taken away.

Fuck off Bigot.

Nope...don't want that either. I want some of them to stop trying to deny me equal rights or to take away those I have, but that's it.

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