Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE

Unborn are considered people if the mother intends to carry to term
They are not considered people if the mother intends to abort
Fortunately, for many children, your opinion doesn't count.
Liberals can be summed up in how Elaine Benes is in Seinfeld. Bear with me here.

If you are a Seinfeld fan you would know how Elaine Benes is "pro choice" in an episode where she attacks Poppie for his pro life stance.

In another episode all of a sudden Elaine is attacking a woman for smoking while she is pregnant. Saying how someone could smoke while pregnant and how much we know about prenatal conditions.

You understand that point? Most of those pathetic piles of pro choice crap are disgusted by women who smoke while they are pregnant. Huh, that always confuses me. I thought that is something they are suppose to celebrate. The mother is CHOOSING to do whatever she wants with HER BODY. I thought they were PRO CHOICE.

That is what they are. They are hypocrites about EVERYTHING. They shout down from their invalid moral platitudes. They are all losers and absolute cowards.
I was conservative at birth....luckily my mom thought I was a person just like your mom did....

You don't have enough education to tie my shoes, but good luck with that...

Guy, people who talk about how rich they are on message boards are like guys who talk about their penis length on message boards.

Here's the thing. If you are holding a belief from birth without questioning it, that shows a mind that doesn't really adapt.

I stopped believing in God when everyone prayed for Mom to get better and she didn't.

I stopped being a conservative when Bush gave you everything you ever wanted and caused the worst economic catastrophe in 80 years.

In short, I held a belief only up until the point it was proven not to work. When I get evidence something isn't so, I change.
Whatever....maybe you will be a 1%'er too one day....

Conservatism is a way of life, thus your inability to understand. Liberalism is an ideology, which fits you to a tee...

Babies are people, liberals said so.....
Folks die Joe. We all do it. No religion states that we don't die.

not the point I was trying to make, but okay. So why worship a Sky Pixie who won't deliver on prayers?

Oh, that's right, because if you don't, he's going to do really terrible things to you in the afterlife no one can prove exists.

The Christian God. He's Omnipotent, but really insecure.

Here's the thing- If you had someone in your life who did nothing for you, no matter how desperate you are, even if he could, but DEMANDED your unwaivering loyalty and told you how to live your life, would you keep this person in your life?

Fuck no, you'd get rid of this toxic person as fast as you possibly could.

But this is what you want in a God?
Whatever....maybe you will be a 1%'er too one day....

Conservatism is a way of life, thus your inability to understand. Liberalism is an ideology, which fits you to a tee...

Babies are people, liberals said so.....

Aborted Fetuses are medical waste.

Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome. no matter how bad they beat you, you keep making excuses for them.
Folks die Joe. We all do it. No religion states that we don't die.

not the point I was trying to make, but okay. So why worship a Sky Pixie who won't deliver on prayers?

Oh, that's right, because if you don't, he's going to do really terrible things to you in the afterlife no one can prove exists.

The Christian God. He's Omnipotent, but really insecure.

Here's the thing- If you had someone in your life who did nothing for you, no matter how desperate you are, even if he could, but DEMANDED your unwaivering loyalty and told you how to live your life, would you keep this person in your life?

Fuck no, you'd get rid of this toxic person as fast as you possibly could.

But this is what you want in a God?
Stop deflecting Joe....babies are people, liberals said so...

Now what are you going to do?
Whatever....maybe you will be a 1%'er too one day....

Conservatism is a way of life, thus your inability to understand. Liberalism is an ideology, which fits you to a tee...

Babies are people, liberals said so.....

Aborted Fetuses are medical waste.

Conservatism is like battered wife syndrome. no matter how bad they beat you, you keep making excuses for them.
Actually, they are profits to democrats....

Conservatism is a way of wouldn't understand....
Well then pardon my vitriol, sometimes I just say it wrong.

But do not mistake that for thinking I am judging you or have no feelings for those who appear lost or filled with anger.

But to decide God does not exist because death overcomes one you have asked for healing is not exactly a confirming validation that God cannot be.

It was all the evidence I needed.

The problem is you guys aren't happy believing in your magic sky man, you want to infict your stupidity on the rest of us.

This is a great example. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. But you want to make women have babies they can't afford and aren't equipped to raise because your magic sky man says it's bad.
Liberals can be summed up in how Elaine Benes is in Seinfeld. Bear with me here.

If you are a Seinfeld fan you would know how Elaine Benes is "pro choice" in an episode where she attacks Poppie for his pro life stance.

In another episode all of a sudden Elaine is attacking a woman for smoking while she is pregnant. Saying how someone could smoke while pregnant and how much we know about prenatal conditions.

You understand that point? Most of those pathetic piles of pro choice crap are disgusted by women who smoke while they are pregnant. Huh, that always confuses me. I thought that is something they are suppose to celebrate. The mother is CHOOSING to do whatever she wants with HER BODY. I thought they were PRO CHOICE.

That is what they are. They are hypocrites about EVERYTHING. They shout down from their invalid moral platitudes. They are all losers and absolute cowards.

I think you miss the point.

If you really choose to have a baby, then you do have a responsibity to not do things that will mess up that kid's life later on.

But if you choose not to, that's your own business.

That's pretty simple.
Well then pardon my vitriol, sometimes I just say it wrong.

But do not mistake that for thinking I am judging you or have no feelings for those who appear lost or filled with anger.

But to decide God does not exist because death overcomes one you have asked for healing is not exactly a confirming validation that God cannot be.

It was all the evidence I needed.

The problem is you guys aren't happy believing in your magic sky man, you want to infict your stupidity on the rest of us.

This is a great example. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. But you want to make women have babies they can't afford and aren't equipped to raise because your magic sky man says it's bad.
We just want to stop you liberals murdering people...
Liberals can be summed up in how Elaine Benes is in Seinfeld. Bear with me here.

If you are a Seinfeld fan you would know how Elaine Benes is "pro choice" in an episode where she attacks Poppie for his pro life stance.

In another episode all of a sudden Elaine is attacking a woman for smoking while she is pregnant. Saying how someone could smoke while pregnant and how much we know about prenatal conditions.

You understand that point? Most of those pathetic piles of pro choice crap are disgusted by women who smoke while they are pregnant. Huh, that always confuses me. I thought that is something they are suppose to celebrate. The mother is CHOOSING to do whatever she wants with HER BODY. I thought they were PRO CHOICE.

That is what they are. They are hypocrites about EVERYTHING. They shout down from their invalid moral platitudes. They are all losers and absolute cowards.

I think you miss the point.

If you really choose to have a baby, then you do have a responsibity to not do things that will mess up that kid's life later on.

But if you choose not to, that's your own business.

That's pretty simple.
What about the other person?
The problem is you guys aren't happy believing in your magic sky man, you want to infict your stupidity on the rest of us.

So what bothers you most is that we have a voice or a right to try to dissuade you from inflicting your stupidity upon us and others?
We just want to stop you liberals murdering people...

then you need to advocate arresting women who have abortions. Stop pussy-footing around, guy, that should be your platform.

You see, the only woman I knew who had an abortion was a Christian, Asian girl from a traditional household who wanted her boyfriend (not me) to marry her, and got an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

She wasn't a "liberal" at all. She was just a person who made bad choices.

What about the other person?

what other person? Fetuses aren't people.
Folks die Joe. We all do it. No religion states that we don't die.

not the point I was trying to make, but okay. So why worship a Sky Pixie who won't deliver on prayers?

Oh, that's right, because if you don't, he's going to do really terrible things to you in the afterlife no one can prove exists.

The Christian God. He's Omnipotent, but really insecure.

Here's the thing- If you had someone in your life who did nothing for you, no matter how desperate you are, even if he could, but DEMANDED your unwaivering loyalty and told you how to live your life, would you keep this person in your life?

Fuck no, you'd get rid of this toxic person as fast as you possibly could.

But this is what you want in a God?

Truth be told, I don't know what I want in "a" or "God". But it works for many and be it Allah, Jahova or God that's cool with me. Good, bad and ugly is life dude. I just don't see any reason to be abrasive on purpose about it.
So what bothers you most is that we have a voice or a right to try to dissuade you from inflicting your stupidity upon us and others?

Except no one is doing that. We have debates on what policies are, but they should be on PRACTICAL Matters of how effective they are, how much will they cost, and other concrete issues.

I could (and for years did) argue against abortion on a secular level. Does a fetus feel pain? Is it a good policy to have more people retiring than entering the workforce?

Then I realized that this was a bullshit issue the one percent use to get people to vote against their on economic interests and I stopped doing that.

But when you try to take rights away from people because your imaginary friend in the sky says something is bad, then you are darned right we are going to call you on it.
Truth be told, I don't know what I want in "a" or "God". But it works for many and be it Allah, Jahova or God that's cool with me. Good, bad and ugly is life dude. I just don't see any reason to be abrasive on purpose about it.

when you guys take your silly little superstitions and keep them to yourselves, THEN I will stop being abrasive about it.

But if you insist on making policies based on what God wants, then I feel it's perfectly appropriate to question you, and point out all the crazy shit that's in that book you all swear feality to but never read.

We just want to stop you liberals murdering people...

then you need to advocate arresting women who have abortions. Stop pussy-footing around, guy, that should be your platform.

You see, the only woman I knew who had an abortion was a Christian, Asian girl from a traditional household who wanted her boyfriend (not me) to marry her, and got an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

She wasn't a "liberal" at all. She was just a person who made bad choices.

What about the other person?

what other person? Fetuses aren't people.
We just want to stop you liberals murdering people...

then you need to advocate arresting women who have abortions. Stop pussy-footing around, guy, that should be your platform.

You see, the only woman I knew who had an abortion was a Christian, Asian girl from a traditional household who wanted her boyfriend (not me) to marry her, and got an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

She wasn't a "liberal" at all. She was just a person who made bad choices.

What about the other person?

what other person? Fetuses aren't people.

And here in lies the rub, your imaginary girl should have maybe been on the pill if her boyfriend did not want to use a rubber. Or she could have gone to Walmart and got her a day after pill. Abortion is marketed by you libs as birth control and that's not cool. It's used to pad bank accounts of those at planned parenthood as well as the politicians who insist on keeping it avaliable to the black and brown people who keep them in office.
Truth be told, I don't know what I want in "a" or "God". But it works for many and be it Allah, Jahova or God that's cool with me. Good, bad and ugly is life dude. I just don't see any reason to be abrasive on purpose about it.

when you guys take your silly little superstitions and keep them to yourselves, THEN I will stop being abrasive about it.

But if you insist on making policies based on what God wants, then I feel it's perfectly appropriate to question you, and point out all the crazy shit that's in that book you all swear feality to but never read.

Um, it's not like a guy has a gun to your head saying "convert or die" Joe. Calm down man.

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